Neverwinter Wiki
Dagger of the Mighty
Module: May be earlier than module 22
Category: Artifact Weapon
Tag: Blade
Main Hand Only
Limited Event Item
Binding: Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Pickup
Quality: Uncommon
Requires class: Trickster Rogue
Requires race: {{{race}}}
Requires level: 70
Item level: 475
912-1,115 Damage
Set Name: {{{set}}}
Use: {{{use}}}
Quest: [[{{{quest}}}]]
Sell value: Cannot sell
Refinement point: Refinement Points75
Buy cost: Token of Heroes6
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The Dagger of the Mighty is an artifact weapon for Trickster Rogues at Level 70. Its quality varies from uncommon to legendary? with its rank. It is reward of CTA: Season.


Dagger of the Mighty
Item Level: 475
Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Pickup

Icon Inventory Artifacts Championsbanner Tooltip

Artifact Equipment
Rank: 1 (maximum)

A weapon forged by the blacksmiths of the league.

912-1,115 Damage

Equip: +4,480 Power
Equip: +1,024 Critical Strike
Equip: +1,024 Recovery

Offense Slot: No Enchantment
Weapon Enhancement Slot: No Enchantment
Offense Slot: No Enchantment

Part of set (0/2)
Dagger of the Mighty
Stiletto of the Mighty

Blade, Main Hand Only, Limited Event Item, Weapon
Requires Class: Trickster Rogue
Requires Level: 70
Cannot sell
Refinement Points75