Neverwinter Wiki
Clear the Crypt
Level: 26
Preceded by: Smash the Hulks
Followed by:
Given by: Retrigal Bookbinder
Starts in: Neverdeath Graveyard
Also occurs in:
Ends in: Neverdeath Graveyard
Turn in to: Retrigal Bookbinder
Rewards: 860 XP
3 Silver 61 Copper
Duration: {{{duration}}}



  • Defeat the newly Risen Guardian of the Crypt of Vars Never.


Retrigal Bookbinder
You've been an invaluable help. I think I will be able to finish my research here. You see, I believe I may have found the tomb of Vars Never! He's the ancestor of our Lord Protector.

The tomb should be empty, of course, if Vars did settle in Waterdeep. But anything that I find in there should prove most interesting. Especially if records of his lineage were inscribed anywhere! The tomb is not far, but I would be grateful if you could clear it of any lingering dead.


  • Clear the Crypt Entrance
  • Return to Retrigal Bookbinder


Retrigal Bookbinder
You look tired. Did that last task give you any trouble?


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