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Eternal Armor Set (Item Level 675)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Infernal

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score10.
The mystical abilities of ancient dragons were used to create this set of armor that increases in power as you advance your skills.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Feet Infernal Greatweaponfighter 01
[Eternal Greaves] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Inventory Arms Infernal Greatweaponfighter 01
[Eternal Bracers] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Inventory Body Infernal Greatweaponfighter 01
[Eternal Scale] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Inventory Head Infernal Greatweaponfighter 01
[Eternal Helm] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Eternal Greaves 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 467 410 467 9,714
Eternal Bracers 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 467 410 467 9,714
Eternal Scale 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 467 410 467 9,714
Eternal Helm 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 467 410 467 9,714


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Feet Infernal Devotedcleric 01
[Eternal Greaves] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Inventory Arms Infernal Devotedcleric 01
[Eternal Gauntlets] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Inventory Body Infernal Devotedcleric 01
[Eternal Chainmail Armor] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Inventory Head Infernal Devotedcleric 01
[Eternal Helm] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Eternal Greaves 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 410 467 467 9,714
Eternal Gauntlets 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 467 410 467 9,714
Eternal Chainmail Armor 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 410 467 467 9,714
Eternal Helm 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 470 470 410 9,720

Fighter, Paladin

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Feet Infernal Guardianfighter 01
[Eternal Boots] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Inventory Arms Infernal Guardianfighter 01
[Eternal Gauntlets] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Inventory Body Infernal Guardianfighter 01
[Eternal Plate Armor] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Inventory Head Infernal Guardianfighter 01
[Eternal Helm] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Eternal Boots 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 853 491 9,714
Eternal Gauntlets 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 410 467 467 9,714
Eternal Plate Armor 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 470 408 467 9,715
Eternal Helm 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 410 467 467 9,714


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Feet Infernal Hunterranger 01
[Eternal Boots] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Inventory Arms Infernal Hunterranger 01
[Eternal Bracers] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Inventory Body Infernal Hunterranger 01
[Eternal Hide Armor] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Inventory Head Infernal Hunterranger 01
[Eternal Hood] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Eternal Boots 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 410 467 467 9,714
Eternal Bracers 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 470 408 467 9,715
Eternal Hide Armor 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 410 467 467 9,714
Eternal Hood 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 470 408 467 9,715


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Feet Infernal Tricksterrogue 01
[Eternal Boots] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Inventory Arms Infernal Tricksterrogue 01
[Eternal Gloves] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Inventory Body Infernal Tricksterrogue 01
[Eternal Leather Armor] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Inventory Head Infernal Tricksterrogue 01
[Eternal Helmet] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Eternal Boots 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 467 410 467 9,714
Eternal Gloves 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 470 470 410 9,720
Eternal Leather Armor 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 410 467 467 9,714
Eternal Helmet 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 470 408 467 9,715


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Feet Infernal Scourgewarlock 01
[Eternal Boots] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Inventory Arms Infernal Scourgewarlock 01
[Eternal Gloves] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Inventory Body Infernal Scourgewarlock 01
[Eternal Leather Armor] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Inventory Head Infernal Scourgewarlock 01
[Eternal Helmet] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Eternal Boots 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 470 408 467 9,715
Eternal Gloves 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 467 410 467 9,714
Eternal Leather Armor 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 470 408 467 9,715
Eternal Helmet 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 467 410 467 9,714


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Feet Infernal Controlwizard 01
[Eternal Slippers] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Inventory Arms Infernal Controlwizard 01
[Eternal Gloves] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Inventory Body Infernal Controlwizard 01
[Eternal Tunic] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Inventory Head Infernal Controlwizard 01
[Eternal Cap] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Eternal Slippers 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 410 467 467 9,714
Eternal Gloves 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 470 467 408 9,715
Eternal Tunic 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 467 410 467 9,714
Eternal Cap 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 470 467 408 9,715

Artifacts and Gear in Rise of Tiamat[]

Collection Content Foreground General Tiamat

The great struggle to stop the Cult of the Dragons has unearthed a multitude of powerful artifacts and gear.

All Classes[]

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Icons Inventory Head Draconic Mask White
[White Draconic Guise] Collection Score 3 The Temple of Tiamat
Icons Inventory Head Draconic Mask Red
[Red Draconic Guise] Collection Score 3 The Temple of Tiamat
Icons Inventory Head Draconic Mask Green
[Green Draconic Guise] Collection Score 3 The Temple of Tiamat
Icons Inventory Head Draconic Mask Blue
[Blue Draconic Guise] Collection Score 3 The Temple of Tiamat
Icons Inventory Head Draconic Mask Black
[Black Draconic Guise] Collection Score 3 The Temple of Tiamat
Inventory Belt Artifact Seldarine 01
[Greater Belt of the Seldarine] Collection Score 2 The Temple of Tiamat [Campaign Chest]

The Well of Dragons

Inventory Belt Artifact Puissance
[Golden Belt of Puissance] Collection Score 2 The Temple of Tiamat [Campaign Chest]

The Well of Dragons

Inventory Belt Artifact Lathander 01
[Greater Lathander's Belt] Collection Score 2 The Temple of Tiamat [Campaign Chest]

The Well of Dragons

Inventory Belt Artifact Imperial 01
[Greater Imperial Waistband of Honor] Collection Score 2 The Temple of Tiamat [Campaign Chest]

The Well of Dragons

Inventory Neck All Artifact Seldarine
[Greater Cloak of the Seldarine] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant

The Temple of Tiamat [Epic]

Inventory Neck Artifact Lostmauthshoard 01
[Lostmauth's Hoard Necklace] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant

The Temple of Tiamat [Epic]

Inventory Neck All Artifact Lathander
[Greater Lathander's Cloak] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant

The Temple of Tiamat [Epic]

Inventory Neck All Artifact Imperial
[Greater Imperial Dragon Cloak] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant

The Temple of Tiamat [Epic]

Icon Inventory Artifacts Tiamat Voice
[Tiamat's Orb of Majesty] Collection Score 2 The Temple of Tiamat [Epic]
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total Other Bonus
White Draconic Guise 504 1,260 3,024 12,096 1260 9,072
Red Draconic Guise 504 1,260 3,024 12,096 1,260 9,072
Green Draconic Guise 504 1,260 3,024 12,096 1,260 9,072
Blue Draconic Guise 504 1,260 3,024 12,096 1,260 9,072
Black Draconic Guise 504 1,260 3,024 12,096 1,260 9,072
Greater Belt of the Seldarine 460 22,080 768 766 766 8,280
Golden Belt of Puissance 460 22,080 766 768 766 8,280
Greater Lathander's Belt 460 22,080 768 766 766 8,280
+1/2 Wisdom
Greater Imperial Waistband of Honor 460 22,080 768 766 766 8,280
+1/2 Wisdom
Greater Cloak of the Seldarine 460 22,080 768 766 766 8,280
Lostmauth's Hoard Necklace 460 22,080 766 768 766 8,280
Greater Lathander's Cloak 460 22,080 768 766 766 8,280
Greater Imperial Dragon Cloak 460 22,080 768 766 766 8,280
Tiamat's Orb of Majesty 600 600 600 600 600 3,000


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Greataxe Elemental Fire 02
[Elemental Fire Greataxe] Collection Score 2 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Inventory Secondary Swordknot Elemental Fire 02
[Elemental Fire Sword Knot] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant
Inventory Secondary Swordknot Goldendragon 01
[Golden Dragon Sword Knot] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant
Inventory Primary Greatsword Goldendragon 01
[Vanguard of the Golden Dragon] Collection Score 2 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Inventory Primary Greatsword Goldendragon 01
[Golden Dragon Swordmaster] Collection Score 2 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Elemental Fire Greataxe 460 5,520 768 766 766 8,280
Elemental Fire Sword Knot 460 5,520 768 766 766 8,280
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total Other Bonus
Golden Dragon Sword Knot 458 298 298 1,054
Vanguard of the Golden Dragon 3,797 515 515 4,827 Increase damage done by Threatening Rush by 12%
Golden Dragon Swordmaster 3,797 515 515 4,827 Increase damage done by all attacks that follow Weapon Master's Strike by 10%


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Holysymbol Elemental Fire 02
[Elemental Fire Holy Symbol] Collection Score 2 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Inventory Secondary Icon Elemental Fire 02
[Elemental Fire Icon] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant
Inventory Secondary Icon Goldendragon 01
[Golden Dragon Icon] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant
Inventory Primary Scepter Goldendragon 01
[Golden Dragon's Champion] Collection Score 2 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Inventory Primary Scepter Goldendragon 01
[Oracle of the Golden Dragon] Collection Score 2 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Elemental Fire Holy Symbol 460 5,520 766 768 766 8,280
Elemental Fire Icon 460 5,520 768 766 766 8,280
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total Other Bonus
Golden Dragon Icon 458 298 298 1,054
Golden Dragon's Champion 3,797 515 515 4,827 Increase the damage done by Blessing of Battle by 15%
Oracle of the Golden Dragon 3,797 515 515 4,827 Increase the damage done by Brand of the Sun by 15%


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Longsword Elemental Fire 02
[Elemental Fire Longsword] Collection Score 2 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Inventory Secondary Shield Elemental Fire 02
[Elemental Fire Shield] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant
Inventory Secondary Shield Goldendragon 01
[Golden Dragon Shield] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant
Inventory Primary Longsword Goldendragon 01
[Vanguard of the Golden Dragon] Collection Score 2 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Inventory Primary Longsword Goldendragon 01
[Golden Dragon Swordmaster] Collection Score 2 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Elemental Fire Longsword 460 5,520 766 768 766 8,280
Elemental Fire Shield 460 5,520 1,532 766 8,278
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total Other Bonus
Golden Dragon Shield 1,190 458 298 1,053.5 +8AC
Vanguard of the Golden Dragon 2,059 3,109 515 4,138.75 Increase damage done by Threatening Rush by 12%
Golden Dragon Swordmaster 3,109 515 515 4,139 Increase damage done by all attacks of Weapon Master's Strike by 10%


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Longsword Elemental Fire 02
[Mace of Elemental Fire] Collection Score 2 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Inventory Secondary Shield Elemental Fire 02
[Kite Shield of Elemental Fire] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant
Inventory Secondary Shield Goldendragon 01
[Shield of the Golden Dragon] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Mace of Elemental Fire 460 5,520 766 768 766 8,280
Kite Shield of Elemental Fire 460 5,520 766 768 766 8,280
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total Other Bonus
Shield of the Golden Dragon ??? ??? Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "?". +8AC


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Bow Elemental Fire 02
[Longbow of Elemental Fire] Collection Score 2 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Inventory Secondary Axe Elemental Fire 02
[Elemental Fire Axes] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant
Inventory Secondary Blades Goldendragon 01
[Golden Dragon Blades] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant
Inventory Primary Bow Goldendragon 01
[Pathfinder of the Golden Dragon] Collection Score 2 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Inventory Primary Bow Goldendragon 01
[Golden Dragon's Stormwarden] Collection Score 2 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Longbow of Elemental Fire 460 5,520 766 768 766 8,280
Elemental Fire Axes 460 5,520 768 766 766 8,280
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total Other Bonus
Golden Dragon Blades 2,157 434 434 3,025
Pathfinder of the Golden Dragon 2,157 434 434 3,025 Increase damage done by Hunter's Teamwork by 12%
Increase damage done by the triggered attack of Careful Attack by 12%
Golden Dragon's Stormwarden 2,157 434 434 3,025 Increase damage done by Electric Shot by 10%
Increase damage done by Clear the Ground by 10%


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Dagger Elemental Fire 02
[Dagger of Elemental Fire] Collection Score 2 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Inventory Secondary Dagger Elemental Fire 02
[Elemental Fire Stiletto] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant
Inventory Secondary Dagger Goldendragon 01
[Golden Dragon Stiletto] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant
Inventory Primary Dagger Goldendragon 01
[Infiltrator of the Golden Dragon] Collection Score 2 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Inventory Primary Dagger Goldendragon 01
[Golden Dragon's Whisper] Collection Score 2 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Dagger of Elemental Fire 460 5,520 766 768 766 8,280
Elemental Fire Stiletto 460 5,520 766 768 766 8,280
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total Other Bonus
Golden Dragon Stiletto 2,157 434 434 3,025
Infiltrator of the Golden Dragon 2,157 434 434 3,025 Increase damage done by Gloaming Cut by 15%
Golden Dragon's Whisper 2,157 434 434 3,025 Increase damage done by Disheartening Strike by 15%


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Pactblade Elemental Fire 02
[Pact Blade of Elemental Fire] Collection Score 2 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Inventory Secondary Grimore Elemental Fire 02
[Elemental Fire Grimoire] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant
Inventory Secondary Goldendragon Scourge 01
[Golden Dragon Grimoire] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant
Inventory Primary Pactblade Goldendragon 01
[Golden Dragon's Hellbringer] Collection Score 2 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Inventory Primary Pactblade Goldendragon 01
[Soulbinder of the Golden Dragon] Collection Score 2 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Pact Blade of Elemental Fire 460 5,520 766 768 766 8,280
Elemental Fire Grimoire 460 5,520 768 766 766 8,280
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total Other Bonus
Golden Dragon Grimoire 458 298 298 1,054
Golden Dragon's Hellbringer 3,797 515 515 4,827 Increase damage done by Hellish Rebuke by 15%
Soulbinder of the Golden Dragon 3,797 515 515 4,827 Increase damage done by Essence Defiler by 10%.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Orb Elemental Fire 02
[Orb of Elemental Fire] Collection Score 2 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Inventory Secondary Talisman Elemental Fire 02
[Elemental Fire Talisman] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant
Inventory Secondary Talisman Goldendragon 01
[Golden Dragon Talisman] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant
Inventory Primary Orb Goldendragon 01
[Spellstorm of the Golden Dragon] Collection Score 2 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Inventory Primary Orb Goldendragon 01
[Golden Dragon of Flame] Collection Score 2 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Orb of Elemental Fire 460 5,520 766 768 766 8,280
Elemental Fire Talisman 460 5,520 768 766 766 8,280
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total Other Bonus
Golden Dragon Talisman 458 298 298 1,054
Spellstorm of the Golden Dragon 3,797 515 515 4,827 Increase damage done by the area lightning caused by Storm Pillar by 20%
Golden Dragon of Flame 3,797 515 515 4,827 Increase the initial damage done by Scorching Burst by 15%

Draconic Knowledge[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Draconicknowledge

These tomes of knowledge contains much information on the ways of Dragonkind. The insight into dragons granted by these books is invaluable to all of those who wish to slay them.[1]

These books are used to grant the player a Boon from the Tyranny of Dragons Campaign.

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Icons Campaign Tiamat Incantationsdragonqueen
[Incantations of the Dragon Queen] Collection Score 5 The Temple of Tiamat [Campaign Chest]
The Temple of Tiamat [Epic]
Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Store
  1. [Breyer's Draconic Investigations] and [Haarl's Treatise on Dragonkind] are also part of the Draconic Knowledge Lore; these are part of the Tyranny of Dragons Collection.

Rise of Tiamat Companions[]

Collection Content Foreground Companion Cultist

These companions are ready to join you in your battles, even if it means facing Tiamat herself.

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Icons Companion Repentedcultist
[Repentant Dragon Cultist] Collection Score 3 Cult's Prison at Well of Dragons