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Dire Consequences
Level: 70
Preceded by: Light in the Darkness
Followed by: Tracking the Beast
Given by: Szoldar Szoldarovich
Starts in: Barovia
Also occurs in: Blood on the Vine Tavern (quests starts here), Ivlis River, Howling Hills
Ends in: Barovia
Turn in to: Szoldar Szoldarovich
5342 XP
22 Silver 14 Copper
5 Omens
20 Barovian Coins
Duration: {{{duration}}}


  • Collect meat from the deer along the Ivlis River. Use it to lure out and kill the dire wolf alphas in the Howling Hills.


Szoldar Szoldarovich
The wolves of Barovia have always been fierce. The greatest among them are the dire wolves, merciless predators who seem to kill as much for pleasure as they do for food. They devour game, attack travelers on the road, and are heard howling outside our windows at night. They must be driven back.

The dire wolf packs are led by powerful alphas, but lair in dark dens in the Howling Hills. To draw them out you must give them what they crave: fresh meat. Hunt the deer along the Ivlis River, then take the meat to active wolf dens in the hills.


  • Gather Meat from Deer (0/15)
  • Lure and Kill Dire Wolf Alphas (0/3)
  • Return to Szoldar Szoldarovich


Szoldar Szoldarovich
You smell of wolf blood. Good. That may keep the beasts at bay for at least a while.

I will let you know if I find more wolf dens.


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