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Ascended Weapon Sets (Item Level 435 / 675)[]

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score 100.
These weapons have been altered and uncomplete by the great magical spells cast upon them by the Cloaked Ascendancy. However, your dedicated time and efforts can release these weapons' powers, and their powers will be yours to control.

These sets of weapons are available at the launch of Module 11: The Cloaked Ascendancy. Purchasable from the Cloaked Ascendancy Campaign Vendor.

This equipment must be restored by gathering magical items and other resources found throughout the River District.

Set Bonus of Mirage:

1 of Set:
2 of Set:
When you use an encounter power, you become a Master of Illusion for 10 seconds! As a Master of Illusion you will summon three illusions of yourself to fight for you, attacking your enemies!

A Master of Illusion also does 3% more damage, which increases by 10% against enemies with Shields and Temp HP.

You can only be a Master of Illusion once every 30 seconds.
3 of Set:
4 of Set:

Set Bonus of Aboleth:

1 of Set:
2 of Set:
When you use an encounter power, you will become Far-Influenced, which increases your Outgoing Damage by 4% and grants you a random buff for 10 seconds.

Relentless — Increases your Critical Strike by 2500.

Tainted Attack — Enemies you attack will take additional damage over time.

Impeding Death — Enemies you attack will explode on death, doing damage to other foes.

You can only be Far-Influenced once every 30 seconds.
3 of Set:
4 of Set:

Set Bonus of Fey:

1 of Set:
2 of Set:
When you use an encounter power, you become a Fey-Touched, which restores 10% of your AP, as well as increases your Outgoing Damage by 3% and your Outgoing Healing by 6% for 10 seconds.

You can only be Fey-Touched once every 30 seconds.
3 of Set:
4 of Set:

Set Bonus of Lifeforged:

1 of Set:
2 of Set:
When you use an encounter power, you become a Fortified, which increases your Defense by 5% and adds 10% of your Defense to your Power for 10 seconds.

You can only be Fortified once every 30 seconds.
3 of Set:
4 of Set:

Barbarian - Ascended Weapon Sets of the Fighter

Collection Content Foreground Artifactgear Ascended Greatweapon
Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Ascended Illusion Greatweaponfighter T0
[Faulty Mirage Greatsword] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Illusion Greatweaponfighter
[Mirage Greatsword] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Illusion Greatweaponfighter T0
[Faulty Mirage Sword Knot] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Illusion Greatweaponfighter
[Mirage Sword Knot] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Primary Ascended Fey Greatweaponfighter T0
[Petrified Fey Greatsword] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Fey Greatweaponfighter
[Fey Greatsword] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Fey Greatweaponfighter T0
[Petrified Fey Sword Knot] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Fey Greatweaponfighter
[Fey Sword Knot] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Primary Ascended Firesoul Greatweaponfighter T0
[Defunct Lifeforged Greatsword] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Firesoul Greatweaponfighter
[Lifeforged Greatsword] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Firesoul Greatweaponfighter T0
[Defunct Lifeforged Sword Knot] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Firesoul Greatweaponfighter
[Lifeforged Sword Knot] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Primary Ascended Aberrant Greatweaponfighter T0
[Corrupted Aboleth Greatsword] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Aberrant Greatweaponfighter
[Aboleth Greatsword] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Aberrant Greatweaponfighter T0
[Corrupted Aboleth Sword Knot] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Aberrant Greatweaponfighter
[Aboleth Sword Knot] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Mirage Greatsword 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Mirage Sword Knot 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Fey Greatsword 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Fey Sword Knot 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Lifeforged Greatsword 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Lifeforged Sword Knot 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Aboleth Greatsword 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Aboleth Sword Knot 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720

Cleric - Ascended Weapon Sets of the Cleric

Collection Content Foreground Artifactgear Ascended Devoted
Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Ascended Illusion Devotedcleric T0
[Faulty Mirage Holy Symbol] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Illusion Devotedcleric
[Mirage Holy Symbol] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Illusion Devotedcleric T0
[Faulty Mirage Icon] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Illusion Devotedcleric
[Mirage Icon] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Primary Ascended Firesoul Devotedcleric T0
[Defunct Lifeforged Holy Symbol] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Firesoul Devotedcleric
[Lifeforged Holy Symbol] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Firesoul Devotedcleric T0
[Defunct Lifeforged Icon] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Firesoul Devotedcleric
[Lifeforged Icon] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Primary Ascended Fey Devotedcleric T0
[Petrified Fey Holy Symbol] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Fey Devotedcleric
[Fey Holy Symbol] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Fey Devotedcleric T0
[Petrified Fey Icon] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Fey Devotedcleric
[Fey Icon] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Primary Ascended Aberrant Devotedcleric T0
[Corrupted Aboleth Holy Symbol] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Aberrant Devotedcleric
[Aboleth Holy Symbol] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Aberrant Devotedcleric T0
[Corrupted Aboleth Icon] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Aberrant Devotedcleric
[Aboleth Icon] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Mirage Holy Symbol 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Mirage Icon 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Lifeforged Holy Symbol 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Lifeforged Icon 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Fey Holy Symbol 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Fey Icon 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Aboleth Holy Symbol 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Aboleth Icon 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720

Fighter - Ascended Weapon Sets of the Guardian

Collection Content Foreground Artifactgear Ascended Guardian
Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Ascended Illusion Guardianfighter T0
[Faulty Mirage Longsword] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Illusion Guardianfighter
[Mirage Longsword] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Illusion Guardianfighter T0
[Faulty Mirage Shield] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Illusion Guardianfighter
[Mirage Shield] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Primary Ascended Fey Guardianfighter T0
[Petrified Fey Longsword] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Fey Guardianfighter
[Fey Longsword] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Fey Guardianfighter T0
[Petrified Fey Shield] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Fey Guardianfighter
[Fey Shield] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Primary Ascended Firesoul Guardianfighter T0
[Defunct Lifeforged Longsword] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Firesoul Guardianfighter
[Lifeforged Longsword] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Firesoul Guardianfighter T0
[Defunct Lifeforged Shield] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Firesoul Guardianfighter
[Lifeforged Shield] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Primary Ascended Aberrant Guardianfighter T0
[Corrupted Aboleth Longsword] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Aberrant Guardianfighter
[Aboleth Longsword] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Aberrant Guardianfighter T0
[Corrupted Aboleth Shield] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Aberrant Guardianfighter
[Aboleth Shield] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Mirage Longsword 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Mirage Shield 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Fey Longsword 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Fey Shield 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Lifeforged Longsword 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Lifeforged Shield 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Aboleth Longsword 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Aboleth Shield 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720

Paladin - Ascended Weapon Sets of the Paladin

Collection Content Foreground Artifactgear Ascended Paladin
Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Ascended Illusion Oathboundpaladin T0
[Faulty Mirage Mace] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Illusion Oathboundpaladin
[Mirage Mace] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Illusion Oathboundpaladin T0
[Faulty Mirage Shield] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Illusion Oathboundpaladin
[Mirage Shield] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Primary Ascended Aberrant Oathboundpaladin T0
[Corrupted Aboleth Mace] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Aberrant Oathboundpaladin
[Aboleth Mace] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Aberrant Oathboundpaladin T0
[Corrupted Aboleth Shield] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Aberrant Oathboundpaladin
[Aboleth Shield] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Primary Ascended Fey Oathboundpaladin T0
[Petrified Fey Mace] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Fey Oathboundpaladin
[Fey Mace] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Fey Oathboundpaladin T0
[Petrified Fey Shield] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Fey Oathboundpaladin
[Fey Shield] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Primary Ascended Firesoul Oathboundpaladin T0
[Defunct Lifeforged Mace] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Firesoul Oathboundpaladin
[Lifeforged Mace] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Firesoul Oathboundpaladin T0
[Defunct Lifeforged Shield] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Firesoul Oathboundpaladin
[Lifeforged Shield] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Mirage Mace 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Mirage Shield 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Aboleth Mace 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Aboleth Shield 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Fey Mace 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Fey Shield 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Lifeforged Mace 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Lifeforged Shield 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720

Ranger - Ascended Weapon Sets of the Hunter

Collection Content Foreground Artifactgear Ascended Hunter
Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Ascended Illusion Hunterranger T0
[Faulty Mirage Longbow] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Illusion Hunterranger
[Mirage Longbow] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Illusion Hunterranger T0
[Faulty Mirage Axes] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Illusion Hunterranger
[Mirage Axes] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Primary Ascended Fey Hunterranger T0
[Petrified Fey Longbow] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Fey Hunterranger
[Fey Longbow] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Fey Hunterranger T0
[Petrified Fey Axes] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Fey Hunterranger
[Fey Axes] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Primary Ascended Firesoul Hunterranger T0
[Defunct Lifeforged Longbow] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Firesoul Hunterranger
[Lifeforged Longbow] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Firesoul Hunterranger T0
[Defunct Lifeforged Axes] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Firesoul Hunterranger
[Lifeforged Axes] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Primary Ascended Aberrant Hunterranger T0
[Corrupted Aboleth Longbow] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Aberrant Hunterranger
[Aboleth Longbow] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Aberrant Hunterranger T0
[Corrupted Aboleth Axes] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Aberrant Hunterranger
[Aboleth Axes] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Mirage Longbow 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Mirage Axes 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Fey Longbow 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Fey Axes 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Lifeforged Longbow 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Lifeforged Axes 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Aboleth Longbow 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Aboleth Axes 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720

Rogue - Ascended Weapon Sets of the Rogue

Collection Content Foreground Artifactgear Ascended Trickster
Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Ascended Illusion Tricksterrogue T0
[Faulty Mirage Dagger] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Illusion Tricksterrogue
[Mirage Dagger] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Illusion Tricksterrogue T0
[Faulty Mirage Stiletto] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Illusion Tricksterrogue
[Mirage Stiletto] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Primary Ascended Fey Tricksterrogue T0
[Petrified Fey Dagger] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Fey Tricksterrogue
[Fey Dagger] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Fey Tricksterrogue T0
[Petrified Fey Stiletto] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Fey Tricksterrogue
[Fey Stiletto] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Primary Ascended Firesoul Tricksterrogue T0
[Defunct Lifeforged Dagger] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Firesoul Tricksterrogue
[Lifeforged Dagger] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Firesoul Tricksterrogue T0
[Defunct Lifeforged Stiletto] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Firesoul Tricksterrogue
[Lifeforged Stiletto] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Primary Ascended Aberrant Tricksterrogue T0
[Corrupted Aboleth Dagger] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Aberrant Tricksterrogue
[Aboleth Dagger] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Aberrant Tricksterrogue T0
[Corrupted Aboleth Stiletto] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Aberrant Tricksterrogue
[Aboleth Stiletto] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Mirage Dagger 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Mirage Stiletto 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Fey Dagger 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Fey Stiletto 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Lifeforged Dagger 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Lifeforged Stiletto 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Aboleth Dagger 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Aboleth Stiletto 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720

Warlock - Ascended Weapon Sets of the Warlock

Collection Content Foreground Artifactgear Ascended Scourge
Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Ascended Illusion Scourgewarlock T0
[Faulty Mirage Pact Blade] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Illusion Scourgewarlock
[Mirage Pact Blade] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Illusion Scourgewarlock T0
[Faulty Mirage Grimoire] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Illusion Scourgewarlock
[Mirage Grimoire] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Primary Ascended Aberrant Scourgewarlock T0
[Corrupted Aboleth Pact Blade] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Aberrant Scourgewarlock
[Aboleth Pact Blade] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Aberrant Scourgewarlock T0
[Corrupted Aboleth Grimoire] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Aberrant Scourgewarlock
[Aboleth Grimoire] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Primary Ascended Fey Scourgewarlock T0
[Petrified Fey Pact Blade] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Fey Scourgewarlock
[Fey Pact Blade] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Fey Scourgewarlock T0
[Petrified Fey Grimoire] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Fey Scourgewarlock
[Fey Grimoire] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Primary Ascended Firesoul Scourgewarlock T0
[Defunct Lifeforged Pact Blade] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Firesoul Scourgewarlock
[Lifeforged Pact Blade] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Firesoul Scourgewarlock T0
[Defunct Lifeforged Grimoire] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Firesoul Scourgewarlock
[Lifeforged Grimoire] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Mirage Pact Blade 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Mirage Grimoire 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Aboleth Pact Blade 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Aboleth Grimoire 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Fey Pact Blade 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Fey Grimoire 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Lifeforged Pact Blade 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Lifeforged Grimoire 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720

Wizard - Ascended Weapon Sets of the Wizard

Collection Content Foreground Artifactgear Ascended Controller
Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Ascended Illusion Controlwizard T0
[Faulty Mirage Orb] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Illusion Controlwizard
[Mirage Orb] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Illusion Controlwizard T0
[Faulty Mirage Talisman] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Illusion Controlwizard
[Mirage Talisman] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Primary Ascended Aberrant Controlwizard T0
[Corrupted Aboleth Orb] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Aberrant Controlwizard
[Aboleth Orb] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Aberrant Controlwizard T0
[Corrupted Aboleth Talisman] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Aberrant Controlwizard
[Aboleth Talisman] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Primary Ascended Fey Controlwizard T0
[Petrified Fey Orb] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Fey Controlwizard
[Fey Orb] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Fey Controlwizard T0
[Petrified Fey Talisman] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Fey Controlwizard
[Fey Talisman] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Primary Ascended Firesoul Controlwizard T0
[Defunct Lifeforged Orb] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Primary Ascended Firesoul Controlwizard
[Lifeforged Orb] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Inventory Secondary Ascended Firesoul Controlwizard T0
[Defunct Lifeforged Talisman] Collection Score 1 Campaign Rewards and Store
Inventory Secondary Ascended Firesoul Controlwizard
[Lifeforged Talisman] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Mirage Orb 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Mirage Talisman 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Aboleth Orb 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Aboleth Talisman 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Fey Orb 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Fey Talisman 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Lifeforged Orb 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720
Lifeforged Talisman 540 6,480 675 675 1,350 9,720