Neverwinter Wiki
Defeating Dragons
Level: 26 - 70
Preceded by: {{{precededby}}}
Followed by: {{{followedby}}}
Given by: Harper Boward
Starts in: Protector's Enclave
Also occurs in: Neverdeath Graveyard
Ebon Downs
Icespire Peak
Rothé Valley
Whispering Caverns
Ends in: Protector's Enclave
Turn in to: Harper Boward
Rewards: 6,040 XP 22 Silver 5 Copper
10 Page of Arcane Lore
Duration: {{{duration}}}

Defeating Dragons is a weekly quest in the Tyranny of Dragons Campaign.
XP and Copper rewards for this quest scale with level. Rewards shown here are those given for Level 70 characters.


Defeat a Cult Dragon in Neverdeath, Icespire Peak, Rothé Valley, Ebon Downs, or Whispering Cavern


Harper Boward
Although the Cult of the Dragon has many powerful members, its true strength lies with the dragons it recruits. If you encounter any of these dragons while battling the Cult, you should make their defeat a priority.


  • Defeat a Cult Dragon in Neverdeath, Icespire Peak, Rothé Valley, Ebon Downs, or Whispering Cavern
  • Return to Harper Boward


Harper Boward
Excellent. Let's hope the Cult is not able to recruit a replacement any time soon.