Cloth Boots +2
The Cloth Boots +2 are a piece of armor that can be crafted in the Forgotten Tailoring Profession.
Cloth Boots +2
Item Level: 84
Binds on Equip
Equip: +77 Power
Equip: +108 Critical Strike
Equip: +36 Defense
A pair of leather boots with a basic enchantment on them.
Cloth, Feet
Requires Class: Control Wizard
Requires Level: 28
Forgotten Tailoring Tasks[]
Level Req. | Rarity | Icon | Name | Requires / Consumes | Opt. Asset | Time | Produces (Tier 1-3) | Prof. XP | Prof. XP per Hour |
8 | Rare | Cloth Boots +2 | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 30m | Tier 1:Tier 2: | 203 | 406 |