Neverwinter Wiki

Elements for the Dragonforge[]

These elements are used in the forging of Artifact Equipment weapons. Bring all three to the Dragonforge to create a new artifact weapon.

Complete the Tyranny of Dragons campaign to the point where the Dragonforged Artifact task is available. Completeing this task will reward you with one of three artifact weapons based on your class.

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Crafting Component Gem Brilliant Red 03
[Dragon Gem] Collection Score 2 The Shores of Tuern [Epic], The Shores of Tuern, Lair of Lostmauth [Epic], Lair of Lostmauth
Inventory Misc Bones 02
[Dragon Bone] Collection Score 2 The Dragon Vilithrax - Whispering Caverns, The Shores of Tuern [Epic], Lair of Lostmauth [Epic], The Dragon Venfithar - Rothe Valley
Crafting Blackice Resource Mithralingot
[Dragon Forged Steel] Collection Score 1 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Store

Artifacts and Gear in Tyranny of Dragons[]

Collection Content Foreground General Tyranny

The great struggle to stop the Cult of the Dragons has unearthed a multitude of powerful artifacts and gear.

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Icons Inventory Head Dragon Loyalists Visage
[Dragon Loyalist's Visage] Collection Score 3 The Shores of Tuern
Icons Inventory Arms Cambists Gauntlets
[Cambist's Gauntlets] Collection Score 3 Lair of Lostmauth
Icon Inventory Artifacts Horn Of Blasting
[Lostmauth's Horn of Blasting] Collection Score 2 Lair of Lostmauth [Epic]
Inventory Neck Artifact Lostmauthshoard 01
[Lostmauth's Hoard Necklace] Collection Score 2 Lair of Lostmauth [Epic]
Inventory Belt Artifact Puissance
[Golden Belt of Puissance] Collection Score 2 Lair of Lostmauth [Epic]
Icon Inventory Artifacts Dragoncultist
[Rod of Imperial Restraint] Collection Score 2 The Dragon Vilithrax - Whispering Caverns
The Dragon Venfithar - Rothé Valley
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total Other Bonus
Dragon Loyalist's Visage 504 1,260 3,024 12,096 504 756 9,072
When you have a draconic companion summoned, you gain a bonus effect. (Bonus varies by companion.)
Cambist's Gauntlets 504 1,260 3,024 12,096 756 504 9,072
Golden Steal
Your attack have a chance to cause extra damage, but at a financial cost.
Lostmauth's Horn of Blasting 999 1,002 2,001
Lostmauth's Hoard Necklace 460 22,080 766 768 766 8,280
Golden Belt of Puissance 460 22,080 766 768 766 8,280
Rod of Imperial Restraint 999 1,002 2,001

Draconic Knowledge[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Draconicknowledge

These tomes of knowledge contain much information on the ways of Dragonkind. The insight into dragons granted by these books is invaluable to all of those who wish to slay them.[1]

These books are used to grant the player Boons from the Tyranny of Dragons Campaign.

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Icons Campaign Tyranny Dragonlore 02
[Breyer's Draconic Investigations] Collection Score 5 Lair of Lostmauth [Epic]
Lair of Lostmauth
Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Store
Icons Campaign Tyranny Dragonlore 01
[Haarl's Treatise on Dragonkind] Collection Score 5 The Shores of Tuern [Epic]
The Shores of Tuern
Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Store
  1. [Incantations of the Dragon Queen] is also part of the Draconic Knowledge Lore; this is part of the Rise of Tiamat Collection.

Dragon Bone Weapons (Item Level 315)[]

Collection Content Foreground Weapon Dragonbone

These weapons are formed by the Cult of the Dragon out of the bones of the very dragons that they so admire.

These are rare and exotic magical items whose powers increase as your character advances.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Swordknot Dracolich 01
[Dragon Bone Sword Knot] Collection Score 2 The Dragon Charthraxis - Neverdeath
The Dragon Merothrax, The Greedy - Icespire Peak
The Dragon Vartilingorix - Ebon Downs
Inventory Primary Greataxe Dracolich 01
[Dragon Bone Halberd] Collection Score 2 The Dragon Charthraxis - Neverdeath
The Dragon Merothrax, The Greedy - Icespire Peak
The Dragon Vartilingorix - Ebon Downs
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Dragon Bone Sword Knot 449 368 444 1,261
Dragon Bone Halberd 444 449 368 1,261


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Icon Dracolich 01
[Dragon Bone Icon] Collection Score 2 The Dragon Charthraxis - Neverdeath
The Dragon Merothrax, The Greedy - Icespire Peak
The Dragon Vartilingorix - Ebon Downs
Inventory Primary Scepter Dracolich 01
[Dragon Bone Scepter] Collection Score 2 The Dragon Charthraxis - Neverdeath
The Dragon Merothrax, The Greedy - Icespire Peak
The Dragon Vartilingorix - Ebon Downs
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Dragon Bone Icon 373 444 444 1,261
Dragon Bone Scepter 449 444 368 1,261


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Shield Dracolich 01
[Dragon Bone Shield] Collection Score 2 The Dragon Charthraxis - Neverdeath
The Dragon Merothrax, The Greedy - Icespire Peak
The Dragon Vartilingorix - Ebon Downs
Inventory Primary Trident Dracolich 01
[Dragon Bone Trident] Collection Score 2 The Dragon Charthraxis - Neverdeath
The Dragon Merothrax, The Greedy - Icespire Peak
The Dragon Vartilingorix - Ebon Downs
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Dragon Bone Shield 449 444 368 1,261
Dragon Bone Trident 449 368 444 1,261


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Shield Dracolich 01
[Dragon Bone Shield] Collection Score 2 The Dragon Charthraxis - Neverdeath
The Dragon Merothrax, The Greedy - Icespire Peak
The Dragon Vartilingorix - Ebon Downs
Inventory Primary Scepter Dracolich 01
[Dragon Bone Mace] Collection Score 2 The Dragon Charthraxis - Neverdeath
The Dragon Merothrax, The Greedy - Icespire Peak
The Dragon Vartilingorix - Ebon Downs
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Dragon Bone Shield 449 444 368 1,261
Dragon Bone Mace 449 368 444 1,261


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Blades Dracolich 01
[Dragon Bone Blades] Collection Score 2 The Dragon Charthraxis - Neverdeath
The Dragon Merothrax, The Greedy - Icespire Peak
The Dragon Vartilingorix - Ebon Downs
Inventory Primary Bow Dracolich 01
[Dragon Bone Longbow] Collection Score 2 The Dragon Charthraxis - Neverdeath
The Dragon Merothrax, The Greedy - Icespire Peak
The Dragon Vartilingorix - Ebon Downs
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Dragon Bone Blades 368 449 444 1,261
Dragon Bone Longbow 449 368 444 1,261


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Dagger Dracolich 01
[Dragon Bone Swirl] Collection Score 2 The Dragon Charthraxis - Neverdeath
The Dragon Merothrax, The Greedy - Icespire Peak
The Dragon Vartilingorix - Ebon Downs
Inventory Primary Dagger Dracolich 01
[Dragon Bone Whirl] Collection Score 2 The Dragon Charthraxis - Neverdeath
The Dragon Merothrax, The Greedy - Icespire Peak
The Dragon Vartilingorix - Ebon Downs
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Dragon Bone Swirl 449 368 444 1,261
Dragon Bone Whirl 444 373 444 1,261


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Grimore Dracolich 01
[Dragon Bone Grimoire] Collection Score 2 The Dragon Charthraxis - Neverdeath
The Dragon Merothrax, The Greedy - Icespire Peak
The Dragon Vartilingorix - Ebon Downs
Inventory Primary Pactblade Dracolich 01
[Dragon Bone Pact Blade] Collection Score 2 The Dragon Charthraxis - Neverdeath
The Dragon Merothrax, The Greedy - Icespire Peak
The Dragon Vartilingorix - Ebon Downs
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Dragon Bone Grimoire 368 449 444 1,261
Dragon Bone Pact Blade 444 449 368 1,261


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Talisman Dracolich 01
[Dragon Bone Talisman] Collection Score 2 The Dragon Charthraxis - Neverdeath
The Dragon Merothrax, The Greedy - Icespire Peak
The Dragon Vartilingorix - Ebon Downs
Inventory Primary Orb Dracolich 01
[Dragon Bone Orb] Collection Score 2 The Dragon Charthraxis - Neverdeath
The Dragon Merothrax, The Greedy - Icespire Peak
The Dragon Vartilingorix - Ebon Downs
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Dragon Bone Talisman 449 444 368 1,261
Dragon Bone Orb 449 368 444 1,261

Cult of the Dragon Fashion[]

Collection Content Foreground Fashion Cultofthedragon

The Cult of the Dragon is known for its distinctive headdresses and dark colors.

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
NW Cult of the Dragon Garb
[Cult of the Dragon Garb] Collection Score 2 The Dragon Charthraxis - Neverdeath
NW Cult of the Dragon Tunic
[Cult of the Dragon Tunic] Collection Score 2 The Dragon Merothrax, The Greedy - Icespire Peak
NW Cult of the Dragon Headdress
[Cult of the Dragon Headdress] Collection Score 2 The Dragon Vartilingorix - Ebon Downs