Neverwinter Wiki

Performance information commands

These commands display or hide various information related to current game performance.

Command Alternate names Parameters Description
/netgraph None 1 or 0 1: Displays bandwidth and ping, 0: Hides bandwidth and ping
/showfps None 1 or 0 1: Numerical display of frame rate on top right corner of the screen. 0: Hides frame rate
/fpsgraph None 1 or 0 1: Graph display of the frame rate on the bottom right corner of the screen. 0: Hides graph display of the frame rate.
/showmem None 1 or 0 1: Displays main and video memory usage, 0: Hides memory usage
/gfxsetdefaultfov None 30 to 150 Set default Field of View (default 55)
/bind None keybind /command Binds commands with console, eg "/bind 9 /gfxsetdefaultfov 35" sets FoV to 35 by pressing '9'

Status Commands

These commands change your online status.

Command Alternate names Parameters Description
/hide None None Changes search visibility for you to "Invisible"
/unhide None None Changes search visibility for you to "Visible To All"
/friendsonly None None Changes search visibility for you to "Friends Only"
/away /afk <string> Marks you as "Away" and using the specified string as your "away message". (Ex: /away "Outside having a cigarette.") Enter the command again to clear the away status and message, or use the /unaway command.
/unaway /afk or /away None Unmarks you as "Away".

Team Commands

These commands manage team interactions.

Command Alternate names Parameters Description
/Team None <string>
/Team_AcceptInvite None None Accept an invitation to join a party.
/Team_AcceptRequest None <int>
/Team_CancelRequest None None
/Team_DeclineInvite None None Decline an invitation to join a party.
/Team_DeclineRequest None <int>
/Team_CancelRequest None None
/Team_Invite None <string>
/Team_Kick None <string>
/Team_Leave None None Leave your party.
/Team_Mode None <string>
/Team_Promote None <string>
/Team_Request None <string>
/Team_SetLootMode None <string>
/Team_SetLootModeQuality None <string>
/Team_SetSidekicking None <int>

Miscellaneous Commands

These commands have yet to be categorized in one of the above categories.

Command Alternate names Parameters Description
/screen None <integer> <integer> Changes the screen size to specified <width> <height> (ex: /screen 800 600)
/maxfps None <integer> Changes the max fps to specified setting. If 0 is specified, max fps is set to auto
/screenshot_depth None Unknown Unknown
/screenshot_jpg None None Takes a screenshot (without the UI) and saves it in a jpg format.
/screenshot_ui_jpg None None Takes a screenshot with the UI and saves it in a jpg format.
/targetCursorOrAutoAttack None None Changes targeting method to include Auto Attack as well as Target Cursor.
/target_highlight None 1 or 0 Turns on or off the highlighting circle of the target. If 1: target will be highlighted. If 0: is specified, target will not be highlighted. Default is 1.
/target None <string> Target's specified entry. (Ex: To target Rhyx, /target "Rhyx")
/follow None None Follow's current target - following will be canceled upon user action/movement.
/stuck None None Attemps to move you slightly in the event that you are stuck.
/killme None None Commit suicide - intended to be used in the event that /stuck repeatedly does not help.
/inventory None None Opens your inventory (default keybind is "I")
/walk None 1 or 0 Your character will walk instead of run (also when mounted). If 1: You will walk very slow. If 0: is specified, you will move at standard speed. Default is 0.
/loc_vec None None Your X, Y, and Z coordinates are printed to the chat window. Useful for foundry editing.
/gotocharacterselect None None Go to character selecting screen without the need to enter login informations again.
/ugcshowreviewgen None None Opens the foundry mission review window for the latest mission.
showCamPos None 1 or 0 Show or hide camera position information. Default is 0.
/targetCursor None None Changes targeting method to Target Cursor.
/ShowGameUI None 1 or 0 Show or hide game user interface. Default is 1. This may be helpful for screenshots and video capture. WARNING: After hiding the UI, press ESC to show the game interface again, as there is no way to enter a "/ShowGameUI 1" command without the UI!

Unknown Commands

These commands are available but their full use has yet to be determined

Command Alternate names Parameters Description
/assist None <string> Unknown
/LootCancel None None Unknown
/roll None None Unknown
/run None <integer> Unknown
/SetFollow None <integer> Unknown
/Invite None <string> Unknown