Neverwinter Wiki
Defeating Kabal
Level: 70
Preceded by: {{{precededby}}}
Followed by: {{{followedby}}}
Given by: Kavatos Stormeye
Starts in: River District
Also occurs in: {{{locations}}}
Ends in: River District
Turn in to:
22Silver, 5Copper
Duration: {{{duration}}}

Defeating Kabal is a story-line quest in The Cloaked Ascendancy Campaign.


  • Discover the information needed to defeat Kabal.


"The members of the Cloaked Ascendancy are too powerful to take on as a group. We will need to divide and conquer if we wish to defeat them.

To do that we need to learn more about them. What were their past connections to Neverwinter? Do they have any weaknesses? How do their minions operate?

Kabal the Firesoul is an interesting case. If my preliminary investigations are correct, he was once known as Kabal the Frail. The Far Realm has obviously changed him."


  • Investigate Ember Hollow
  • Complete "Kabal the Firesoul" quest
  • Investigate Kabal's Past
  • Complete "An Old Flame" quest
  • Complete the "Investigate Kabal" Campaign Task