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Neverwinter Wiki

Artisans, just like player characters, have at some point been adjusted to 20 being the maximum level, instead of 80. For artisans, everything else stayed the same so far, so you can just imagine '20' instead of '80' as their level in the tables below.

Artisans will sometimes apply to you with a lower level and will level up if you employ them and actually use them for tasks, increasing their proficiency and focus. The tables below show the values at maximum aka at level 20.

You generally want as much proficiency, focus, speed, and skill chance as possible, but as low commission as possible (a '+' in commission means they cost you more than the standard cost of the task, a '-' means they get you the thing cheaper). Since no artisan has it all, you have to prioritize. Most people focus on getting the skill they want with a good skill chance.

Gathering - Adventurer[]

Icon Name Level Proficiency Focus Commission (%) Speed (%) Skill Skill Chance
Professions Artisan Gathering Akkyapetalwind
[Akkya Petalwind] 80 377 433 +50 0 Virtuoso 10
Professions Artisan Gathering Brauntlowport
[Braunt Lowport] 80 388 433 +50 -25 Miracle Worker 5
Professions Artisan Gathering Brentonsilverwood
[Brenton Silverwood] 80 439 371 0 0 Miracle Worker 10
Professions Artisan Gathering Corynnkoldavat
[Corynn Koldavat] 80 394 433 +50 -25 Dab Hand 25
Professions Artisan Gathering Dilaraayak
[Dilara Ayak] 80 377 416 +25 +50 Dab Hand 10
Professions Artisan Gathering Dorrak
[Dorrak] 80 433 383 -25 0 Virtuoso 15
Professions Artisan Gathering Elendlegrande
[Elend Legrande] 80 405 388 -25 0 Passion Project 10
Professions Artisan Gathering Evelynnara
[Evelyn Nara] 80 366 450 +100 +200 Miracle Worker 25
Professions Artisan Gathering Feirahalindeyl
[Feira Halindeyl] 80 383 444 0 -50 Passion Project 20
Professions Artisan Gathering Heyrakeeneye
[Heyra Keeneye] 80 439 394 0 0 Virtuoso 5
Professions Artisan Gathering Jahiwaradi
[Jahi Waradi] 80 399 433 +50 0 Passion Project 15
Professions Artisan Gathering Joanhildstouthammer
[Joanhild Stouthammer] 80 422 377 +25 -25 Dab Hand 20
Professions Artisan Gathering Kolnegstouthammer
[Kolneg Stouthammer] 80 405 405 +50 0 Dab Hand 10
Professions Artisan Gathering Krunngsweetwater
[Krunng Sweetwater] 80 450 428 +200 0 Dab Hand 20
Professions Artisan Gathering Malvinamithralhand
[Malvina Mithralhand] 80 439 428 +75 -50 Dab Hand 25
Professions Artisan Gathering Murchadhossian
[Murchadh Ossian] 80 416 416 +50 +25 Dab Hand 10
Professions Artisan Gathering Nadiaevendown
[Nadia Evendown] 80 405 388 -25 -25 Passion Project 15
Professions Artisan Gathering Osskorbrundahl
[Osskor Brundahl] 80 433 388 +25 0 Miracle Worker 20
Professions Artisan Gathering Paelionlightfeather
[Paelion Lightfeather] 80 371 439 +50 +100 Miracle Worker 15
Professions Artisan Gathering Panwhitewood
[Pan Whitewood] 80 399 450 +75 +50 Virtuoso 20
Professions Artisan Gathering Ronafarhill
[Rona Farhill] 80 388 388 0 +75 Miracle Worker 15
Professions Artisan Gathering Sabaohchibe
[Saba Ohchibe] 80 388 433 +75 +50 Miracle Worker 20
Professions Artisan Gathering Svenlongriver
[Sven Longriver] 80 405 405 +75 0 Virtuoso 15
Professions Artisan Gathering Tryskiirendal
[Trys Kiirendal] 80 405 444 +100 +50 Passion Project 25
Professions Artisan Gathering Vorrylfarwalker
[Vorryl Farwalker] 80 444 444 +50 -25 Miracle Worker 25
Professions Artisan Gathering Xerazzedzzen
[Xerazze D'Zzen] 80 405 383 -25 +75 Virtuoso 25

Alchemy - Alchemist[]

Icon Name Level Proficiency Focus Commission (%) Speed (%) Skill Skill Chance
Professions Artisan Alchemy Adloquium
[Adloquium] 80 422 405 -75 0 Dab Hand 20
Professions Artisan Alchemy Beatrice
[Beatrice] 80 388 450 0 0 Recycle 25
Professions Artisan Alchemy Dornefluben
[Dorne Fluben] 80 411 439 +100 0 Miracle Worker 10
Professions Artisan Alchemy Eflaparkatha
[Efla Parkatha] 80 444 444 +200 -25 Virtuoso 25
Professions Artisan Alchemy Fenmaloharn
[Fenma Loharn] 80 416 388 +25 -50 Passion Project 20
Professions Artisan Alchemy Flugtordbrin
[Flug Tordbrin] 80 433 383 -25 0 Dab Hand 15
Professions Artisan Alchemy Heywaundapu
[Heywa Undapu] 80 394 394 0 0 Miracle Worker 20
Professions Artisan Alchemy Irisdlafonte
[Iris d'Lafonte] 80 433 433 +200 -75 Passion Project 5
Professions Artisan Alchemy Jalaastraad
[Jala Astraad] 80 377 433 0 -50 Recycle 10
Professions Artisan Alchemy Janiwahalafad
[Janiwah Al'Afad] 80 394 444 +75 0 Recycle 15
Professions Artisan Alchemy Jaymspallisat
[Jayms Pallisat] 80 383 394 -25 +25 Passion Project 20
Professions Artisan Alchemy Karmelavaleri
[Karmela Valeri] 80 433 433 0 0 Passion Project 25
Professions Artisan Alchemy Kefhenjorola
[Kefhen Jorola] 80 371 439 +100 0 Dab Hand 20
Professions Artisan Alchemy Kilijharran
[Kilij Harran] 80 433 377 -50 0 Passion Project 15
Professions Artisan Alchemy Leedarnela
[Lee Darnela] 80 433 383 -25 0 Virtuoso 15
Professions Artisan Alchemy Letottofalthad
[Letotto Falthad] 80 388 399 -50 +75 Dab Hand 20
Professions Artisan Alchemy Mavijubbani
[Mavi Jubbani] 80 428 439 +75 -50 Virtuoso 25
Professions Artisan Alchemy Mindabreskhild
[Minda Breskhild] 80 450 394 +75 -75 Recycle 25
Professions Artisan Alchemy Nayetalabta
[Nayet Al-abta] 80 444 383 +50 -75 Virtuoso 10
Professions Artisan Alchemy Noenethulia
[Noen Ethulia] 80 394 433 +100 -25 Virtuoso 10
Professions Artisan Alchemy Paelinnshardhilt
[Paelinn Shardhilt] 80 416 416 -25 +25 Recycle 20
Professions Artisan Alchemy Rosssilverhill
[Ross Silverhill] 80 433 388 +25 +25 Virtuoso 20
Professions Artisan Alchemy Seyrinhartport
[Seyrin Hartport] 80 377 405 -50 -25 Virtuoso 20
Professions Artisan Alchemy Stenoakfoot
[Sten Oakfoot] 80 399 399 0 0 Recycle 10
Professions Artisan Alchemy Unkraforend
[Unkra Forend] 80 388 388 -25 +50 Dab Hand 15
Professions Artisan Alchemy Yungric
[Yungric] 80 360 450 0 +125 Miracle Worker 25
Professions Artisan Alchemy Zuttoklotha
[Zutto K'Lotha] 80 433 394 +25 0 Virtuoso 15

Armorsmithing - Armorer[]

Icon Name Level Proficiency Focus Commission (%) Speed (%) Skill Skill Chance
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Aynhildrubystone
[Aynhild Rubystone] 80 433 394 +50 0 Miracle Worker 20
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Bitridbrasshammer
[Bitrid Brasshammer] 80 383 383 -75 0 Recycle 25
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Bridgitfoucault
[Bridgit Foucault] 80 399 428 +75 +25 Dab Hand 20
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Cordbrackman
[Cord Brackman] 80 405 405 +25 -25 Recycle 10
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Dainhephdal
[Dain Hephdal] 80 450 428 +150 0 Recycle 20
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Dorfokguggenston
[Dorfok Guggenston] 80 433 383 -25 0 Virtuoso 15
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Eamhairseaghdha
[Eamhair Seaghdha] 80 416 422 +50 0 Recycle 10
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Elsbethmissaglias
[Elsbeth Missaglias] 80 433 450 +125 -75 Recycle 25
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Enakokadou
[Enako Kadou] 80 428 439 +125 -50 Passion Project 10
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Enuraianturiel
[Enurai Anturiel] 80 405 405 +50 -25 Virtuoso 5
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Erwanlaurent
[Erwan Laurent] 80 416 394 +25 -25 Virtuoso 10
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Gutridstaranvil
[Gutrid Staranvil] 80 433 422 +25 -50 Virtuoso 25
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Janesilverhearth
[Jane Silverhearth] 80 399 399 -25 0 Recycle 5
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Jenifyrliamnoen
[Jenifyr Liamnoen] 80 388 433 +75 -25 Passion Project 10
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Karmelavaleri
[Karmela Valeri] 80 433 433 0 0 Passion Project 25
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Mitralashgari
[Mitra Lashgari] 80 439 394 0 0 Virtuoso 5
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Naeraamanodel
[Naera Amanodel] 80 422 383 +50 +75 Passion Project 25
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Oskardanforge
[Oskar Danforge] 80 399 383 +100 +100 Miracle Worker 25
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Silaelsteelwhisper
[Silael Steelwhisper] 80 405 444 +175 +125 Passion Project 25
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Stogunsilverbeard
[Stogun Silverbeard] 80 444 444 +200 -25 Miracle Worker 25
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Storbekironfoot
[Storbek Ironfoot] 80 416 388 +25 0 Dab Hand 10
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Storbornstonefist
[Storborn Stonefist] 80 377 439 +25 0 Dab Hand 15
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Tomasomissaglias
[Tomaso Missaglias] 80 388 450 +100 +100 Dab Hand 25
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Torbrynunker
[Torbryn Unker] 80 422 360 +25 +100 Miracle Worker 10
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Ulfredgorheim
[Ulfred Gorheim] 80 433 388 +25 0 Passion Project 20
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Yuliastrauss
[Yulia Strauss] 80 388 394 +25 +25 Virtuoso 25
Professions Artisan Armorsmithing Yusuptunyaz
[Yusup Tunyaz] 80 399 433 +50 0 Virtuoso 15

Artificing - Artificer[]

Icon Name Level Proficiency Focus Commission (%) Speed (%) Skill Skill Chance
Professions Artisan Artificing Alonakorinthil
[Alona Korinthil] 80 388 388 +50 +75 Miracle Worker 25
Professions Artisan Artificing Belmenironarms
[Belmen Ironarms] 80 450 394 +50 -25 Virtuoso 10
Professions Artisan Artificing Benedictklaude
[Benedict Klaude] 80 428 428 +75 -25 Recycle 5
Professions Artisan Artificing Boagranmahola
[Boagran Mahola] 80 433 388 +50 -50 Passion Project 10
Professions Artisan Artificing Brindigoldsky
[Brindi Goldsky] 80 371 433 -25 +25 Dab Hand 20
Professions Artisan Artificing Broduncomawn
[Brodun Comawn] 80 383 383 -50 +75 Dab Hand 15
Professions Artisan Artificing Cogitation
[Cogitation] 80 439 439 +150 -25 Miracle Worker 25
Professions Artisan Artificing Corinnmaoi
[Corinn Maoi] 80 439 439 +150 -50 Virtuoso 5
Professions Artisan Artificing Dolbenlodestone
[Dolben Lodestone] 80 383 450 -25 +75 Passion Project 10
Professions Artisan Artificing Emileesuntrot
[Emilee Suntrot] 80 360 439 -25 -25 Virtuoso 10
Professions Artisan Artificing Ergonsenriver
[Ergon Senriver] 80 360 444 0 +50 Passion Project 20
Professions Artisan Artificing Evelynchiaroscuro
[Evelyn Chiaroscuro] 80 377 433 +25 +150 Dab Hand 25
Professions Artisan Artificing Everytlathulien
[Everyt Lathulien] 80 433 377 -25 0 Recycle 20
Professions Artisan Artificing Eylagundman
[Eyla Gundman] 80 405 439 +50 -50 Recycle 15
Professions Artisan Artificing Guntermorthrad
[Gunter Morthrad] 80 416 450 +100 0 Dab Hand 20
Professions Artisan Artificing Janidstolshore
[Janid Stolshore] 80 439 394 +75 -50 Recycle 5
Professions Artisan Artificing Jorgenleventhen
[Jorgen Leventhen] 80 439 405 +150 -25 Virtuoso 5
Professions Artisan Artificing Junnenightbloom
[Junne Nightbloom] 80 439 360 +75 +150 Miracle Worker 20
Professions Artisan Artificing Karmelavaleri
[Karmela Valeri] 80 433 433 0 0 Passion Project 25
Professions Artisan Artificing Kestriddawnshield
[Kestrid Dawnshield] 80 433 377 0 -50 Dab Hand 10
Professions Artisan Artificing Kevholeme
[Kevh Oleme] 80 405 394 -25 0 Recycle 5
Professions Artisan Artificing Olfendunmar
[Olfen Dunmar] 80 433 377 +25 +25 Miracle Worker 25
Professions Artisan Artificing Phelianna
[Phelianna] 80 422 383 +200 +75 Miracle Worker 25
Professions Artisan Artificing Stellaeverstream
[Stella Everstream] 80 405 450 +175 +100 Recycle 25
Professions Artisan Artificing Strukkatstephammer
[Strukkat Stephammer] 80 383 439 +50 -50 Recycle 10
Professions Artisan Artificing Violetlaidyn
[Violet Laidyn] 80 450 450 +125 -75 Virtuoso 10
Professions Artisan Artificing Yolennieldot
[Yolen Nieldot] 80 394 394 0 0 Miracle Worker 20

Blacksmithing - Blacksmith[]

Icon Name Level Proficiency Focus Commission (%) Speed (%) Skill Skill Chance
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Bortrichkuldenn
[Bortrich Kuldenn] 80 422 416 +100 +25 Miracle Worker 15
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Bryndeoakenhearth
[Brynde Oakenhearth] 80 416 366 +25 +50 Miracle Worker 20
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Donnenmillkeep
[Donnen Millkeep] 80 383 405 -75 +75 Recycle 15
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Duginnsteepmountain
[Duginn Steepmountain] 80 394 383 0 +75 Recycle 20
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Elodiedevenport
[Elodie Devenport] 80 394 433 0 0 Passion Project 10
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Eltridthrounn
[Eltrid Throunn] 80 371 428 +50 -25 Virtuoso 25
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Fionngoel
[Fionn Goel] 80 399 433 +200 0 Miracle Worker 20
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Geraltloahdben
[Geralt Loahdben] 80 383 439 +25 0 Dab Hand 20
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Gohrrkuldin
[Gohrr Kuldin] 80 450 360 0 0 Dab Hand 25
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Gront
[Gront] 80 439 377 +25 -50 Passion Project 10
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Izzaltherunaway
[Izzal the Runaway] 80 416 433 +125 -25 Recycle 20
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Jalalrafgari
[Jalal Rafgari] 80 394 394 0 +50 Recycle 10
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Karmelavaleri
[Karmela Valeri] 80 433 433 0 0 Passion Project 25
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Liusaidhruaric
[Liusaidh Ruaric] 80 450 377 +50 0 Dab Hand 20
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Marysegreyshore
[Marysa Greyshore] 80 399 399 -25 0 Dab Hand 5
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Mayrunnbronzefinger
[Mayrunn Bronzefinger] 80 405 428 +50 -50 Recycle 25
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Mingan
[Min Gan] 80 433 439 +125 0 Virtuoso 20
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Olibhiahighcreek
[Olibhia Highcreek] 80 428 439 +125 -50 Miracle Worker 10
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Rinngiroud
[Rinn Giroud] 80 422 377 0 -25 Recycle 15
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Rudolphwieland
[Rudolph Wieland] 80 444 439 +150 +25 Miracle Worker 10
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Stofenxuleniir
[Stofen Xuleniir] 80 433 394 +50 +25 Passion Project 15
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Tiaingelri
[Tia Ingelri] 80 450 371 +25 +100 Passion Project 25
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Tokuroosafune
[Tokuro Osafune] 80 405 450 +100 +25 Recycle 25
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Trodinndeepstone
[Trodinn Deepstone] 80 428 383 -25 -75 Dab Hand 10
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Ulfberht
[Ulfberht] 80 416 444 +100 0 Virtuoso 25
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Veega
[Veega] 80 444 360 +75 +75 Dab Hand 5
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Yaelynmitraliir
[Yaelyn Mitraliir] 80 394 433 +25 -25 Virtuoso 25
Professions Artisan Blacksmithing Zinaida
[Zinaida] 80 450 450 +200 -50 Dab Hand 20

Jewelcrafting - Jeweler[]

Icon Name Level Proficiency Focus Commission (%) Speed (%) Skill Skill Chance
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Aencoppler
[Aen Coppler] 80 428 433 +100 -25 Virtuoso 5
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Aihaamaphilel
[Aiha Amaphilel] 80 371 371 -75 +125 Miracle Worker 20
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Alyssquorthlyn
[Alyss Quorthlyn] 80 428 422 +75 -50 Passion Project 15
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Arrinwhistleleaf
[Arrin Whistleleaf] 80 439 399 +50 -25 Recycle 15
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Boernnorrdal
[Boern Norrdal] 80 433 394 +50 -50 Miracle Worker 5
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Breeunderleaf
[Bree Underleaf] 80 422 360 -50 0 Dab Hand 15
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Brenndanqelgal
[Brenndan Qelgal] 80 360 439 -25 -25 Recycle 10
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Carazzaflaraalys
[Carazza Flaraalys] 80 383 439 +125 0 Virtuoso 15
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Charlettefavri
[Charlette Favri] 80 416 450 +125 0 Recycle 25
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Ebanlodell
[Eban Lodell] 80 411 411 +25 +25 Recycle 15
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Gerardtorryn
[Gerard t'Orryn] 80 422 394 +25 0 Miracle Worker 25
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Haiexilomne
[Haie Xilomne] 80 377 377 -75 +75 Passion Project 20
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Halsstratzovrrin
[Halsstra T'Zovrrin] 80 405 405 -25 +125 Miracle Worker 20
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Karmelavaleri
[Karmela Valeri] 80 433 433 0 0 Passion Project 25
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Naidynemenshire
[Naidyn Emenshire] 80 405 394 -25 0 Recycle 5
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Nasriizadan
[Nasrii Zadan] 80 433 383 +50 -25 Virtuoso 10
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Nedstonebottom
[Ned Stonebottom] 80 433 383 +25 -25 Dab Hand 5
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Nifhildamberbeard
[Nifhild Amberbeard] 80 422 388 -25 -75 Passion Project 10
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Olindiamondeye
[Olin Diamondeye] 80 444 428 +75 0 Recycle 10
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Patimehoshur
[Patime Hoshur] 80 383 383 0 +100 Miracle Worker 20
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Pharlenghiberti
[Pharlen Ghiberti] 80 433 377 +25 +175 Miracle Worker 20
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Rennetbrodau
[Rennet Brodau] 80 399 439 +150 -50 Passion Project 15
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Saveedalthabt
[Saveed Al'Thabt] 80 383 433 +75 0 Virtuoso 10
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Sillaclearlake
[Silla Clearlake] 80 383 433 0 0 Recycle 20
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Tresseambryn
[Tresse Ambryn] 80 433 428 +200 0 Dab Hand 20
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Tualauwoke
[Tuala Uwoke] 80 433 433 +100 0 Dab Hand 20
Professions Artisan Jewelcrafting Volennaimne
[Volen Naimne] 80 377 450 +25 +75 Virtuoso 25

Leatherworking - Leatherworker[]

Icon Name Level Proficiency Focus Commission (%) Speed (%) Skill Skill Chance
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Aeradornberg
[Aera Dornberg] 80 433 377 0 -50 Dab Hand 10
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Almagreydawn
[Alma Greydawn] 80 360 450 +200 +200 Virtuoso 25
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Benttenjokkard
[Bentten Jokkard] 80 377 416 0 0 Passion Project 15
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Bhatairauchald
[Bhatair Auchald] 80 405 405 0 +50 Recycle 15
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Blenhastrozzck
[Blenha Strozzck] 80 360 439 0 +50 Miracle Worker 25
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Brennaolem
[Brenna Olem] 80 399 399 -25 0 Recycle 5
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Brokkah
[Brokkah] 80 450 360 -75 +100 Miracle Worker 15
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Corrielourman
[Corriel Ourman] 80 428 433 +75 -50 Passion Project 5
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Emendelincesu
[Emendel Incesu] 80 439 439 +175 -50 Virtuoso 10
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Emlynfeststone
[Emlyn Feststone] 80 388 439 -25 -25 Recycle 20
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Fenwinterfield
[Fen Winterfield] 80 388 388 -50 0 Miracle Worker 20
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Fenkasturmdottir
[Fenka Sturmdottir] 80 444 444 +75 -75 Passion Project 10
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Jalajdas
[Jalaj Das] 80 383 433 0 -25 Passion Project 25
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Jaqueynlocel
[Jaqueyn Locel] 80 388 383 0 +50 Miracle Worker 25
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Karmelavaleri
[Karmela Valeri] 80 433 433 0 0 Passion Project 25
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Krassyk
[Krassyk] 80 439 371 -25 -25 Dab Hand 25
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Liastengrat
[Lia Stengrat] 80 405 428 +75 0 Virtuoso 20
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Londdawnwhisper
[Lond Dawnwhisper] 80 428 428 +75 0 Dab Hand 25
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Mellabrightshore
[Mella Brightshore] 80 433 388 +50 -50 Virtuoso 10
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Nonagrassheart
[Nona Grassheart] 80 439 388 +50 0 Dab Hand 20
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Nortmintmountain
[Nort Mintmountain] 80 371 439 +50 0 Virtuoso 10
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Oteyunmab
[Oteyu N'Mab] 80 388 450 +100 +100 Miracle Worker 25
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Saeraourynn
[Saera Ourynn] 80 388 394 -25 -25 Recycle 25
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Sanduraiastemmdal
[Sandurai Astemmdal] 80 450 360 0 0 Recycle 25
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Sundiennodariel
[Sundien Nodariel] 80 405 405 -25 -75 Recycle 10
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Tristophgalvaan
[Tristoph Galvaan] 80 428 377 +50 +25 Passion Project 10
Professions Artisan Leatherworking Yulsummerstar
[Yul Summerstar] 80 405 450 +75 0 Recycle 25

Tailoring - Tailor[]

Icon Name Level Proficiency Focus Commission (%) Speed (%) Skill Skill Chance
Professions Artisan Tailoring Bergdonatan
[Berg Donatan] 80 371 422 +50 0 Virtuoso 25
Professions Artisan Tailoring Clefraniyelyn
[Clefra Niyelyn] 80 422 450 +200 +50 Virtuoso 25
Professions Artisan Tailoring Ecclanorthgrace
[Eccla Northgrace] 80 383 411 0 0 Passion Project 15
Professions Artisan Tailoring Edwardnublann
[Edward Nublann] 80 405 416 +25 +50 Dab Hand 10
Professions Artisan Tailoring Ekkla
[Ekkla] 80 428 439 +100 -50 Recycle 5
Professions Artisan Tailoring Emmetcrocha
[Emmet Crocha] 80 439 439 +125 -25 Miracle Worker 20
Professions Artisan Tailoring Esteltomme
[Estel Tomme] 80 388 439 +75 -25 Virtuoso 5
Professions Artisan Tailoring Evanmintbottom
[Evan Mintbottom] 80 416 416 +50 0 Miracle Worker 15
Professions Artisan Tailoring Fennadarkmoon
[Fenna Darkmoon] 80 428 371 +50 +125 Dab Hand 20
Professions Artisan Tailoring Hemsamthiel
[Hem Samthiel] 80 388 439 +75 -50 Miracle Worker 10
Professions Artisan Tailoring Inayalanuit
[Inaya Lanuit] 80 444 360 +50 +200 Miracle Worker 25
Professions Artisan Tailoring Isayelkostrad
[Isayel Kostrad] 80 405 450 0 -50 Passion Project 20
Professions Artisan Tailoring Jengrasshill
[Jen Grasshill] 80 433 366 +25 -25 Recycle 20
Professions Artisan Tailoring Karmelavaleri
[Karmela Valeri] 80 433 433 0 0 Passion Project 25
Professions Artisan Tailoring Lazzagzrozze
[Lazzag Z'Rozze] 80 388 388 -25 +75 Virtuoso 10
Professions Artisan Tailoring Lemeastgrass
[Lem Eastgrass] 80 399 439 +50 -50 Passion Project 20
Professions Artisan Tailoring Leyraholme
[Leyrah Olme] 80 371 439 -25 0 Miracle Worker 20
Professions Artisan Tailoring Longelenortuliel
[Longelen Ortuliel] 80 399 439 +50 0 Virtuoso 10
Professions Artisan Tailoring Mendonorende
[Mendo Norende] 80 428 383 +25 -25 Recycle 10
Professions Artisan Tailoring Nonakalimda
[Nona Kalimda] 80 399 405 -25 -25 Recycle 5
Professions Artisan Tailoring Normaotharda
[Norma Otharda] 80 439 371 +50 0 Dab Hand 10
Professions Artisan Tailoring Ordsilverpinch
[Ord Silverpinch] 80 428 428 +150 -75 Recycle 5
Professions Artisan Tailoring Seymapleway
[Sey Mapleway] 80 450 371 0 0 Dab Hand 15
Professions Artisan Tailoring Sezzradrrol
[Sezzra D'rrol] 80 450 383 +25 0 Virtuoso 10
Professions Artisan Tailoring Tecleljondrathal
[Teclel Jondrathal] 80 450 450 +200 -75 Recycle 25
Professions Artisan Tailoring Treylograssmantle
[Treylo Grassmantle] 80 399 411 -75 0 Passion Project 10
Professions Artisan Tailoring Yeulgustaverg
[Yeul Gustaverg] 80 439 416 +75 0 Dab Hand 25

Summer Provisioning - Summer Artisan[]

Icon Name Level Proficiency Focus Commission (%) Speed (%) Skill Skill Chance
Crafting Follower Summer Suniteacolyte T1 01
[Summer Artisan] 1 50 ??? 0 0 Recycle 10