Neverwinter Wiki
Disheartening Strike
Module: Maybe earlier than module 16
Class: Trickster Rogue
Paragon Path: Whisperknife
Unlocks: Unlocks at level {{{level}}}
Power Points:
Tier: 8
Max Rank: {{{maxrank}}}
Race: [[]]
Power Type: At-Will Power
Stance: unknown
Alternative power: unknown
Physical Damage: {{{damage}}}
Damage type: Physical Damage
Healing: {{{heal}}}
Range: 60' range
Area of Effect: {{{aoe}}}
Cooldown: {{{cooldown}}}
Description: You spitefully fling a dagger at your target's head which deals a small amount of damage and applies a Damage Over Time effect.

The Damage Over Time effect lasts for 12 seconds, applies a 6% Damage Resistance Debuff, and causes the target to deal 6% less Damage.
Unlocks: Unlocks at rank {{{unlock}}}
Campaign: unknown
Requires: {{{requires}}}
Icons Powers Trickster Dishearteningstrike


Disheartening Strike
60' range
Physical Damage

You spitefully fling a dagger at your target's head which deals a small amount of damage and applies a Damage Over Time effect.

The Damage Over Time effect lasts for 12 seconds, applies a 6% Damage Resistance Debuff, and causes the target to deal 6% less Damage.

Rank 2
Damage: +10%
Debuff +2%

Rank 3

Damage: +10%
Debuff +2%

Rank 4

Damage: +10%
Debuff +2%


  • Icons Powers Trickster Dishearteningstrike[Disheartening Strike] lasts for ~8 seconds. The damage is dealt over 6 ticks, with the first occurring immediately upon the dagger hitting the target.
  • Spamming Icons Powers Trickster Dishearteningstrike[Disheartening Strike] allows it to hit and deal damage once per second, so constantly targeting a single person will result in more damage than letting the DoT tick naturally.
  • When striking the same target with Icons Powers Trickster Dishearteningstrike[Disheartening Strike] multiple times, the most recent Icons Powers Trickster Dishearteningstrike[Disheartening Strike] is used as the damage over time effect.
  • Icons Powers Trickster Dishearteningstrike[Disheartening Strike] only procs on-hit effects on the initial, immediate first tick of damage from the ability: the subsequent ticks of damage proc nothing.
  • If the first, immediate damage tick of Icons Powers Trickster Dishearteningstrike[Disheartening Strike] critically hits, so too do the other 5 ticks. This is the only way the ability critically strikes.
  • If the first, immediate damage tick of Icons Powers Trickster Dishearteningstrike[Disheartening Strike] is deflected, so too are all the others.
  • The damage over time ticks have the same value as the initial hit/tick.