Neverwinter Wiki
Electrum Sand
Module: May be earlier than module 22
Category: Profession Material
Tag: Material
Binding: {{ {{{binding}}} }}
Quality: Common
profession level
Item level: {{{ilevel}}}
Sell value: Copper53
Refinement point: Refinement Points{{{valueRP}}}
Buy cost:
Crafting Resource Hardsand

Electrum Sand is a material used in Profession tasks. It can be gathered from task.


Electrum Sand

A pinch of sand containing high-quantities of electrum.

Material, Metal
No Level Requirement
Electrum Sand +1

A pinch of sand containing high-quantities of electrum.

Material, Metal
No Level Requirement



Level Icon Name Commission Proficiency Focus Materials Results (Tier 1-3) Morale Interval Profession XP Profession XP per Hour SilverCost per Hour
55 Crafting Resource Hardsand Electrum Sand Silver23 Copper44 650 559-766 Nothing Tier 1:
12x Crafting Resource Hardsand[Electrum Sand]
Tier 2:
2h 30m Profession XP? - Silver9.38


Level Icon Name Commission Proficiency Focus Materials Results (Tier 1-3) Morale Interval Profession XP Profession XP per Hour SilverCost per Hour
62 Crafting Alchemy Potion Flaskofpotency T02 01 Major Flask of Potency Silver44 Copper24 720 622-829 3x Crafting Resource Aberrantblood[Aberrant Blood], 3x Crafting Resource Hardsand[Electrum Sand], 3x Crafting Resource Springwater[Spring Water], 1x Crafting Resource Shark Oil[Fish Oil], 1x Crafting Resource Volcanicsalt[Rock Salt] Tier 1:Tier 2: 35 3h Profession XP? - Silver14.75
66 Inventory Consumables Dye Pack Greatweapon Barbarian's Dye Pack Silver55 Copper75 760 658-865 1x Crafting Resource Log Walnut[Walnut Log], 1x Crafting Resource Soot[Soot], 1x Crafting Resource Hardsand[Electrum Sand], 6x Crafting Resource Springwater[Spring Water], 3x Crafting Resource Obsidian[Volcanic Salt], 3x Crafting Resource Log Oak[Oak Log] Tier 1: 37 3h Profession XP? - Silver18.58
66 Inventory Consumables Dye Pack Devoted Cleric's Dye Pack Silver55 Copper75 760 658-865 1x Crafting Resource Log Maple[Maple Log], 1x Crafting Resource Shimmerweed[Shimmerweed], 1x Crafting Resource Hardsand[Electrum Sand], 6x Crafting Resource Springwater[Spring Water], 3x Crafting Resource Obsidian[Volcanic Salt], 3x Crafting Resource Log Oak[Oak Log] Tier 1: 37 3h Profession XP? - Silver18.58
66 Inventory Consumables Dye Pack Trickster Rogue's Dye Pack Silver55 Copper75 760 658-865 1x Crafting Resource Deathcap[Death Cap], 1x Crafting Resource Soot[Soot], 1x Crafting Resource Hardsand[Electrum Sand], 6x Crafting Resource Springwater[Spring Water], 3x Crafting Resource Obsidian[Volcanic Salt], 3x Crafting Resource Log Oak[Oak Log] Tier 1: 37 3h Profession XP? - Silver18.58


Level Icon Name Commission Proficiency Focus Materials Results (Tier 1-3) Morale Interval Profession XP Profession XP per Hour SilverCost per Hour
57 Crafting Resource Index Electrum Amber Index Silver27 Copper49 670 577-784 1x Crafting Resource Paper Parchment[Parchment], 1x Crafting Resource Ink Paupers[Pauper's Ink], 1x Crafting Resource Hardsand[Electrum Sand] Tier 1:Tier 2: 30 2h 30m Profession XP31,394 Profession XP12,557.6 Silver11
62 Crafting Tool Artificing Picatrix Walnut Walnut Picatrix Silver40 Copper90 720 622-829 1x Crafting Resource Lumber Walnut[Walnut Lumber], 1x Crafting Resource Paper Parchment[Parchment], 1x Crafting Resource Ink Paupers[Pauper's Ink], 1x Crafting Resource Hardsand[Electrum Sand] Tier 1:Tier 2: 34 3h Profession XP? - Silver13.63
63 Inventory Secondary Grimoire Professions Artificing Farskin Farskin Grimoire Silver44 Copper24 730 631-838 1x Crafting Resource Leather Aberrant[Aberrant Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Paper Parchment[Parchment], 1x Crafting Resource Ink Paupers[Pauper's Ink], 1x Crafting Resource Hardsand[Electrum Sand] Tier 1:Tier 2: 35 3h Profession XP48,736 Profession XP16,245.33 Silver14.75
66 Inventory Secondary Grimoire Professions Artificing Amberleaf Amberleaf Grimoire Silver55 Copper75 760 658-865 1x Crafting Resource Hardsand[Electrum Sand], 1x Crafting Resource Glue Horn[Horn Glue], 1x Inventory Secondary Grimoire Professions Artificing Farskin[Farskin Grimoire] Tier 1:Tier 2: 37 3h Profession XP47,737 Profession XP15,912.33 Silver18.58


Basic information
Commission Silver23 Copper44 Quantity 12 Interval 2h 30m Total cost
of material
0 Total required
time of material
Sale value Copper53 Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold LaborProfession 20 Guild Marks Guild Marks4
Calculation of cost and efficiency
Type Commission modifier
-75% -25% 0% +25% +75% +125% +175%
Cost per piece (Copper) 48.83 146.5 195.33 244.17 341.83 439.5 537.17
Time per piece (minute) 12.5
Refinement Points per Silver 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Refinement Points per hour 0
Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Labor per Silver 40.96 13.65 10.24 8.19 5.85 4.55 3.72
Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Labor per hour 96
Guild Marks per Silver 8.19 2.73 2.05 1.64 1.17 0.91 0.74
Guild Marks per hour 19.2
South Sea Trading Company Credit per Silver 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
South Sea Trading Company Credit per hour 0