Adamant Wire is a resource used in Forgotten Masterwork Professions tasks. The quest Down to the Wire (Mailsmithing) requires 12x Adamant Wire. It can be obtained from a Masterwork Mailsmithing Task, or bought at a Bloomery.
Adamant Wire
A resource used in masterwork crafting tasks.
Pure adamant is too brittle too be drawn out into wire, but when alloyed with molybdenum, the result is spectacularly durable.
No Level Requirement
Masterwork Mailsmithing Tasks[]
Level Req. | Rarity | Icon | Name | Requires / Consumes | Opt. Asset | Time | Produces (Tier 1-3) | Prof. XP | Prof. XP per Hour |
25 | Common | Draw Adamant Wire | Requires:Consumes: | 2x Person or Tool | 3h | Tier 1: 3x [Adamant Ore] Tier 2:Tier 3:
None | - | |
25 | Common | Rivet Adamant Rings | Requires:Consumes: | 2x Person or Tool | 3h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - | |
25 | Common | Cut Adamant Scales | Requires:Consumes: | 2x Person or Tool | 3h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: | None | - |