Neverwinter Wiki
Battlefield Duelist Hood
Module: May be earlier than module 22
Category: Equipment
Tag: Head
Binding: Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Pickup
Quality: Rare
Requires class: Ranger
Requires race: {{{race}}}
Requires level: 65
Item level: 434 (PvP:494)
{{{damage}}} Damage
Set Name: {{{set}}}
Use: {{{use}}}
Quest: [[{{{quest}}}]]
Sell value: Silver34 Copper18
Refinement point: Refinement Points60
Buy cost:
Inventory Head Pvp01 Hunter 01

The Battlefield Duelist Hood is part of Battlefield Armor set for Rangers.


Battlefield Duelist Hood
Item Level: 434 (PvP:494)
Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Pickup

+347 Combined Rating
+868 Defense
+2,083 Power
+8,333 Maximum Hit Points

+260 Armor Penetration
+347 Accuracy
+260 Deflection

Utility Slot: Empty
Overload Slot: Empty

Requires Class: Ranger
Requires Level: 65
Silver34 Copper18
Refinement Points60

Battlefield Armor

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Pvp01 Hunter 01
[Battlefield Executioner Hood] Collection Score 2 Trade of Blades
Inventory Body Pvp01 Hunter 01
[Battlefield Executioner Coat] Collection Score 2 Trade of Blades
Inventory Arms Pvp01 Hunter 01
[Battlefield Executioner Bracers] Collection Score 2 Trade of Blades
Inventory Feet Pvp01 Hunter 01
[Battlefield Executioner Gaiters] Collection Score 2 Trade of Blades
Inventory Head Pvp01 Hunter 01
[Battlefield Duelist Hood] Collection Score 2 Trade of Blades
Inventory Body Pvp01 Hunter 01
[Battlefield Duelist Coat] Collection Score 2 Trade of Blades
Inventory Arms Pvp01 Hunter 01
[Battlefield Duelist Bracers] Collection Score 2 Trade of Blades
Inventory Feet Pvp01 Hunter 01
[Battlefield Duelist Gaiters] Collection Score 2 Trade of Blades
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Battlefield Executioner Hood 347 868 2,083 8,333 260 347 260 6,248.25
Battlefield Executioner Coat 347 868 2,083 8,333 260 347 260 6,248.25
Battlefield Executioner Bracers 347 868 2,083 8,333 260 260 347 6,248.25
Battlefield Executioner Gaiters 347 868 2,083 8,333 260 347 260 6,248.25
Battlefield Duelist Hood 347 868 2,083 8,333 260 347 260 6,248.25
Battlefield Duelist Coat 347 868 2,083 8,333 260 260 347 6,248.25
Battlefield Duelist Bracers 347 868 2,083 8,333 260 260 347 6,248.25
Battlefield Duelist Gaiters 347 868 2,083 8,333 434 434 6,249.25


It can be bought from Kyrian Foss at the Trade of Blades.
