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Les Aventures de la Côte des Épées est un mini-jeu introduit avec le Patch NW.10.20131211a.7 le 19 Decembre 2013. Les joueurs choisissent 4 compagnons qu'ils envoient à l'aventure avec dice-rolling challenges. Rewards include enchantments and seals.


The player is presented with a selection of adventures, one from each tier. Tiers are designed for a party of companions in a specific rank-range, and cost increasing amounts of stamina. Each adventure includes various challenges and a boss. The adventure ends at defeat of the boss, even if side-challenges were available. Losing a challenge costs health. Winning or losing a challenge puts the selected companion to rest. The rest state ends when all companions in the party have had a turn.

Type Name Rank Range Stamina Cost Rewards
Tutorial Your First Adventure 01-30 0 [Berger Damaran]
Invocation The Temple of Reflection 01-30 0 Celestial Coin timer reset
Tier 1 Tier 1 Adventures 01-05 3
Tier 2 Tier 2 Adventures 06-10 4
Tier 3 Tier 3 Adventures 11-15 5 [Seal of the Lion]
Tier 4 Tier 4 Adventures 16-20 6 [Seal of the Manticore]
Tier 5 Tier 5 Adventures 21-25 8 [Seal of the Pegasus]
Tier 6 Tier 6 Adventures 26-30 10 [Seal of the Unicorn], [Lightfoot Thief]
Call to Arms! Storm the Keep 06-30 4 [Medallion of Battle]
Call to Arms! Orc Assault 06-30 4 [Medallion of Battle]
Call to Arms! Defend the Temple 06-30 4 [Medallion of Battle]
Call to Arms! Battle for the Bridge 06-30 4 [Medallion of Battle]
Call to Arms! Garrundar the Vile 06-30 4 [Medallion of Battle]
Call to Arms! Gate Crashers 06-30 4 [Medallion of Battle]
Special Event Winter Festival of Simril 11-30 4 [Light of Simril], [Winterkill Emblem], [Ring of Lights]
Special Event The Protector's Speech 06-30 4 [Neverwinter Renown]


Récompense quotidienne[]

Il est possible de lancer un dé à vingt faces une fois par jour et par personnage. La récompense varie selon le nombre donné par le dé.

Nombre obtenu Récompense
01 to 05 CuivreCopper
06 to 10 [Tome d'Experience de Companion]
11 to 13 un équipement recherché ou rare non identifié
14 to 20 [Sword Coast Potion Pouch]
[Sword Coast Profession Pouch], [Sword Coast Profession Bag]
[Sword Coast Refinement Pouch], [Sword Coast Refinement Bag], [Sword Coast Refinement Sack]

Événements du jour[]

Chaque jour de la semaine, terminer une quête avec ses compagnon donne une récompense supplémentaire.

Jour Récompense Description
Lundi Or Terminer une des aventures paliers de 1 à 6 donne de l'or.
Mardi Resources de Profession Terminer une des aventures paliers de 3 à 6 donne des ressources de profession.
Mercredi Diamants Astraux Terminer une des aventures paliers de 3 à 6 donne des diamants astraux.
Jeudi Sceaux Terminer une des aventures paliers de 3 à 6 donne des sceaux.
Vendredi XP de Compagnon Terminer une des aventures paliers de 1 à 6 donne de l’expérience de compagnon supplémentaire.

Il n'y a pas de récompense le weekend.


All companions have a base set of 6 Dragonling Bone dice. Additional dice depend on the companion's rank.

  • MagicMagic, PerceptionPerception, ThieveryThievery, CombatCombat, Icons Companion Rune WildWild
  • Token (4-sided), Favor (6-sided), Grace (8-sided), Boon (10-sided), Will (12-sided)
Name Faces
1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-12
Dragonling Bone Magic Perception Thievery
Combat Combat2 Combat3
Token Favor Grace Boon Will
Kossuth Magic Magic Magic2 Magic2 Magic/Combat3 Icons Companion Rune Wild
Combat3 Combat3 Combat6 Combat6 Magic/Combat3 Icons Companion Rune Wild
Tempus Perception Perception Perception2 Perception2 Perception/Combat3 Icons Companion Rune Wild
Combat3 Combat3 Combat6 Combat6 Perception/Combat3 Icons Companion Rune Wild
Lolth Thievery Thievery Thievery2 Thievery2 Thievery/Combat3 Icons Companion Rune Wild
Combat3 Combat3 Combat6 Combat6 Thievery/Combat3 Icons Companion Rune Wild
Tyr Magic Magic Magic2 Magic2 Magic/Perception Icons Companion Rune Wild
Perception Perception Perception2 Perception2 Magic/Perception Icons Companion Rune Wild
Oghma Magic Magic Magic2 Magic2 Magic/Thievery Icons Companion Rune Wild
Thievery Thievery Thievery2 Thievery2 Magic/Thievery Icons Companion Rune Wild
Shar Perception Perception Perception2 Perception2 Perception/Thievery Icons Companion Rune Wild
Thievery Thievery Thievery2 Thievery2 Perception/Thievery Icons Companion Rune Wild

Dice Progression[]

Power Die 1 Power Die 2 Power Die 3 Power Die 4
Tier 1
1 Token (4)
2 Token (4)
3 Token (4)
4 Token (4)
5 Token (4)
Tier 2
6 Favor (6)
7 Favor (6)
8 Favor (6)
9 Favor (6)
10 Favor (6)
Tier 3
11 Favor (6) Token (4)
12 Favor (6) Token (4)
13 Favor (6) Token (4)
14 Favor (6) Token (4)
15 Favor (6) Token (4)
Tier 4
16 Favor (6) Favor (6)
17 Grace (8) Favor (6)
18 Grace (8) Favor (6)
19 Grace (8) Favor (6)
20 Grace (8) Grace (8)
Tier 5
21 Grace (8) Grace (8) Favor (6)
22 Grace (8) Grace (8) Grace (8)
23 Boon (10) Grace (8) Grace (8)
24 Boon (10) Boon (10) Grace (8)
25 Boon (10) Boon (10) Boon (10)
Tier 6
26 Boon (10) Boon (10) Boon (10) Boon (10)
27 Will (12) Boon (10) Boon (10) Boon (10)
28 Will (12) Will (12) Boon (10) Boon (10)
29 Will (12) Will (12) Will (12) Boon (10)
30 Will (12) Will (12) Will (12) Will (12)


Companion Power Die 1
(Rank 1)
Power Die 2
(Rank 11)
Power Die 3
(Rank 21)
Power Die 4
(Rank 26)
Magic Perception Thievery Combat
[Cleric Disciple] Tyr MagicPerception Kossuth MagicCombat Oghma MagicThievery Tyr MagicPerception 4 2 1 1
[Con Artist] Oghma MagicThievery Lolth ThieveryCombat Oghma MagicThievery Shar PerceptionThievery 2 1 4 1
[Damaran Shepherd] Tempus PerceptionCombat Shar PerceptionThievery Tyr MagicPerception Lolth ThieveryCombat 1 3 2 2
[Dog] Shar PerceptionThievery Tempus PerceptionCombat Lolth ThieveryCombat Oghma MagicThievery 1 2 3 2
[Man at Arms] Tempus PerceptionCombat Tempus PerceptionCombat Shar PerceptionThievery Tempus PerceptionCombat 0 4 1 3
[Sellsword] Lolth ThieveryCombat Shar PerceptionThievery Kossuth MagicCombat Lolth ThieveryCombat 1 1 3 3
[Shieldmaiden] Tempus PerceptionCombat Lolth ThieveryCombat Tempus PerceptionCombat Tempus PerceptionCombat 0 3 1 4
[Skeletal Dog] Shar PerceptionThievery Kossuth MagicCombat Shar PerceptionThievery Kossuth MagicCombat 2 2 2 2
[Wayward Wizard] Kossuth MagicCombat Tyr MagicPerception Oghma MagicThievery Kossuth MagicCombat 4 1 1 2
[Archmage's Apprentice] Tyr MagicPerception Kossuth MagicCombat Oghma MagicThievery Kossuth MagicCombat 4 1 1 2
[Armored Orc Wolf] Tempus PerceptionCombat Lolth ThieveryCombat Tempus PerceptionCombat Lolth ThieveryCombat 0 2 2 4
[Blink Dog] Oghma MagicThievery Kossuth MagicCombat Tyr MagicPerception Oghma MagicThievery 4 1 2 1
[Boar] Tempus PerceptionCombat Lolth ThieveryCombat Shar PerceptionThievery Tempus PerceptionCombat 0 3 2 3
[Cave Bear] Tempus PerceptionCombat Lolth ThieveryCombat Tempus PerceptionCombat Tempus PerceptionCombat 0 3 1 4
[Cold Iron Warrior] Lolth ThieveryCombat Tempus PerceptionCombat Oghma MagicThievery Kossuth MagicCombat 2 1 2 3
[Duergar Guard] Kossuth MagicCombat Shar PerceptionThievery Lolth ThieveryCombat Kossuth MagicCombat 2 1 2 3
[Faithful Initiate] Tyr MagicPerception Oghma MagicThievery Oghma MagicThievery Kossuth MagicCombat 4 1 2 1
[Fawn of Shiallia] Tyr MagicPerception Oghma MagicThievery Shar PerceptionThievery Kossuth MagicCombat 3 2 2 1
[Flame Sprite] Shar PerceptionThievery Tyr MagicPerception Tyr MagicPerception Shar PerceptionThievery 2 4 2 0
[Frost Mimic] Lolth ThieveryCombat Tempus PerceptionCombat Tempus PerceptionCombat Shar PerceptionThievery 0 3 2 3
[Green Slime] Lolth ThieveryCombat Tempus PerceptionCombat Shar PerceptionThievery Shar PerceptionThievery 0 3 3 2
[Hawk] Shar PerceptionThievery Lolth ThieveryCombat Shar PerceptionThievery Tyr MagicPerception 1 3 3 1
[Helmite Paladin Ghost] Oghma MagicThievery Kossuth MagicCombat Tyr MagicPerception Tempus PerceptionCombat 3 2 1 2
[Intellect Devourer] Shar PerceptionThievery Tyr MagicPerception Kossuth MagicCombat Tempus PerceptionCombat 2 3 1 2
[Ioun Stone of Might] Tyr MagicPerception Shar PerceptionThievery Kossuth MagicCombat Tempus PerceptionCombat 2 3 1 2
[Ioun Stone of Radiance] Kossuth MagicCombat Tyr MagicPerception Oghma MagicThievery Lolth ThieveryCombat 3 1 2 2
[Lizardfolk Shaman] Tyr MagicPerception Tempus PerceptionCombat Kossuth MagicCombat Lolth ThieveryCombat 2 2 1 3
[Mercenary] Lolth ThieveryCombat Shar PerceptionThievery Lolth ThieveryCombat Tempus PerceptionCombat 0 2 3 3
[Moonshae Druid] Kossuth MagicCombat Oghma MagicThievery Kossuth MagicCombat Kossuth MagicCombat 4 0 1 3
[Mystagogue] Oghma MagicThievery Kossuth MagicCombat Tyr MagicPerception Oghma MagicThievery 4 1 2 1
[Pig] Lolth ThieveryCombat Tempus PerceptionCombat Shar PerceptionThievery Shar PerceptionThievery 0 3 3 2
[Portal Hound] Kossuth MagicCombat Tyr MagicPerception Tyr MagicPerception Lolth ThieveryCombat 3 2 1 2
[Quickling] Tyr MagicPerception Oghma MagicThievery Kossuth MagicCombat Oghma MagicThievery 4 1 2 1
[Rebel Mercenary] Lolth ThieveryCombat Shar PerceptionThievery Tempus PerceptionCombat Tyr MagicPerception 1 3 2 2
[Renegade Evoker] Kossuth MagicCombat Oghma MagicThievery Kossuth MagicCombat Kossuth MagicCombat 4 0 1 3
[Renegade Illusionist] Tyr MagicPerception Kossuth MagicCombat Oghma MagicThievery Oghma MagicThievery 4 1 2 1
[Skeleton] Tempus PerceptionCombat Oghma MagicThievery Lolth ThieveryCombat Kossuth MagicCombat 2 1 2 3
This information from the preview server may change significantly before it is introduced into the game. [Snow Leopard] Lolth ThieveryCombat Oghma MagicThievery Shar PerceptionThievery Tempus PerceptionCombat 1 2 3 2
[Storm Rider] Kossuth MagicCombat Tempus PerceptionCombat Tyr MagicPerception Oghma MagicThievery 3 2 1 2
[Swashbuckler] Oghma MagicThievery Oghma MagicThievery Lolth ThieveryCombat Shar PerceptionThievery 2 1 4 1
[Traveling Entertainer] Tempus PerceptionCombat Tyr MagicPerception Tyr MagicPerception Oghma MagicThievery 3 3 1 1
[Wild Hunt Rider] Lolth ThieveryCombat Oghma MagicThievery Shar PerceptionThievery Tempus PerceptionCombat 1 2 3 2
[Wolf] Shar PerceptionThievery Tempus PerceptionCombat Lolth ThieveryCombat Lolth ThieveryCombat 0 2 3 3
[Young Yeti] Kossuth MagicCombat Tempus PerceptionCombat Lolth ThieveryCombat Tyr MagicPerception 2 2 1 3
[Acolyte of Kelemvor] Tyr MagicPerception Kossuth MagicCombat Oghma MagicThievery Kossuth MagicCombat 4 1 1 2
This information from the preview server may change significantly before it is introduced into the game. [Astral Deva] Oghma MagicThievery Kossuth MagicCombat Tempus PerceptionCombat Kossuth MagicCombat 3 1 1 3
[Blacksmith] Tempus PerceptionCombat Shar PerceptionThievery Lolth ThieveryCombat Lolth ThieveryCombat 0 2 3 3
[Cantankerous Mage] Tyr MagicPerception Oghma MagicThievery Kossuth MagicCombat Kossuth MagicCombat 4 1 1 2
[Cat] Lolth ThieveryCombat Tyr MagicPerception Shar PerceptionThievery Oghma MagicThievery 2 2 3 1
[Dancing Blade] Shar PerceptionThievery Tyr MagicPerception Kossuth MagicCombat Oghma MagicThievery 3 2 2 1
[Dancing Shield] Tempus PerceptionCombat Oghma MagicThievery Tyr MagicPerception Tyr MagicPerception 3 3 1 1
[Dread Warrior] Kossuth MagicCombat Shar PerceptionThievery Tempus PerceptionCombat Lolth ThieveryCombat 1 2 2 3
[Fey Panther] Lolth ThieveryCombat Shar PerceptionThievery Tyr MagicPerception Kossuth MagicCombat 2 2 2 2
[Ghost] Shar PerceptionThievery Kossuth MagicCombat Lolth ThieveryCombat Tyr MagicPerception 2 2 2 2
[Hunting Hawk] Lolth ThieveryCombat Shar PerceptionThievery Lolth ThieveryCombat Shar PerceptionThievery 0 2 4 2
[Ioun Stone of Allure] Oghma MagicThievery Shar PerceptionThievery Tyr MagicPerception Shar PerceptionThievery 2 3 3 0
[Jagged Dancing Blade] Lolth ThieveryCombat Tempus PerceptionCombat Tempus PerceptionCombat Tyr MagicPerception 1 3 1 3
[Leprechaun] Oghma MagicThievery Kossuth MagicCombat Shar PerceptionThievery Oghma MagicThievery 3 1 3 1
[Lightfoot Thief] Oghma MagicThievery Lolth ThieveryCombat Shar PerceptionThievery Shar PerceptionThievery 1 2 4 1
[Neverember Guard] Tempus PerceptionCombat Tempus PerceptionCombat Tempus PerceptionCombat Shar PerceptionThievery 0 4 1 3
[Phase Spider] Oghma MagicThievery Kossuth MagicCombat Shar PerceptionThievery Kossuth MagicCombat 3 1 2 2
[Slyblade Kobold] Lolth ThieveryCombat Oghma MagicThievery Lolth ThieveryCombat Shar PerceptionThievery 1 1 4 2
[Tomb Spider] Tyr MagicPerception Shar PerceptionThievery Kossuth MagicCombat Oghma MagicThievery 3 2 2 1
[War Dog] Shar PerceptionThievery Tempus PerceptionCombat Lolth ThieveryCombat Tempus PerceptionCombat 0 3 2 3
[Wererat Thief] Shar PerceptionThievery Lolth ThieveryCombat Lolth ThieveryCombat Shar PerceptionThievery 0 2 4 2
[Alchemist Experimenter] Tyr MagicPerception Kossuth MagicCombat Oghma MagicThievery Oghma MagicThievery 4 1 2 1
[Angel of Protection] Kossuth MagicCombat Tyr MagicPerception Kossuth MagicCombat Tyr MagicPerception 4 2 0 2
[Aranea] Kossuth MagicCombat Tyr MagicPerception Oghma MagicThievery Tyr MagicPerception 4 2 1 1
[Black Ice Ioun Stone] Oghma MagicThievery Tyr MagicPerception Lolth ThieveryCombat Kossuth MagicCombat 3 1 2 2
[Book Imp] Oghma MagicThievery Oghma MagicThievery Lolth ThieveryCombat Lolth ThieveryCombat 2 0 4 2
[Chicken] Shar PerceptionThievery Tempus PerceptionCombat Kossuth MagicCombat Tyr MagicPerception 2 3 1 2
[Cockatrice] Shar PerceptionThievery Tempus PerceptionCombat Tyr MagicPerception Tempus PerceptionCombat 1 4 1 2
[Fire Archon] Kossuth MagicCombat Tyr MagicPerception Oghma MagicThievery Lolth ThieveryCombat 3 1 2 2
[Galeb Duhr] Kossuth MagicCombat Lolth ThieveryCombat Tempus PerceptionCombat Tempus PerceptionCombat 1 2 1 4
[Honey Badger] Tempus PerceptionCombat Lolth ThieveryCombat Shar PerceptionThievery Tempus PerceptionCombat 0 3 2 3
[Icosahedron Ioun Stone] Shar PerceptionThievery Oghma MagicThievery Lolth ThieveryCombat Tyr MagicPerception 2 2 3 1
[Laughing Skull] Kossuth MagicCombat Lolth ThieveryCombat Tyr MagicPerception Tyr MagicPerception 3 2 1 2
[Lillend] Tyr MagicPerception Oghma MagicThievery Kossuth MagicCombat Tyr MagicPerception 4 2 1 1
[Mystic Phoera] Tyr MagicPerception Oghma MagicThievery Oghma MagicThievery Tyr MagicPerception 4 2 2 0
[Owl] Tyr MagicPerception Shar PerceptionThievery Tempus PerceptionCombat Oghma MagicThievery 2 3 2 1
[Panther] Lolth ThieveryCombat Tempus PerceptionCombat Oghma MagicThievery Shar PerceptionThievery 1 2 3 2
[Phoera] Tyr MagicPerception Tyr MagicPerception Oghma MagicThievery Kossuth MagicCombat 4 2 1 1
[Pseudodragon] Kossuth MagicCombat Tyr MagicPerception Tempus PerceptionCombat Lolth ThieveryCombat 2 2 1 3
[Rust Monster] Shar PerceptionThievery Kossuth MagicCombat Tyr MagicPerception Lolth ThieveryCombat 2 2 2 2
[Sprite] Shar PerceptionThievery Tyr MagicPerception Tyr MagicPerception Shar PerceptionThievery 2 4 2 0
[Sylph] Oghma MagicThievery Tyr MagicPerception Kossuth MagicCombat Oghma MagicThievery 4 1 2 1
[Vicious Dire Wolf] Lolth ThieveryCombat Shar PerceptionThievery Tempus PerceptionCombat Lolth ThieveryCombat 0 2 3 3
[Will-O'-Wisp] Oghma MagicThievery Lolth ThieveryCombat Kossuth MagicCombat Tyr MagicPerception 3 1 2 2

External Links[]