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Neverwinter Wiki
Divine Injury Kit
Module: May be earlier than module 22
Category: Injury Kit‎
Tag: Consumable
Binding: {{ {{{binding}}} }}
Quality: Uncommon
Requires class: {{{class}}}
Requires race: {{{race}}}
Requires level: {{{level}}}
Item level: {{{ilevel}}}
{{{damage}}} Damage
Set Name: {{{set}}}
Use: Remove all minor and severe injuries. Gain Injury Immunity for 10 minutes.
Quest: [[{{{quest}}}]]
Sell value: Silver10
Refinement point: Refinement Points{{{valueRP}}}
Buy cost:
Icons Inventory Event COTG InjuryKit Divine

The Divine Injury Kit is a reward from the Challenge of the Gods event. It can be found in the Icons Inventory Event COTG Gift Gods[Gift of the Gods].


Divine Injury Kit

Use: Remove all minor and severe injuries. Gain Injury Immunity for 10 minutes.

This kit contains some of the highest quality first aid materials available. This can be used on characters of any level and will heal all injuries present on a character at time of use. After use you will not receive another injury for 10 minutes.

No Level Requirement