Neverwinter Wiki
Neverwinter Wiki
Module: 24
Category: Companion
Tag: Companion Pack
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Icons Inventory Misc Contract Aranea 01

The Aranea is a companion that can be obtained from the Icon Lockbox Feywild[Feywild Lockbox], from the Icon Lockbox Resurgence Companionpack Epic[Excavated Epic Companions Pack], from the Icon Lockbox Resurgence Companionpack Epic[Glorious Resurgence Epic Companions Pack], and randomly from any queue.



Enhancement Power: Chance on hit to reduce an enemy's critical avoidance by up to 7.5% for 15 seconds when your companion is near. The value of the buff depends on the item level of your summoned pet. Maximum 7.5%.
Player Bonus Power: +375/550/750 Combined Rating
On attack you have a 10% chance to have lightning strike your target doing 56.3/96.5/112.5 magnitude damage.

An aranea is an intelligent, shape-shifting giant spider with innate magical ability. It can assume two forms: a humanoid form with a specific appearance unique to that aranea, and a giant spider.

Companion Pack


Icon Name Cooldown Range Effect
Power Icon Companion Poison 01
Bite 2s Melee Spider fangs tear at the target foe to deal damage.
Power Icon Companion Terrifyinginsight
Enhancement Gives an additional bonus to Combined Rating.
Power Icon Companion Shocksphere
Role Expertise This companion's expertise has further refined its role increasing their offensive and defensive abilities to benefit their battle style.
Power Icon Companion Stormspell
Storm Pillar 8s 50' A small bolt of lightning strikes the target and other enemies close by.
Power Icon Companion Web
Webbed Terrain 15s 50' Creates a zone of spider webs that slows the target.

