Neverwinter Wiki
An Unlikely Alliance
Level: 60
Preceded by: Emerald Enclave Report: Cult of the Dragon, Illithid Enclave
Followed by: A Sign of Good Faith
Given by: Shay Cutter
Starts in: Protector's Enclave
Also occurs in: {{{locations}}}
Ends in: Whispering Caverns
Turn in to: Drann Barrow
Rewards: 604 XP
2 Silver 21 Copper
Duration: {{{duration}}}

An Unlikely Alliance is an introductory quest that sends players to the Whispering Caverns to continue the Tyranny of Dragons Campaign with the Zhentarim. It becomes available after a player has completed the previous portion of the campaign involving the Emerald Enclave in Rothé Valley.

The XP and Copper rewards for this quest scale with level. The rewards shown on this page are those given to a Level 70 character.


  • Talk to Drann Barrow in the Whispering Caverns


Shay Cutter
You seem surprised to see a member of the Zhentarim associating with such... ethical... people. My work takes me where the Zhentarim's interests lie and currently those interests are best served by participating in this little alliance of convenience.

The growing power of the Cult of the Dragon threatens all of us, the stability of the entire Sword Coast, and possibly more. Specifically, the Cult's operations in Whispering Caverns have place the Zhentarim in a difficult diplomatic situation that could lead to outright war with the Drow.

I can so no more here -- too many suspicious ears -- but I ask you to speak to my associate Drann Barrow in Whispering caverns and give him what assistance you can.


  • Talk to Drann Barrow in the Whispering Caverns


Drann Barrow
So, you're the one they sent. No doubt you've been told to treat me with caution. I assure, I am in earnest. The Cult of the Dragon are up to something big, and I believe they need to be stopped.