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Dark Enchantment, Rank 13
Module: May be earlier than module 22
Category: Enchantment (previous)
Tag: Enchantment (previous)
Binding: {{ {{{binding}}} }}
Quality: Legendary
Sell value: Silver90
Refinement point: Refinement Points75,000
Buy cost:
Icon Inventory Enchantment Darkemblem T13 01

The Dark Enchantment, Rank 13 can be used as an offense, defense or utility enchantment.

Low-rank 1-5 Dark enchantments can be purchased within the Sage's Shop from Bradda the Sage. Can also be looted from enemies, or found in skill nodes, treasure chests.


Dark Enchantment, Rank 13
Item Level: 160

When applied to an item:

Offense Slot: +144 Combined Rating
Offense Slot: +240 Critical Severity
Defense Slot: +144 Combined Rating
Defense Slot: +240 Critical Avoidance
Utility Slot: +144 Combined Rating
Utility Slot: +240 Forte

This enchantment has a dark aura around it.

Enchantment (previous)
Rank: 13 (0/60,000 to next rank)
Guaranteed upgrade: 0/75

No Level Requirement
Refinement Points75,000