Neverwinter Wiki
Neverwinter Wiki
Module: May be earlier than module 22
Category: Refinement
Tag: Refinement
Binding: {{ {{{binding}}} }}
Quality: Rare
Requires class: {{{class}}}
Requires race: {{{race}}}
Requires level: {{{level}}}
Item level: {{{ilevel}}}
{{{damage}}} Damage
Set Name: {{{set}}}
Use: {{{use}}}
Quest: [[{{{quest}}}]]
Sell value: Silver7 Copper50
Refinement point: Refinement Points150
Buy cost:
Icon Inventory Gemfood Aquamarine

An Aquamarine is a refining stone used in the refinement process to upgrade an enchantment, runestone, or artifact.



A lustrous aquamarine, worth 150 Refinement Points.

Refinement, Gemstone
No Level Requirement
Silver7 Copper50
Refinement Points150
Aquamarine +1

A lustrous aquamarine, worth 175 Refinement Points.

Refinement, Gemstone
No Level Requirement
Silver7 Copper50
Refinement Points175



Level Icon Name Commission Proficiency Focus Materials Results (Tier 1-3) Morale Interval Profession XP Profession XP per Hour SilverCost per Hour
44 Inventory Primary Orb Professions Artificing Mithral Lv44 Aquamarine Focus Silver10 Copper45 540 460-667 1x Crafting Resource Ingot Mithral[Mithral Ingot], 1x Crafting Resource Ingot Silver[Silver Ingot], 1x Icon Inventory Gemfood Aquamarine[Aquamarine], 1x Crafting Resource Index Mithral[Mithrus Index] Tier 1:Tier 2: 21 2h Profession XP? - Silver5.23
50 Inventory Primary Holysymbol Professions Artificing Mithral Lv58 Mithral Symbol Silver15 Copper90 600 514-721 2x Crafting Resource Ingot Mithral[Mithral Ingot], 1x Icon Inventory Gemfood Aquamarine[Aquamarine], 1x Crafting Resource Thread Silk[Silk Thread], 1x Crafting Resource Index Mithral[Mithrus Index] Tier 1:Tier 2: 26 2h Profession XP? - Silver7.95
55 Inventory Primary Orb Professions Artificing Mithral Lv52 Mithral Focus Silver23 Copper44 650 559-766 2x Crafting Resource Ingot Mithral[Mithral Ingot], 1x Icon Inventory Gemfood Aquamarine[Aquamarine], 1x Crafting Resource Whetstone Mudstone[Mudstone Whetstone], 1x Crafting Resource Index Mithral[Mithrus Index] Tier 1:Tier 2: 29 2h 30m Profession XP37,822 Profession XP15,128.8 Silver9.38
63 Inventory Primary Orb Professions Artificing Electrum Lv60 Electrum Focus Silver44 Copper24 730 631-838 1x Crafting Resource Brassingot[Electrum Ingot], 1x Icon Inventory Gemfood Aquamarine[Aquamarine], 1x Crafting Resource Index Electrum[Amber Index] Tier 1:Tier 2: 35 3h Profession XP? - Silver14.75


Level Icon Name Commission Proficiency Focus Materials Results (Tier 1-3) Morale Interval Profession XP Profession XP per Hour SilverCost per Hour
51 Icon Inventory Gemfood Aquamarine Aquamarine Silver17 Copper15 610 523-730 2x Crafting Resource Raw Aquamarine[Raw Aquamarine], 1x Crafting Resource Whetstone Mudstone[Mudstone Whetstone] Tier 1:
1x Icon Inventory Gemfood Aquamarine[Aquamarine]
Tier 2:
26 2h 30m Profession XP? - Silver6.86
52 Inventory Ring Professions Jewelcrafting Ring Aquamarine Aquamarine Ring Silver18 Copper52 620 532-739 1x Icon Inventory Gemfood Aquamarine[Aquamarine], 1x Crafting Resource Ingot Mithral[Mithral Ingot] Tier 1:Tier 2: 27 2h 30m Profession XP? - Silver7.41
53 Inventory Neck Professions Jewelcrafting Choker Aquamarine Aquamarine Choker Silver20 Copper2 630 541-748 1x Icon Inventory Gemfood Aquamarine[Aquamarine], 2x Crafting Resource Ingot Mithral[Mithral Ingot] Tier 1:Tier 2: 28 2h 30m Profession XP? - Silver8.01