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Neverwinter Wiki
Con Artist
Module: 23
Category: Companion
Tag: Companion Pack
Binding: {{ {{{binding}}} }}
Sell value: hidden
Refinement point: Refinement Points{{{valueRP}}}
Buy cost: Gold2
Icons Companion Half-elfconartist 01

The Con Artist is a companion that can be purchased from the Emporium Vendor.


Con Artist

Enhancement Power: Chance on hit to increase your critical strike by up to 7.5% and your companion's critical avoidance by up to 7.5% for 15 seconds when your companion is near. The value of the buff depends on the item level of your summoned pet.
Maximum 7.5%.
Player Bonus Power: 10% chance, on critical hit, to deal 0.75/7.5/22.5/45/75/112.5 magnitude damage over time to enemies near your target for 10 seconds.
+5/50/150/300/500/750 Combined Rating

The sly tongue of this con artist has robbed many fools of their coins. A partnership could prove quite profitable, at least for one of you.

Companion Pack


Icon Name Unlock Cooldown Effect

Companion/Consumed by Battle/Tooltip

Power Icon Companion Terrifyinginsight
Enhancement Gives an additional bonus to Combined Rating.
Power Icon Companion Shocksphere
Role Expertise This companion's expertise has further refined its role increasing their offensive and defensive abilities to benefit their battle style.

Companion/Weapon Master/Tooltip

Power Icon Companion Rainofblows
Wicked Strike 2s Melee Sergeant Knox swings his famous axe, damaging foes to his front and increasing his damage by 5%. The second hit deals additional damage and the third hit still more.

