Neverwinter Wiki
Blackdagger Buccaneers
Level: 44
Preceded by:
Followed by:
Given by: Norver the Cook
Starts in: Pirates' Skyhold
Also occurs in:
Ends in: Pirates' Skyhold
Turn in to: Norver the Cook
Rewards: 3,198 XP 12 Silver 95 Copper
Duration: {{{duration}}}


  • Slay 4 Deathpledged, Hexers, and Ruffians in the Walk to the Plank.


Norver the Cook
I don't understand why so many of the crew stay loyal to Blackdagger after he spread his curse to them. Maybe they're just fanatical after all this time, or maybe the curse did something to their minds. I couldn't tell you. What I do know, though, is that some loyalists are searching for us nearby, seeking revenge on us for betraying their Pirate King.

You say you're looking for skyships? Well, we don't know where the working ones are exactly, but if you drive off the loyalists nearby, we can tell you where to start looking. Deal?


  • Slay 4 Deathpledged, Hexers, and Ruffians
  • Return to Norver the Cook


Norver the Cook
Thank you, thank you. I wouldn't like to think of what would have happened if they'd found us. There are many fates worse than death, and Bartholomew Blackdagger knows them all.


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