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Neverwinter Wiki

The Atelier specializes in all things mystical and magical.


The Atelier is a Temporary Stronghold structure that sells various Profession and Masterwork Profession resources. It has only one rank, and lasts 1 week.

An Atelier can be built at any of the four Millabout Marketplace plots outside the Northwest entrance to the Stronghold

Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Food tiny
Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Metal tiny
Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Stone tiny
Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Wood tiny
60,000 40,000 40,000 60,000

Basic Materials[]

Basic Materials were removed on Module 15: Heart of Fire.

Icon Name Cost
Crafting Alchemy Resource Solvent 01
Guild Marks:1 (set of 75)
Guild Marks1 (set of 75)
Crafting Component Ichor 02
[Yellow Vitriol]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 8)
Guild Marks1 (set of 8)
Crafting Component Ichor 01
[Silver Vitriol]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 8)
Guild Marks1 (set of 8)
Crafting Component Ichor 05
[Emerald Vitriol]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 5)
Guild Marks1 (set of 5)
Crafting Component Ichor 04
[Red Vitriol]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 5)
Guild Marks1 (set of 5)
Crafting Component Ichor 07
[Blue Vitriol]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 10)
Guild Marks1 (set of 10)
Crafting Component Ichor 08
[Green Vitriol]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 10)
Guild Marks1 (set of 10)
Crafting Alchemy Resource Quicksilver 01
Guild Marks:1 (set of 3)
Guild Marks1 (set of 3)
Crafting Leather Resource Residuum 01
Guild Marks:1 (set of 7)
Guild Marks1 (set of 7)
Crafting Alchemy Resource Primordialooze 01
[Primordial Goo]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 15)
Guild Marks1 (set of 15)
Crafting Alchemy Resource Aquavitae 01
[Aqua Vitae]
Guild Marks1
Inventory Misc Plants Leaves 01
Guild Marks:1 (set of 5)
Guild Marks1 (set of 5)
Crafting Leather Resource Darkclover 01
[Dark Clover]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 5)
Guild Marks1 (set of 5)
Crafting Leather Resource Desertrose 01
[Desert Rose]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 5)
Guild Marks1 (set of 5)
Crafting Hvyarmor Resource Fundamental Ice 01
[Fundamental Ice]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 5)
Guild Marks1 (set of 5)
Crafting Alchemy Resource Pinewood 01
[Barausk Wood]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 15)
Guild Marks1 (set of 15)
Crafting Resource Wood Ebony
[Ebony Wood]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 10)
Guild Marks1 (set of 10)
Crafting Alchemy Resource Pinewood 02
[Phandar Wood]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 15)
Guild Marks1 (set of 15)
Crafting Alchemy Resource Pinewood 03
[Pine Wood]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 20)
Guild Marks1 (set of 20)
Crafting Resource Gems T4
[Perfect Gems]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 4)
Guild Marks1 (set of 4)
Crafting Jewelcrafting Resource Gemstones Precious 01
[Precious Gems]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 6)
Guild Marks1 (set of 6)
Crafting Jewelcrafting Resource Gemstones Semiprecious 01
[Semi-Precious Gems]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 8)
Guild Marks1 (set of 8)
Crafting Jewelcrafting Resource Gemstones Flawed 01
[Raw Gems]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 8)
Guild Marks1 (set of 8)
Crafting Hvyarmor Resource Fundamental Lightning 01
[Fundamental Lightning]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 5)
Guild Marks1 (set of 5)
Crafting Resource Wood Carved Ebony
[Carved Ebony Wood]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 7)
Guild Marks1 (set of 7)
Crafting Artificing Resource Carvedpine 01
[Carved Phandar Wood]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 30)
Guild Marks1 (set of 30)
Crafting Artificing Resource Carvedbarausk 01
[Carved Barausk Wood]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 10)
Guild Marks1 (set of 10)
Crafting Artificing Resource Carvedphandar 01
[Carved Pine Wood]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 12)
Guild Marks1 (set of 12)
Crafting Hvyarmor Resource Symboloftempus 01
[Symbol of Tempus]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 5)
Guild Marks1 (set of 5)
Crafting Resource Weapon Blades T4
[Adamantine Weapon Blades]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 5)
Guild Marks1 (set of 5)
Crafting Weaponsmithing Resource Mithralblades 01
[Mithral Weapon Blades]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 7)
Guild Marks1 (set of 7)
Crafting Weaponsmithing Resource Steelblades 01
[Steel Weapon Blades]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 15)
Guild Marks1 (set of 15)
Crafting Weaponsmithing Resource Ironblades 01
[Iron Weapon Blades]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 10)
Guild Marks1 (set of 10)
Crafting Resource Weapon Hafts Ebony
[Ebony Weapon Hafts]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 7)
Guild Marks1 (set of 7)
Crafting Artificing Resource Pinehafts 01
[Phandar Weapon Hafts]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 7)
Guild Marks1 (set of 7)
Crafting Artificing Resource Barauskhafts 01
[Barausk Weapon Hafts]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 10)
Guild Marks1 (set of 10)
Crafting Artificing Resource Phandarhafts 01
[Pine Weapon Hafts]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 12)
Guild Marks1 (set of 12)

Specialty Materials[]

Most specialty materials can only be bought if you have already unlocked the recipe to craft them.

Icon Name Cost Remarks
Crafting Resource Beeswax
Guild Marks200
Removed on Module 15: Heart of Fire
Crafting Resource Oaklog
[Oak Log]
Guild Marks250
Removed on Module 15: Heart of Fire
Crafting Resource Terebinth
Guild Marks400
Requires Guild Hall Rank 10 or higher
Crafting Resource Elmlog
[Elm Log]
Guild Marks600
Removed on Module 15: Heart of Fire
Crafting Resource Alkali
Guild Marks2,000
Requires Guild Hall Rank 14 or higher
Crafting Resource Tincal
Guild Marks2,000
Requires Guild Hall Rank 14 or higher
Crafting Resource Vitriol
[Oil of Vitriol]
Guild Marks:200, 12x Crafting Resource Sand Lron[Iron Sand]
Guild Marks200, 12x Crafting Resource Sand Lron[Iron Sand]
Requires [Masterwork Alchemy Recipes I]
Crafting Resource Dark Lacquer
[Dark Lacquer]
Guild Marks:200, 4x Crafting Resource Lacquer Branch Sap[Lacquer Branch], 2x Crafting Medarmor Resource Charcoal 01[Charcoal]
Guild Marks200, 4x Crafting Resource Lacquer Branch Sap[Lacquer Branch], 2x Crafting Medarmor Resource Charcoal 01[Charcoal]
Requires [Masterwork Artificing Recipes I]
Crafting Resource Aqua Fortis
[Aqua Fortis]
Guild Marks:400, 2x Crafting Resource Alum[Alum], 1x Crafting Resource Vitriol[Oil of Vitriol], 1x Crafting Resource Nitre[Nitre]
Guild Marks400, 2x Crafting Resource Alum[Alum], 1x Crafting Resource Vitriol[Oil of Vitriol], 1x Crafting Resource Nitre[Nitre]
Requires [Masterwork Alchemy Recipes I]
Crafting Resource Lacquered Ebony
[Lacquered Ebony]
Guild Marks:400, 2x Crafting Resource Dark Lacquer[Dark Lacquer], 2x Crafting Resource Wood Ebony[Ebony Log]
Guild Marks400, 2x Crafting Resource Dark Lacquer[Dark Lacquer], 2x Crafting Resource Wood Ebony[Ebony Log]
Requires [Masterwork Artificing Recipes I]
Crafting Resource Cashmere Spellthread
[Cashmere Spellthread]
Guild Marks:}400, 2x Crafting Resource Cashmere Yarn[Cashmere Yarn], 2x Crafting Leather Resource Residuum 01[Concentrated Residuum]
Guild Marks}400, 2x Crafting Resource Cashmere Yarn[Cashmere Yarn], 2x Crafting Leather Resource Residuum 01[Concentrated Residuum]
Requires [Masterwork Artificing Recipes I]
Crafting Resource Aqua Regia
[Aqua Regia]
Guild Marks:600, 2x Crafting Resource Sal Ammoniac[Sal Ammoniac], 1x Crafting Resource Aqua Fortis[Aqua Fortis], 1x Crafting Resource Nitre[Nitre]
Guild Marks600, 2x Crafting Resource Sal Ammoniac[Sal Ammoniac], 1x Crafting Resource Aqua Fortis[Aqua Fortis], 1x Crafting Resource Nitre[Nitre]
Requires [Masterwork Alchemy Recipes I]
Crafting Resource Magicked Enamel
[Magicked Enamel]
Guild Marks:600, 2x Crafting Resource Silex[Silex], 2x Crafting Leather Resource Residuum 01[Concentrated Residuum], 1x Crafting Resource Dragons Blood[Dragon's Blood]
Guild Marks600, 2x Crafting Resource Silex[Silex], 2x Crafting Leather Resource Residuum 01[Concentrated Residuum], 1x Crafting Resource Dragons Blood[Dragon's Blood]
Requires [Masterwork Artificing Recipes I]

More Specialty Materials[]

Most specialty materials can only be bought if you have already unlocked the recipe to craft them.

Icon Name Cost Remarks
Crafting Resource Artisansenamel
[Artisan's Enamel]
Guild Marks:500, 2x Crafting Resource Scillitantglass[Scintillant Glass], 1x Crafting Resource Fartouchedresiduum[Fartouched Residuum], 1x Crafting Resource Alkali[Alkali] (set of 5)
Guild Marks500, 2x Crafting Resource Scillitantglass[Scintillant Glass], 1x Crafting Resource Fartouchedresiduum[Fartouched Residuum], 1x Crafting Resource Alkali[Alkali] (set of 5)
Requires [Masterwork Artificing Recipes I]
Crafting Resource Burgundypitch
[Burgundy Pitch]
Guild Marks:250, 4x Crafting Resource Spruceresin[Spruce Resin], 1x Crafting Resource Aqua Regia[Aqua Regia] (set of 5)
Guild Marks250, 4x Crafting Resource Spruceresin[Spruce Resin], 1x Crafting Resource Aqua Regia[Aqua Regia] (set of 5)
Requires [Masterwork Alchemy Recipes I]
Crafting Resource Hardsand
Guild Marks:250, 2x Crafting Resource Sprucelo[Spruce Log], 1x Crafting Resource Adamant Plate[Adamant Plate] (set of 5)
Guild Marks250, 2x Crafting Resource Sprucelo[Spruce Log], 1x Crafting Resource Adamant Plate[Adamant Plate] (set of 5)
Requires [Masterwork Alchemy Recipes I]
Crafting Resource Artisansputty
[Artisan's Putty]
Guild Marks:500, 1x Crafting Resource Dragonturtlescales[Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Burgundypitch[Burgundy Pitch], 1x Crafting Resource Hardsand[Hardsand], 1x Crafting Resource Alkali[Alkali] (set of 5)
Guild Marks500, 1x Crafting Resource Dragonturtlescales[Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Burgundypitch[Burgundy Pitch], 1x Crafting Resource Hardsand[Hardsand], 1x Crafting Resource Alkali[Alkali] (set of 5)
Requires [Masterwork Alchemy Recipes I]
Crafting Resource Sprucelumber
[Spruce Lumber]
Guild Marks:250, 4x Crafting Resource Sprucelo[Spruce Log], 3x Crafting Resource Dark Lacquer[Dark Lacquer] (set of 5)
Guild Marks250, 4x Crafting Resource Sprucelo[Spruce Log], 3x Crafting Resource Dark Lacquer[Dark Lacquer] (set of 5)
Requires [Masterwork Artificing Recipes I]
Crafting Resource Scillitantglass
[Scintillant Glass]
Guild Marks:250, 1x Crafting Resource Rawsphene[Raw Sphene], 1x Crafting Resource Rawrubellite[Raw Rubellite], 1x Crafting Resource Gold Wire[Gold Wire] (set of 5)
Guild Marks250, 1x Crafting Resource Rawsphene[Raw Sphene], 1x Crafting Resource Rawrubellite[Raw Rubellite], 1x Crafting Resource Gold Wire[Gold Wire] (set of 5)
Requires [Masterwork Artificing Recipes I]