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Neverwinter Wiki
Cap of the Daring Outlaw
Module: May be earlier than module 22
Category: Equipment
Tag: Free Appearance Change
Binding: Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Equip
Quality: Rare
Requires class: Hunter Ranger
Requires race: {{{race}}}
Requires level: 60
Item level: 180
{{{damage}}} Damage
Set Name: {{{set}}}
Use: {{{use}}}
Quest: [[{{{quest}}}]]
Sell value: Silver34 Copper18
Refinement point: Refinement Points30
Buy cost: Astral Diamonds25,000
Inventory Head General01 Hunter 01


Cap of the Daring Outlaw
Item Level: 180
Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Equip

Free Appearance Change, Head
Requires Class: Hunter Ranger
Requires Level: 60
Silver34 Copper18
Refinement Points30

Daring Outlaw Armor

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Body General01 Hunter 01
[Tunic of the Daring Outlaw] Collection Score 2 Wondrous Bazaar
Inventory Head General01 Hunter 01
[Cap of the Daring Outlaw] Collection Score 2 Wondrous Bazaar
Inventory Arms General01 Hunter 01
[Gloves of the Daring Outlaw] Collection Score 2 Professions - Leatherworking
Inventory Feet General01 Hunter 01
[Boots of the Daring Outlaw] Collection Score 2 Professions - Leatherworking
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Tunic of the Daring Outlaw 0
Cap of the Daring Outlaw 0
Gloves of the Daring Outlaw 225 135 225 155 740
Boots of the Daring Outlaw 225 135 225 155 740