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Anointed Army
Module: Maybe earlier than module 16
Class: Devoted Cleric
Paragon Path: Anointed Champion
Unlocks: Unlocks at level {{{level}}}
Power Points:
Tier: 11
Max Rank: {{{maxrank}}}
Race: [[]]
Power Type: Daily Power
Stance: unknown
Alternative power: unknown
Radiant Damage: {{{damage}}}
Damage type: Radiant Damage
Healing: {{{heal}}}
Range: Personal
Area of Effect: 25' Burst
Cooldown: {{{cooldown}}}
Description: Deal radiant damage to nearby enemies. Grant yourself and nearby allies 1 stack of anointed army for 10 seconds, reduce each target's damage taken by 20% of their maximum hit points and increase each target's power by 33% of your power. Whenever an affected target is dealt damage grant that target 2% of their maximum hit points as temporary hit points and remove a stack of anointed army.
Unlocks: Unlocks at rank {{{unlock}}}
Campaign: unknown
Requires: {{{requires}}}
Cleric Daily Anointedarmy

Anointed Army is a Devoted Cleric Daily Power from the Anointed Champion Paragon Path. It becomes available upon spending at least 50 Power Points.


Anointed Army
25' Burst
Radiant Damage

Deal radiant damage to nearby enemies. Grant yourself and nearby allies 1 stack of anointed army for 10 seconds, reduce each target's damage taken by 20% of their maximum hit points and increase each target's power by 33% of your power. Whenever an affected target is dealt damage grant that target 2% of their maximum hit points as temporary hit points and remove a stack of anointed army.

Rank 2
Damage: +10%
Stacks Granted: +1

Rank 3

Damage: +10%
Stacks Granted: +1

Rank 4

Damage: +10%
Stacks Granted: +1

Synergy with Feats[]

The Righteous Feat [Ancient Warding] further improves Anointed Army by applying Healing and giving Action Points to targets who lost all their Anointed Army buffs.
