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Neverwinter Wiki
Anointed Action
Module: Maybe earlier than module 16
Class: Devoted Cleric
Paragon Path: Anointed Champion
Unlocks: Unlocks at level {{{level}}}
Power Points:
Tier: 7
Max Rank: {{{maxrank}}}
Race: [[]]
Power Type: Class Feature
Stance: unknown
Alternative power: unknown
Damage: {{{damage}}}
Damage type: {{{damagetype}}} Damage
Healing: {{{heal}}}
Range: Personal
Area of Effect: {{{aoe}}}
Cooldown: {{{cooldown}}}
Description: Whenever you activate a daily power,, increase your damage dealt by 4% and decrease your damage taken by 4% for 6 seconds.
Unlocks: Unlocks at rank {{{unlock}}}
Campaign: unknown
Requires: {{{requires}}}
Cleric Classfeature Anointedaction

Anointed Action is a Devoted Cleric Class Feature available after 30 Power Points are spent. It is only available to Devoted Clerics who chose the Anointed Champion paragon path.


Anointed Action
Class Feature

Whenever you activate a daily power,, increase your damage dealt by 4% and decrease your damage taken by 4% for 6 seconds.

Rank 2
Damage Dealt: +4%
Damage Taken: +4%

Rank 3

Damage Dealt: +4%
Damage Taken: +4%

Rank 4

Damage Dealt: +4%
Damage Taken: +4%