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Daunting Light
Module: Maybe earlier than module 16
Class: Devoted Cleric
Paragon Path: [[{{{paragonpath}}}]]
Unlocks: Unlocks at level {{{level}}}
Power Points:
Tier: 5
Max Rank: {{{maxrank}}}
Race: [[]]
Power Type: Encounter Power
Stance: unknown
Alternative power: unknown
Radiant Damage: {{{damage}}}
Damage type: Radiant Damage
Healing: {{{heal}}}
Range: Personal
Area of Effect: {{{aoe}}}
Cooldown: 14s
Description: After a delay, deal radiant damage to enemies at the target location.

Empowered Bonus: Consume all stacks of empowered, dealing an additional 33% damage per stack.

Divine Daunting Light: Deal damage to enemies at the target location in an increased radius.
Unlocks: Unlocks at rank {{{unlock}}}
Campaign: unknown
Requires: {{{requires}}}
Cleric Encounter Dauntinglight

Daunting Light is a Encounter power usable by Devoted Clerics. It is available to them at level 20.


Daunting Light
14s cooldown
Radiant Damage

After a delay, deal radiant damage to enemies at the target location.

Empowered Bonus: Consume all stacks of empowered, dealing an additional 33% damage per stack.

Divine Daunting Light: Deal damage to enemies at the target location in an increased radius.

Rank 2
Damge: +10%

Rank 3

Damge: +10%

Rank 4

Damge: +10%

Divinity Effect[]

Now instantly strikes targeted location in a larger area.


Daunting Light now consumes all stacks of Empowered to deal 33% more Damage per stack consumed.

Affecting Feats[]

Nimbus of Light: Daunting Light affects the target with Nimbus of Light, a debuff that reduces the targets defense by 2/4/6/8/10%. Lasts 5 seconds.

Additional Notes[]

  • The cast delay for the non-divine version is around 2 seconds.
  • The AoE is doubled for the divine version (9')
  • Damage is reduced for each target affected beyond the first.