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Iliyanbruen Equipment (Item Level 675)[]

Rewards Fg Sharandar 03

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score10.
This set of ancient elven armor originates from the grand Kingdom of Illefarn that once occupied what is now Neverwinter Woods.

Note: Available from May 28, 2015 (since Patch NW.45.20150515a.1).


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Sharandar T05 Greatweapon 01
[Iliyanbruen Helm] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Inventory Body Sharandar T05 Greatweapon 01
[Iliyanbruen Scale Armor] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Inventory Arms Sharandar T05 Greatweapon 01
[Iliyanbruen Bracers] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Inventory Feet Sharandar T05 Greatweapon 01
[Iliyanbruen Greaves] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Iliyanbruen Helm 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 472 203 203 472 9,720
Iliyanbruen Scale Armor 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 459 216 216 459 9,720
Iliyanbruen Bracers 540 1,350 3,240 1,2960 472 203 203 472 9,720
Iliyanbruen Greaves 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 472 203 203 472 9,720


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Sharandar T05 Devoted 01
[Iliyanbruen Helm] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Inventory Body Sharandar T05 Devoted 01
[Iliyanbruen Chainmail Armor] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Inventory Arms Sharandar T05 Devoted 01
[Iliyanbruen Gauntlets] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Inventory Feet Sharandar T05 Devoted 01
[Iliyanbruen Greaves] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Iliyanbruen Helm 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 203 472 203 472 9,720
Iliyanbruen Chainmail Armor 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 216 459 216 459 9,720
Iliyanbruen Gauntlets 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 203 472 203 472 9,720
Iliyanbruen Greaves 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 203 472 203 472 9,720

Iliyanbruen Equipment

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Sharandar T05 Guardian 01
[Iliyanbruen Helm] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Inventory Body Sharandar T05 Guardian 01
[Iliyanbruen Plate Armor] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Inventory Arms Sharandar T05 Guardian 01
[Iliyanbruen Gauntlets] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Inventory Feet Sharandar T05 Guardian 01
[Iliyanbruen Boots] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Iliyanbruen Helm 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 472 203 472 203 9,720
Iliyanbruen Plate Armor 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 459 216 459 216 9,720
Iliyanbruen Gauntlets 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 472 203 472 203 9,720
Iliyanbruen Boots 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 472 203 472 203 9,720

Iliyanbruen Equipment

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Sharandar T05 Hunter 01
[Iliyanbruen Hood] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Inventory Body Sharandar T05 Hunter 01
[Iliyanbruen Hide Armor] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Inventory Arms Sharandar T05 Hunter 01
[Iliyanbruen Bracers] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Inventory Feet Sharandar T05 Hunter 01
[Iliyanbruen Boots] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Iliyanbruen Hood 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 472 472 203 203 9,720
Iliyanbruen Hide Armor 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 459 459 216 216 9,720
Iliyanbruen Bracers 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 472 472 203 203 9,720
Iliyanbruen Boots 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 472 472 203 203 9,720

Iliyanbruen Equipment

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Sharandar T05 Trickster 01
[Iliyanbruen Helmet] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Inventory Body Sharandar T05 Trickster 01
[Iliyanbruen Leather Armor] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Inventory Arms Sharandar T05 Trickster 01
[Iliyanbruen Gloves] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Inventory Feet Sharandar T05 Trickster 01
[Iliyanbruen Boots] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Iliyanbruen Helmet 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 472 203 203 472 9,720
Iliyanbruen Leather Armor 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 459 216 216 459 9,720
Iliyanbruen Gloves 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 472 203 203 472 9,720
Iliyanbruen Boots 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 472 203 203 472 9,720

Iliyanbruen Equipment

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Sharandar T5 Scourge 01
[Iliyanbruen Helmet] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Inventory Body Sharandar T5 Scourge 01
[Iliyanbruen Leather Armor] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Inventory Arms Sharandar T5 Scourge 01
[Iliyanbruen Gloves] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Inventory Feet Sharandar T5 Scourge 01
[Iliyanbruen Boots] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Iliyanbruen Helmet 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 472 405 472 9,719
Iliyanbruen Leather Armor 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 459 432 459 9,720
Iliyanbruen Gloves 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 472 405 472 9,719
Iliyanbruen Boots 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 472 405 472 9,719

Iliyanbruen Equipment

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Sharandar T05 Control 01
[Iliyanbruen Cap] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Inventory Body Sharandar T05 Control 01
[Iliyanbruen Robes] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Inventory Arms Sharandar T05 Control 01
[Iliyanbruen Gloves] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Inventory Feet Sharandar T05 Control 01
[Iliyanbruen Slippers] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign Store
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Iliyanbruen Cap 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 472 203 472 203 9,720
Iliyanbruen Robes 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 459 216 459 216 9,720
Iliyanbruen Gloves 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 472 203 472 203 9,720
Iliyanbruen Slippers 540 1,350 3,240 12,960 472 203 472 203 9,720

Iliyanbruen Accessories (Item Level 675)[]

Rewards Fg Sharandar 02

This pair of ancient elven cloak and ring carries a powerful enchantment that causes them to reflect the power of the wearer.

Iliyanbruen Accessories

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Armor Neck Cloak Nature 01
[Iliyanbruen Ring] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign (Store)
Inventory Neck Sharandar T05 Hunter 01
[Iliyanbruen Cloak] Collection Score 2 Sharandar Campaign (Store)
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Iliyanbruen Ring 675 1,350 1,364 1,350 1,336 1,350 1,350 8,775
Iliyanbruen Cloak 540 25,920 451 448 451 448 451 451 9,720

Redcap Gear (Item Level 251 / 675)[]

Rewards Fg Sharandar 05

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score 5.
The vicious redcaps who infest New Sharandar and its surrounds wear armor studded with thorns and wield fearsome hooked and barbed weaponry.

Redcap Gear

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Redcap Greatsword 01
[Redcap Greatblade] Collection Score 2 New Sharandar Store
Inventory Head Redcap 01
[Redcap Blood Helm] Collection Score 2 The Master of the Hunt (Skirmish)
Inventory Secondary Redcap Swordknot 01
[Redcap Sword Knot] Collection Score 2 Gnarlroot Caves
Inventory Feet Redcap 01
[Redcap Greaves] Collection Score 2 The Witch Fen
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Redcap Greatblade 540 6,480 770 580 1,350 9,720
Redcap Blood Helm 201 502 1,205 4819 146 178 177 3,613.75
Redcap Sword Knot 201 2,410 169 1,004 169 3,953
Redcap Greaves 201 502 1,205 341 341 2,590


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Redcap Holysymbol 01
[Redcap Symbol] Collection Score 2 New Sharandar Store
Inventory Head Redcap 01
[Redcap Blood Helm] Collection Score 2 The Master of the Hunt (Skirmish)
Inventory Secondary Redcap Icon 01
[Redcap Icon] Collection Score 2 Gnarlroot Caves
Inventory Body Redcap 01
[Redcap Mail Armor] Collection Score 2
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Redcap Symbol 540 6,480 1,077 904 718 9,719
Redcap Blood Helm 201 502 1,205 4,819 178 146 177 3,613.75
Redcap Icon 201 2,579 1,004 169 3,953
Redcap Mail Armor 201 502 1,205 4,819 146 178 177 3,613.75

Redcap Gear

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition Class
Inventory Primary Redcap Longsword 01
[Redcap Longblade] Collection Score 2 New Sharandar Store Guardian Fighter, Oathbound Paladin
Inventory Head Redcap 01
[Redcap Blood Helm] Collection Score 2 The Master of the Hunt (Skirmish) Guardian Fighter, Oathbound Paladin
Inventory Arms Redcap 01
[Redcap Bracers] Collection Score 2 Gnarlroot Caves Guardian Fighter, Oathbound Paladin
Inventory Secondary Redcap Shield 01
[Redcap Shield] Collection Score 2 The Witch Fen Guardian Fighter
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Redcap Longblade 540 6,480 899 724 1,077 9,720
Redcap Blood Helm 201 502 1,205 4,819 178 146 177 3,613.75
Redcap Bracers 201 502 1,205 4,819 178 146 177 3,613.75
Redcap Shield 201 169 2,579 1,004 3,953

Redcap Gear

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Redcap Bow 01
[Redcap Longbow] Collection Score 2 New Sharandar Store
Inventory Head Redcap 01
[Redcap Blood Cap] Collection Score 2 The Master of the Hunt (Skirmish)
Inventory Secondary Redcap Dagger 01
[Redcap Sickles] Collection Score 2 Witch Fen, Gnarlroot Caves
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Redcap Longbow 540 6,480 718 899 1,083 9,720
Redcap Blood Cap 201 502 1,205 4,819 177 147 177 3,613.75
Redcap Sickles 201 2,410 401 267 336 3,615

Redcap Gear

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Redcap Dagger 01
[Redcap Sickle] Collection Score 2 New Sharandar Store
Inventory Head Redcap 01
[Redcap Blood Cap] Collection Score 2 The Master of the Hunt (Skirmish)
Inventory Secondary Redcap Dagger 01
[Redcap Parrying Sickle] Collection Score 2 Gnarlroot Caves
Inventory Body Redcap 01
[Redcap Tunic] Collection Score 2 The Witch Fen
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Redcap Sickle 540 6,480 899 1,083 718 9,720
Redcap Blood Cap 201 502 1,205 4,819 177 147 177 3,613.75
Redcap Parrying Sickle 201 2,410 27 336 401 3,375
Redcap Tunic 201 502 1,205 4,819 177 177 147 3,613.75

Redcap Gear

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Redcap Pactblade 01
[Redcap Pact Blade] Collection Score 2 New Sharandar Store
Inventory Head Redcap 01
[Redcap Blood Cap] Collection Score 2 The Master of the Hunt (Skirmish)
Inventory Secondary Redcap Scourge 01
[Redcap Grimoire] Collection Score 2 The Witch Fen, Gnarlroot Caves
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Redcap Pact Blade 540 6,480 904 718 1,077 9,719
Redcap Blood Cap 201 502 1,205 4,819 177 147 177 3,613.75
Redcap Grimoire 201 2,410 1,002 3,613

Redcap Gear

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Redcap Orb 01
[Redcap Orb] Collection Score 2 New Sharandar Store
Inventory Head Redcap 01
[Redcap Blood Cap] Collection Score 2 The Master of the Hunt (Skirmish)
Inventory Neck Redcloak 01
[Redcap Blood Cloak] Collection Score 2 Gnarlroot Caves
Inventory Secondary Redcap Talisman 01
[Redcap Talisman] Collection Score 2 The Witch Fen
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Redcap Orb 540 6,480 1,258 904 537 9,719
Redcap Blood Cap 201 502 1,205 4,819 146 178 177 3,613.75
Redcap Blood Cloak 201 9,638 293 357 353 3,613.5
Redcap Talisman 201 2,410 169 1,004 169 3,953

Sinister Gear (Item Level 251)[]

Rewards Fg Sharandar 07

Enchanted with sinister magic from the depths of the Feydark, these dark weapons harness the powers of malice and blight.

Sinister Gear

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Sinister Polearm 01
[Sinister Polearm] Collection Score 2 Tradebar Store
Inventory Secondary Sinister Swordknot 01
[Sinister Sword Knot] Collection Score 2 The Witch Fen
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Sinister Polearm 201 2,410 199 572 233 3,615
Sinister Sword Knot 201 2,410 169 169 1,004 3,953

Sinister Gear

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Sinister Holysymbol 01
[Sinister Relic] Collection Score 2 Tradebar Store
Inventory Secondary Sinister Icon 01
[Sinister Icon] Collection Score 2 The Witch Fen
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Sinister Relic 201 2,410 200 536 267 3,614
Sinister Icon 201 2,579 1,004 169 3,953

Sinister Gear

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Sinister Spear 01
[Sinister Spear] Collection Score 2 Tradebar Store
Inventory Secondary Sinister Shield 01
[Sinister Shield] Collection Score 2 The Witch Fen
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Sinister Spear 201 2,410 536 267 200 3,614
Sinister Shield 201 169 2,410 1,004 169 3,953


Collection does not exist for this class.

Sinister Gear

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Sinister Bow 01
[Sinister Longbow] Collection Score 2 Tradebar Store
Inventory Primary Sinister Rapier 01
[Sinister Blades] Collection Score 2 The Witch Fen
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Sinister Longbow 201 2,410 251 534 219 3,615
Sinister Blades 201 2,410 334 334 335 3,614

Sinister Gear

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Sinister Rapier 01
[Sinister Rapier] Collection Score 2 Tradebar Store
Inventory Primary Sinister Rapier 01
[Sinister Rapier] Collection Score 2 The Witch Fen
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Sinister Rapier 201 2,410 251 534 219 3,615
Sinister Rapier 201 2,410 334 335 334 3,614

Sinister Gear

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Sinister Pactblade 01
[Sinister Pact Blade] Collection Score 2 Tradebar Store
Inventory Secondary Sinister Scourge 01
[Sinister Grimoire] Collection Score 2 The Witch Fen
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Sinister Pact Blade 201 2,410 200 536 267 3,614
Sinister Grimoire 201 2,410 397 607 3,615

Sinister Gear

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Sinister Book 01
[Sinister Tome] Collection Score 2 Tradebar Store
Inventory Secondary Sinister Talisman 01
[Sinister Talisman] Collection Score 2 The Witch Fen
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Sinister Tome 201 2,410 267 536 200 3,614
Sinister Talisman 201 2,410 169 1,004 169 3,953

Fey Gear (Item Level 294 / 340/ 675)[]

Rewards Fg Sharandar 06

Crafted by the elves using all the artful magic of the fey, these fine creations are graceful and light.

Fey Gear

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Fey Swordknot 01
[Sword Knot of the Fey] Collection Score 2 Tower of Celadaine
Inventory Primary Fey Polearm 01
[Polearm of the Fey] Collection Score 2 New Sharandar Store
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Sword Knot of the Fey 272 3,264 171 171 1,360 5,238
Polearm of the Fey 540 6,480 1,169 632 899 9,720

Fey Gear

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Fey Icon 01
[Icon of the Fey] Collection Score 2 Tower of Celadaine
Inventory Primary Fey Holysymbol 01
[Relic of the Fey] Collection Score 2 New Sharandar Store
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Icon of the Fey 272 3,435 1,531 5,238
Relic of the Fey 540 6,480 632 899 1,169 9,720

Fey Gear

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition Class
Inventory Secondary Fey Shield 01
[Shield of the Fey] Collection Score 2 Tower of Celadaine Guardian Fighter, Oathbound Paladin
Inventory Primary Fey Spear 01
[Spear of the Fey] Collection Score 2 New Sharandar Store Guardian Fighter
Inventory Secondary Fey Blades 01
[Blade of the Fey] Collection Score 2 New Sharandar Store Oathbound Paladin
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Shield of the Fey 235 141 2,822 1,176 141 4,515
Spear of the Fey 540 6,480 902 1,169 629 9,720
Blade of the Fey 540 6,480 902 1,169 629 9,720

Fey Gear

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Fey Blades 01
[Blades of the Fey] Collection Score 2 Tower of Celadaine
Inventory Primary Fey Longbow 01
[Longbow of the Fey] Collection Score 2 New Sharandar Store
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Blades of the Fey 235 2,822 393 392 392 4,234
Longbow of the Fey 540 6,480 1,169 632 899 9,720

Fey Gear

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Fey Rapier 01
[Rapier of the Fey] Collection Score 2 Tower of Celadaine
Inventory Primary Fey Rapier 01
[Saber of the Fey] Collection Score 2 New Sharandar Store
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Rapier of the Fey 235 2,822 393 392 392 4,234
Saber of the Fey 540 6,480 1,169 629 899 9,717

Fey Gear

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Fey Scourge 01
[Grimoire of the Fey] Collection Score 2 Tower of Celadaine
Inventory Primary Fey Pactblade 01
[Pact Blade of the Fey] Collection Score 2 New Sharandar Store
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Grimoire of the Fey 272 3,264 828 532 4,896
Pact Blade of the Fey 540 6,480 632 899 1,169 9,720

Fey Gear

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Fey Talisman 01
[Talisman of the Fey] Collection Score 2 Tower of Celadaine
Inventory Primary Fey Book 01
[Tome of the Fey] Collection Score 2 New Sharandar Store
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Talisman of the Fey 272 3,264 171 1,531 5,238
Tome of the Fey 540 6,480 1,169 629 899 9,717


Rewards Fg Sharandar 09

The elves of New Sharandar wear fine and courtly attire made from the most delicate elven fabrics.

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Icons Inventory Fashion Sunelf Bottom
[Sun Elf Noble's Bottoms] Collection Score 2 Zen Store
Icons Inventory Fashion Sunelf Top
[Sun Elf Noble's Tunic] Collection Score 2 Zen Store
Icons Inventory Fashion Sunelf Head
[Sun Elf Noble's Circlet] Collection Score 2 Zen Store

Feywild Lockbox[]

Rewards Fg Sharandar 01

The treasures of the Feywild can be yours, including companions, mounts, equipment, and more!

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Icons Inventory Misc Contract Aranea 01
[Aranea] Collection Score 2 Feywild Lockbox
Icons Inventory Mount Stag 02
[Sylvan Stag] Collection Score 2 Feywild Lockbox

Sharandar Companions[]

Collection Content Foreground Sharandar Companions

These companions are ready to strike out from the Feywild and adventure in the great world beyond.

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Icons Inventory Misc Collar Blinkdog 01
[Blink Dog] Collection Score 2 Tower of Celadaine
Icons Inventory Misc Gemstone Phasespider 01
[Phase Spider] Collection Score 2 Tradebar Store

Sharandar Gear and Artifacts[]

Collection Content Foreground Artifact Emblemoftheseldarine

Those favored by the Seldarine are rewarded with artifacts of wondrous power.

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Icons Inventory Head The Blackthorn
[The Blackthorn] Collection Score 3 Malabog's Castle (Dungeon)
Icons Inventory Neck Huntmasters Cloak
[Huntmaster's Cloak] Collection Score 3 The Master of the Hunt (Skirmish)
Icon Inventory Artifacts Emblemoftheseldarine
[Emblem of the Seldarine] Collection Score 2 Malabog's Castle (Dungeon)
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total Other Bonus
The Blackthorn 567 472 472 1,511
Huntmaster's Cloak 378 252 189 189 1,008
Emblem of the Seldarine 510 450 450 450 9,000