The following guide is player-written and not official policy of the game developer or publisher.
Strategy Guide[]
The skirmish consists of several waves of enemies, two waves of Dimensional Portals, and a boss. All of the fights take place in a roughly circular arena, the same map as the Varkoss the Unliving boss fight in The Ashen Battlefield quest.
The waves, in order, are:
- Rotters and Dread Protectors. The Dread Protectors are the biggest threats.
- Decrepit Skeletons and Dread Protectors. Just like #1, Dread Protectors are the biggest threats.
- Rotters, Decrepit Skeletons, and two Bone Golems. Any Guardian Fighter or Oathbound Paladin should be able to handle the Bone Golems just fine. Squishier classes should not have trouble with the Bone Golems, either, as all of their major attacks are well-telegraphed.
- Thayans. This wave consists of two groups: An Illusionist with Servitor and Knight backup, and a Knight with Servitor backup. The groups will spawn out of range of one another, and most teams will want to drag them close together so that they can all be hit by area attacks. Because the Illusionist is a ranged enemy, it is easier to get the Knight to move than the other way around.
- Dread Hounds. A group of Dread Hounds will spawn spaced around one side of the arena. While they begin spread out widely, the Hounds lead with their pounce attack and will quickly group themselves together.
- Thayans. Like #4, two groups will spawn in the same two locations. The location that previously had a Knight without a Red Wizard will now have an Evoker and a Flame Spiker, while the location that previously had an Illusionist will have a Rimefire Golem. Again, the Golem does not have ranged attacks, so it is easier to group the two by pulling the Golem than it is to pull the Evoker.
- Portals. Four Summoning Portals will spawn: one near the Rimefire Golem's spawn point, one near the Evoker's spawn point, one near the arena's entrance, and one on the opposite side of the arena from the first two. The portals will spawn Imps and Legion Devils over time, and they will not stop until the portals are destroyed. It is therefore recommended to ignore the Devils and focus fire on the portals. Unless the team has a particularly high overall DPS, you should all focus on the same portal at once. If the team's DPS is high enough, you can get away with splitting up to clear the skirmish more quickly. If the team is sticking together, you should begin at the portal near the Rimefire Golem's spawn point and travel clockwise.
If you are new to this skirmish, it is probably best to assume the party is using this clockwise strategy, as most players have done this dozens of times and see no reason to talk strategy.
- Portals. Four more Summoning Portals will spawn, in approximately the same locations as the first four, with the exception of the portal near the arena's entrance. That portal will move to to the opposite wall from the entrance, and unlike the other three portals which continue to spawn Imps and Legion Devils, this portal spawns Shocktroop Devils. Because of this, the team should focus on this portal first, to avoid multiple Shocktroop Devils spawning. If you began the previous wave near the Rimefire Golem's spawn point and proceeded clockwise, you will begin this wave near this critical portal. Use daily powers sparingly near the end of this wave, as gaining action points can be troublesome for some classes in the next wave, depending on the team composition. Once all of the portals and all of the demons they've summoned are defeated, the boss wave will begin a few seconds later. The boss will spawn near the center of the arena, so you have a little bit of time to position yourself before the fight begins.
- Zulkir Saj Amog. Saj Amog is the Zulkir of Conjuration, and it shows. Like normal Conjurers, he will summon Imps, Legion Devils, and Xeg-Yi. Unlike regular Conjurers, however, he will summon more than one at a time. In addition to his conjuration abilities, Saj Amog will spawn alongside two Summoning Portals (which will constantly spawn Imps and Legion Devils), and several more portals will spawn during the fight. Saj Amog can re-spawn portals if they are destroyed, so focus the majority of your fire on the boss himself. An Oathbound Paladin or Guardian Fighter should try to keep the majority of the adds on himself. If no tank is available, a Control Wizard should step up the area effect crowd control to keep the swarms of enemies from overrunning the party. If the party has no tank and no controller, area attacks should help keep the enemy numbers down, especially for getting rid of Imps. Note: Saj Amog summons multiple Xeg-Yi at once, spaced far apart. Their auras cover almost all of the arena and overlap on Saj Amog's spawn point. Unless the party acts quickly to take them out, they will drain AP, and especially for the melee characters near the boss, they will do it quickly. Because of this, it may be difficult to fill your AP bar during the fight, and you may want to simply fill it during the previous wave and use a daily before the Xeg-Yi steal your AP. Activating [Sigil of the Cleric] can help to combat the effects of the Xeg-Yi, but that's hardly a permanent solution, probably won't be enough for anyone caught in the overlap between three Xeg-Yi, and it's only an option for someone with a high-level Devoted Cleric.
Once the Zulkir is dead (or dead-ish, as Saj Amog is a lich and you haven't destroyed his phylactery), clean up any remaining portals and devils to complete the skirmish.
- [Vanguard Scrip]
- One of:
- [Turmian Mystic Orb]
- [Turmian Scepter]
- [Turmian Great Hammer]
- [Turmian Shield]
- [Turmian Battleaxe]
- [Turmian Cutlasses]
- [Turmian Longbow]
- [Turmian Dagger] (Main hand)
- [Turmian Dagger] (Off hand)
- [Turmian Pact Blade]
- [Turmian Shield of the Devout]
- [Turmian Devout Battleaxe]
- Rough Astral Diamonds
- [Energon] (rare drop)