Neverwinter Wiki

Drowcraft Armor (Item Level 588 / 567)

Collection Content Foreground Underdark Drowcraftarmor

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score 30.
Drowcraft armor is crafted by skilled drow artisans using closely-guarded, traditional techniques. A combination of darkoil and demonic ichor has made this set resistant to demonic magicks and the rapid degradation in sunlight inherent to faerzress-infused items.

A strong set of PvE equipment available at the launch of Module 8: Underdark. Features set bonuses that enhance resistance against demons and improves Underdark companion and mounts.

Purchase this equipment from the Armor Dealer in Mantol-Derith in exchange for [Demonic Ichor] (Demonic Ichor), earned from:

Demonic Heroic Encounters
Prophecy of Madness (Skirmish)
Throne of the Dwarven Gods (Skirmish)
Demogorgon [Master]

This armor may be upgraded via Elemental Infusion, speak to Urgus Battlehammer in Caer-Konig for more details.

  • Set Bonus of Armor
1 of Set:
+10% Damage Resistance against Demon type enemies.
2 of Set:
Reduce the amount of Madness inflicted by Demogorgon. Maddening Aura is not affected.
3 of Set:
+50% Damage Resistance against Paranoid Delusions.

Underdark Mount & Companion Affinity
4 of Set:
  • Set Bonus of Undergarb
1 of Set:
2 of Set:
When you land a Critical Strike you Heal nearby allies for 1% of their Maximum Hit Points up to 1000. This effect may only occur once every 3 seconds.
3 of Set:
4 of Set:

Drowcraft Armor (AC)/Stat

Undergarb (Cloth)

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Equipment Undergarb Cloth Drow Shirt
[Drowcraft Tunic] Collection Score 2 Campaign store (Demonic Ichor375)
Inventory Equipment Undergarb Cloth Drow Pants
[Drowcraft Tights] Collection Score 2 Campaign store (Demonic Ichor375)
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Drowcraft Tunic 454 2,722 10,886 1,361 907 8,165.5
Drowcraft Tights 454 2,722 10,886 1,361 907 8,165.5

Undergarb (Leather)

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Equipment Undergarb Leather Drow Shirt
[Drowcraft Undercoat] Collection Score 2 Campaign store (Demonic Ichor375)
Inventory Equipment Undergarb Leather Drow Pants
[Drowcraft Trousers] Collection Score 2 Campaign store (Demonic Ichor375)
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Drowcraft Undercoat 454 2,722 10,886 1,361 907 8,165.5
Drowcraft Trousers 454 2,722 10,886 1,361 907 8,165.5

Drowcraft Undergarb (Mail)/Stat Drowcraft Armor (CW)/Stat Drowcraft Armor (DC)/Stat Drowcraft Armor (GWF)/Stat Drowcraft Armor (GF)/Stat Drowcraft Armor (HR)/Stat Drowcraft Armor (OP)/Stat Drowcraft Armor (SW)/Stat Drowcraft Armor (TR)/Stat
