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Company PVE Armor (Item Level 588)[]

Collection Content Foreground Strongholds Guildarmor

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score10.
The high quality design and affordable construction of this equipment is beloved by large adventuring guilds who frequently offer it as a reward to members who have made considerable contributions to their cause.

This is a set of entry level equipment designed to help new players who are part of a Stronghold gear up to participate in endgame PvE.

— Earn [Guild Marks] from donating to your guild's coffer.

Upgrade your stronghold marketplace to rank 2 and use the above currency to purchase this equipment from your guild armory.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Greatweaponfighter 01
[Company Raid Sallet] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Greatweaponfighter 01
[Company Raid Scalemail] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Greatweaponfighter 01
[Company Raid Vambraces] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Greatweaponfighter 01
[Company Raid Greaves] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Head Stronghold Greatweaponfighter 01
[Company Assault Sallet] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Greatweaponfighter 01
[Company Assault Scalemail] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Greatweaponfighter 01
[Company Assault Vambraces] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Greatweaponfighter 01
[Company Assault Greaves] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Company Raid Sallet 786 626 10,554 939 4,989.5
Company Raid Scalemail 1,179 973 21,109 1,460 8,889.25
Company Raid Vambraces 786 626 10,554 939 4,989.5
Company Raid Greaves 786 10,554 626 939 4,989.5
Company Assault Sallet 786 10,554 626 939 4,989.5
Company Assault Scalemail 1,179 21,109 973 1,460 8,889.25
Company Assault Vambraces 786 626 10,554 939 4,989.5
Company Assault Greaves 786 10,554 626 939 4,989.5


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Company Restoration Coif] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Company Restoration Surcoat] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Company Restoration Braces] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Company Restoration Cuisses] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Head Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Company Raid Coif] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Company Raid Surcoat] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Company Raid Braces] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Company Raid Cuisses] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Company Restoration Coif 655 939 10,554 626 4,858.5
Company Restoration Surcoat 982 973 21,109 1,460 8,692.25
Company Restoration Braces 655 626 10,554 939 4,858.5
Company Restoration Cuisses 655 939 10,554 626 4,858.5
Company Raid Coif 655 939 10,554 626 4,858.5
Company Raid Surcoat 982 1,460 21,109 973 8,692.25
Company Raid Braces 655 10,554 626 939 4,858.5
Company Raid Cuisses 655 939 10,554 626 4,858.5


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Company Ward Helm] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Company Ward Breastplate] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Company Ward Gauntlets] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Company Ward Sabatons] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Head Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Company Raid Helm] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Company Raid Breastplate] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Company Raid Gauntlets] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Company Raid Sabatons] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Company Ward Helm 884 10,554 939 626 5,087.5
Company Ward Breastplate 1,326 1,460 21,109 973 9,036.25
Company Ward Gauntlets 884 10,554 626 939 5,087.5
Company Ward Sabatons 884 10,554 626 939 5,087.5
Company Raid Helm 884 10,554 626 939 5,087.5
Company Raid Breastplate 1,326 1,460 21,109 973 9,036.25
Company Raid Gauntlets 884 10,554 626 939 5,087.5
Company Raid Sabatons 884 10,554 626 939 5,087.5


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Company Ward Armet] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Company Ward Cuirass] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Company Ward Couters] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Company Ward Poleyns] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Head Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Company Restoration Armet] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Company Restoration Cuirass] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Company Restoration Couters] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Company Restoration Poleyns] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Company Ward Armet 884 939 10,554 626 5,087.5
Company Ward Cuirass 1,326 21,109 1,460 973 9,036.25
Company Ward Couters 884 10,554 626 939 5,087.5
Company Ward Poleyns 884 10,554 939 626 5,087.5
Company Restoration Armet 884 10,554 626 939 5,087.5
Company Restoration Cuirass 1,326 1,460 21,109 973 9,036.25
Company Restoration Couters 884 939 10,554 626 5,087.5
Company Restoration Poleyns 884 626 10,554 939 5,087.5


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Company Raid Hood] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Company Raid Coat] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Company Raid Bracers] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Company Raid Gaiters] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Head Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Company Assault Hood] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Company Assault Coat] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Company Assault Bracers] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Company Assault Gaiters] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Company Raid Hood 508 10,554 626 939 4,711.5
Company Raid Coat 761 1,460 21,109 973 8,471.25
Company Raid Bracers 508 10,554 626 939 4,711.5
Company Raid Gaiters 508 939 10,554 626 4,711.5
Company Assault Hood 508 939 10,554 626 4,711.5
Company Assault Coat 761 21,109 973 1,460 8,471.25
Company Assault Bracers 508 10,554 626 939 4,711.5
Company Assault Gaiters 508 939 10,554 626 4,711.5


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Company Raid Mask] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Company Raid Vest] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Company Raid Gloves] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Company Raid Boots] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Head Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Company Assault Mask] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Company Assault Vest] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Company Assault Gloves] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Company Assault Boots] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Company Raid Mask 426 626 10,554 939 4,629.5
Company Raid Vest 639 973 21,109 1,460 8,349.25
Company Raid Gloves 426 10,554 939 626 4,629.5
Company Raid Boots 426 939 10,554 626 4,629.5
Company Assault Mask 426 939 10,554 626 4,629.5
Company Assault Vest 639 21,109 973 1,460 8,349.25
Company Assault Gloves 426 939 10,554 626 4,629.5
Company Assault Boots 426 10,554 626 939 4,629.5


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Company Raid Cowl] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Company Raid Longcoat] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Company Raid Wristguards] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Company Raid Pigaches] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Head Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Company Assault Cowl] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Company Assault Longcoat] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Company Assault Wristguards] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Company Assault Pigaches] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Company Raid Cowl 426 626 10,554 939 4,629.5
Company Raid Longcoat 639 21,109 1,460 973 8,349.25
Company Raid Wristguards 426 626 10,554 939 4,629.5
Company Raid Pigaches 426 10,554 939 626 4,629.5
Company Assault Cowl 426 939 10,554 626 4,629.5
Company Assault Longcoat 639 1,460 21,109 973 8,349.25
Company Assault Wristguards 426 939 10,554 626 4,629.5
Company Assault Pigaches 426 10,554 626 939 4,629.5


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Company Raid Cap] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Company Raid Robes] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Company Raid Armlets] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Company Raid Shoes] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Head Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Company Assault Cap] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Company Assault Robes] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Company Assault Armlets] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Company Assault Shoes] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Company Raid Cap 344 626 10,554 939 4,547.5
Company Raid Robes 516 973 21,109 1,460 8,226.25
Company Raid Armlets 344 939 10,554 626 4,547.5
Company Raid Shoes 344 626 10,554 939 4,547.5
Company Assault Cap 344 10,554 626 939 4,547.5
Company Assault Robes 516 21,109 973 1,460 8,226.25
Company Assault Armlets 344 10,554 939 626 4,547.5
Company Assault Shoes 344 10,554 626 939 4,547.5