Adamant Plate is a resource used in Forgotten Masterwork Professions tasks. The quest Step up to the Plate (Platesmithing) requires 4x Adamant Plate. It can be obtained from a Masterwork Platesmithing Task, or bought at a Bloomery.
Adamant Plate
A resource used in masterwork crafting tasks.
A sheet of adamant possessing both exceptional hardness and resistance to shattering due largely to its amazing uniformity.
No Level Requirement
Forgotten Masterwork Alchemy[]
Level Req. | Rarity | Icon | Name | Requires / Consumes | Opt. Asset | Time | Produces (Tier 1-3) | Prof. XP | Prof. XP per Hour |
25 | Common | Make Hardsand | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 3h | Tier 1:Tier 2: [Hardsand] Tier 3:5x [Hardsand]
None | - |
Masterwork Mailsmithing[]
Level Req. | Rarity | Icon | Name | Requires / Consumes | Opt. Asset | Time | Produces (Tier 1-3) | Prof. XP | Prof. XP per Hour |
25 | Common | Adamant Assault Greaves | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2: 2x [Adamant Scales] Tier 3:
None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Assault Sallet | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Assault Scalemail | Requires:Consumes: 3x [Adamant Plate], 2x [Adamant Scales], 2x [Adamant Rivets], 2x [Cashmere], [Lacquered Aberrant Leather]
3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Assault Vambraces | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2: 2x [Adamant Scales] Tier 3:
None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Duelist Greaves | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2: 2x [Adamant Scales] Tier 3:
None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Duelist Sallet | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Duelist Scalemail | Requires:Consumes: 3x [Adamant Plate], 2x [Adamant Scales], 2x [Adamant Rivets], 2x [Cashmere], [Lacquered Aberrant Leather]
3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Duelist Vambraces | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2: 2x [Adamant Scales] Tier 3:
None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Gladiator Greaves | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2: 2x [Adamant Scales] Tier 3:
None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Gladiator Sallet | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Gladiator Scalemail | Requires:Consumes: 3x [Adamant Plate], 2x [Adamant Scales], 2x [Adamant Rivets], 2x [Cashmere], [Lined Aberrant Leather]
3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Gladiator Vambraces | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2: 2x [Adamant Scales] Tier 3:
None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Raid Greaves | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2: 2x [Adamant Scales] Tier 3:
None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Raid Sallet | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Raid Scalemail | Requires:Consumes: 3x [Adamant Plate], 2x [Adamant Scales], 2x [Adamant Rivets], 2x [Cashmere], [Lined Aberrant Leather]
3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Raid Vambraces | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2: 2x [Adamant Scales] Tier 3:
None | - |
Masterwork Platesmithing[]
Level Req. | Rarity | Icon | Name | Requires / Consumes | Opt. Asset | Time | Produces (Tier 1-3) | Prof. XP | Prof. XP per Hour |
25 | Common | Forge Adamant Plate | Requires:Consumes: | 2x Person or Tool | 3h | Tier 1: 3x [Adamantine Plates] Tier 2:Tier 3:
None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Trap Door | Requires:Consumes: | 2x Person or Tool | 3h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Duelist Breastplate | Requires:Consumes: 5x [Adamant Plate], 2x [Adamant Rivets], [Adamant Rings], [Lacquered Aberrant Leather], 2x [Cashmere]
3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Duelist Gauntlets | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Duelist Helm | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Duelist Sabatons | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Gladiator Armet | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Gladiator Breastplate | Requires:Consumes: 5x [Adamant Plate], 2x [Adamant Rivets], [Magicked Enamel], 2x [Cashmere], [Lacquered Aberrant Leather]
3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Gladiator Couters | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Gladiator Cuirass | Requires:Consumes: 5x [Adamant Plate], 2x [Adamant Rivets], [Magicked Enamel], 2x [Samite], [Lacquered Aberrant Leather]
3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Gladiator Gauntlets | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Gladiator Helm | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Gladiator Poleyns | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Gladiator Sabatons | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Medic Armet | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Medic Couters | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Medic Cuirass | Requires:Consumes: 5x [Adamant Plate], 2x [Adamant Rivets], [Cashmere Spellthread], [Lacquered Aberrant Leather], 2x [Samite]
3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Medic Poleyns | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Raid Breastplate | Requires:Consumes: 5x [Adamant Plate], 2x [Adamant Rivets], [Adamant Rings], [Lacquered Aberrant Leather], 2x [Cashmere]
3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Raid Gauntlets | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Raid Helm | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Raid Sabatons | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Restoration Armet | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Restoration Couters | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Restoration Cuirass | Requires:Consumes: 5x [Adamant Plate], 2x [Adamant Rivets], [Cashmere Spellthread], [Lacquered Aberrant Leather], 2x [Samite]
3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Restoration Poleyns | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Ward Armet | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Ward Breastplate | Requires:Consumes: 5x [Adamant Plate], 2x [Adamant Rivets], [Magicked Enamel], 2x [Cashmere], [Lacquered Aberrant Leather]
3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Ward Couters | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Ward Cuirass | Requires:Consumes: 5x [Adamant Plate], 2x [Adamant Rivets], [Magicked Enamel], 2x [Samite], [Lacquered Aberrant Leather]
3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Ward Gauntlets | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Ward Helm | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Ward Poleyns | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Adamant Ward Sabatons | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - |
Masterwork Weaponsmithing[]
Level Req. | Rarity | Icon | Name | Requires / Consumes | Opt. Asset | Time | Produces (Tier 1-3) | Prof. XP | Prof. XP per Hour |
25 | Common | Stronghold Guardian's Armaments | Requires:Consumes: 4x [Adamant Plate], [Laminated Adamant Blade], 3x [Adamant Ingot], 3x [Lacquered Ebony], [Lacquered Aberrant Leather]
3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Stronghold Paladin's Armaments | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 1h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - |