Neverwinter Wiki
Neverwinter Wiki
Elemental Earth
Module: May be earlier than module 22
Category: Profession Resource
Tag: Platesmithing
Binding: {{ {{{binding}}} }}
Quality: Uncommon
Requires class: {{{class}}}
Requires race: {{{race}}}
Requires level: {{{level}}}
Item level: {{{ilevel}}}
{{{damage}}} Damage
Set Name: {{{set}}}
Use: {{{use}}}
Quest: [[{{{quest}}}]]
Sell value: Copper50
Refinement point: Refinement Points{{{valueRP}}}
Buy cost:
Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01

Elemental Earth is an Uncommon resource used in the Forgotten Alchemy Profession in Neverwinter and was introduced in Module 6: Elemental Evil.

It can be found by performing skill checks, in Icon Cstore Pack Booster Professions[Professions Booster Pack], Misc Chest 03 Silver[Large Chest of Goods], Misc Chest 03 Ornate[Very Large Chest of Goods], and Icon Inventory Chest Enchantedcoffer[Enchanted Coffer].


Elemental Earth

A resource used in high rank crafting tasks. Can be found by performing Skill Checks or profession booster packs.

An item infused with the power of Earth.

Platesmithing, Mailsmithing, Artificing, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking, Tailoring, Weaponsmithing
No Level Requirement


Forgotten Alchemy[]

Level Req. Rarity Icon Name Requires / Consumes Opt. Asset Time Produces (Tier 1-3) Prof. XP Profession XP Prof. XP per Hour
Crafting Resource Elemental Aggregate 01 Create Elemental Aggregate[1] Requires:Consumes:
4x Crafting Resource Elemental Air 01[Elemental Air], 4x Crafting Resource Elemental Water 01[Elemental Water], 4x Crafting Resource Elemental Fire 01[Elemental Fire], 4x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth], 10x Crafting Alchemy Resource Quicksilver 01[Quicksilver]
3x Person 7d Tier 1: None -
  1. Rank 24 Experimentation result

Forgotten Artificing[]

Level Req. Rarity Icon Name Requires / Consumes Opt. Asset Time Produces (Tier 1-3) Prof. XP Profession XP Prof. XP per Hour
Inventory Secondary Grimore Elemental Earth 02 Earthen Grimoire Requires:Consumes:
50x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth], 3x Crafting Resource Ornaments T4[Ornamental Adamantine], 7x Crafting Resource Wood Carved Ebony[Carved Ebony Wood], Icons Inventory Misc Orb Dragonling 01[Dragon Egg], Crafting Resource Elemental Unified 01[Unified Elements], Astral Diamonds2,000
3x Person or Tool 1h Tier 1:Tier 2:
[Earthen Grimoire], 7x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Tier 3:
[Earthen Grimoire], 15x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Profession XP1,250 1,250
Inventory Primary HolySymbol Elemental Earth 02 Earthen Holy Symbol Requires:Consumes:
75x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth], 5x Crafting Resource Ornaments T4[Ornamental Adamantine], 5x Crafting Resource Wood Carved Ebony[Carved Ebony Wood], Icons Inventory Misc Orb Dragonling 01[Dragon Egg], 2x Crafting Resource Elemental Unified 01[Unified Elements], Astral Diamonds2,500
3x Person or Tool 1h Tier 1:Tier 2:
[Earthen Holy Symbol], 10x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Tier 3:
[Earthen Holy Symbol], 25x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Profession XP1,500 1,500
Inventory Secondary Icon Elemental Earth 02 Earthen Icon Requires:Consumes:
50x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth], 7x Crafting Resource Ornaments T4[Ornamental Adamantine], 3x Crafting Resource Wood Carved Ebony[Carved Ebony Wood], Icons Inventory Misc Orb Dragonling 01[Dragon Egg], Crafting Resource Elemental Unified 01[Unified Elements], Astral Diamonds2,000
3x Person or Tool 1h Tier 1:Tier 2:
[Earthen Icon], 7x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Tier 3:
[Earthen Icon], 15x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Profession XP1,250 1,250
Inventory Primary Orb Elemental Earth 02 Earthen Orb Requires:Consumes:
75x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth], 7x Crafting Resource Ornaments T4[Ornamental Adamantine], 3x Crafting Resource Wood Carved Ebony[Carved Ebony Wood], Icons Inventory Misc Orb Dragonling 01[Dragon Egg], 2x Crafting Resource Elemental Unified 01[Unified Elements], Astral Diamonds2,500
3x Person or Tool 1h Tier 1:Tier 2:
[Earthen Orb], 10x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Tier 3:
[Earthen Orb], 25x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Profession XP1,500 1,500
Inventory Primary Pactblade Elemental Earth 02 Earthen Pact Blade Requires:Consumes:
75x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth], 4x Crafting Resource Ornaments T4[Ornamental Adamantine], 3x Crafting Resource Wood Carved Ebony[Carved Ebony Wood], Icons Inventory Misc Orb Dragonling 01[Dragon Egg], 2x Crafting Resource Elemental Unified 01[Unified Elements], Astral Diamonds2,500
3x Person or Tool 1h Tier 1:Tier 2:
[Earthen Pact Blade], 10x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Tier 3:
[Earthen Pact Blade], 25x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Profession XP1,500 1,500
Inventory Secondary Talisman Elemental Earth 02 Earthen Talisman Requires:Consumes:
50x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth], 7x Crafting Resource Ornaments T4[Ornamental Adamantine], 3x Crafting Resource Wood Carved Ebony[Carved Ebony Wood], Icons Inventory Misc Orb Dragonling 01[Dragon Egg], Crafting Resource Elemental Unified 01[Unified Elements], Astral Diamonds2,000
3x Person or Tool 1h Tier 1:Tier 2:
[Earthen Talisman], 7x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Tier 3:
[Earthen Talisman], 15x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Profession XP1,250 1,250


Level Req. Rarity Icon Name Requires / Consumes Opt. Asset Time Produces (Tier 1-3) Prof. XP Profession XP Prof. XP per Hour
Inventory Secondary Shield Elemental Earth 02 Earthen Kite Shield Requires:Consumes:
50x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth], 10x Crafting Resource Ingot T4[Adamantine Plates], Icons Inventory Misc Orb Dragonling 01[Dragon Egg], Crafting Resource Elemental Unified 01[Unified Elements], Astral Diamonds2,000
3x Person or Tool 1h Tier 1:Tier 2:
[Earthen Kite Shield], 7x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Tier 3:
[Earthen Kite Shield], 15x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Profession XP1,250 1,250
Inventory Secondary Shield Elemental Earth 02 Earthen Shield Requires:Consumes:
50x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth], 10x Crafting Resource Ingot T4[Adamantine Plates], Icons Inventory Misc Orb Dragonling 01[Dragon Egg], Crafting Resource Elemental Unified 01[Unified Elements], Astral Diamonds2,000
3x Person or Tool 1h Tier 1:Tier 2:
[Earthen Shield], 7x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Tier 3:
[Earthen Shield], 15x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Profession XP1,250 1,250


Level Req. Rarity Icon Name Requires / Consumes Opt. Asset Time Produces (Tier 1-3) Prof. XP Profession XP Prof. XP per Hour
Inventory Secondary Axe Elemental Earth 02 Earthen Axes Requires:Consumes:
50x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth], 5x Crafting Resource Weapon Blades T4[Adamantine Weapon Blades], 2x Crafting Resource Weapon Hafts Ebony[Ebony Weapon Hafts], Icons Inventory Misc Orb Dragonling 01[Dragon Egg], Crafting Resource Elemental Unified 01[Unified Elements], Astral Diamonds2,000
3x Person or Tool 1h Tier 1:Tier 2:
[Earthen Axes], 7x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Tier 3:
[Earthen Axes], 15x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Profession XP1,250 1,250
Inventory Primary Longsword Elemental Earth 02 Earthen Broadsword Requires:Consumes:
75x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth], 7x Crafting Resource Weapon Blades T4[Adamantine Weapon Blades], Icons Inventory Misc Orb Dragonling 01[Dragon Egg], 2x Crafting Resource Elemental Unified 01[Unified Elements], Astral Diamonds2,500
3x Person or Tool 1h Tier 1:Tier 2:
[Earthen Broadsword], 10x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Tier 3:
[Earthen Broadsword], 25x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Profession XP1,500 1,500
Inventory Primary Dagger Elemental Earth 02 Earthen Dagger Requires:Consumes:
75x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth], 5x Crafting Resource Weapon Blades T4[Adamantine Weapon Blades], Icons Inventory Misc Orb Dragonling 01[Dragon Egg], 2x Crafting Resource Elemental Unified 01[Unified Elements], Astral Diamonds2,500
3x Person or Tool 1h Tier 1:Tier 2:
[Earthen Dagger], 10x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Tier 3:
[Earthen Dagger], 25x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Profession XP1,500 1,500
Inventory Primary Greatsword Elemental Earth 02 Earthen Greatsword Requires:Consumes:
75x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth], 7x Crafting Resource Weapon Blades T4[Adamantine Weapon Blades], Icons Inventory Misc Orb Dragonling 01[Dragon Egg], 2x Crafting Resource Elemental Unified 01[Unified Elements], Astral Diamonds2,500
3x Person or Tool 1h Tier 1:Tier 2:
[Earthen Greatsword], 10x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Tier 3:
[Earthen Greatsword], 25x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Profession XP1,500 1,500
Inventory Primary Bow Elemental Earth 02 Earthen Longbow Requires:Consumes:
75x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth], 7x Crafting Resource Weapon Hafts Ebony[Ebony Weapon Hafts], Icons Inventory Misc Orb Dragonling 01[Dragon Egg], 2x Crafting Resource Elemental Unified 01[Unified Elements], Astral Diamonds2,500
3x Person or Tool 1h Tier 1:Tier 2:
[Earthen Longbow], 10x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Tier 3:
[Earthen Longbow], 25x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Profession XP1,500 1,500
Inventory Primary Longsword Elemental Earth 02 Earthen Longsword Requires:Consumes:
75x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth], 7x Crafting Resource Weapon Blades T4[Adamantine Weapon Blades], Icons Inventory Misc Orb Dragonling 01[Dragon Egg], 2x Crafting Resource Elemental Unified 01[Unified Elements], Astral Diamonds2,500
3x Person or Tool 1h Tier 1:Tier 2:
[Earthen Longsword], 10x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Tier 3:
[Earthen Longsword], 25x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Profession XP1,500 1,500
Inventory Secondary Dagger Elemental Earth 02 Earthen Stiletto Requires:Consumes:
50x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth], 5x Crafting Resource Weapon Blades T4[Adamantine Weapon Blades], Icons Inventory Misc Orb Dragonling 01[Dragon Egg], Crafting Resource Elemental Unified 01[Unified Elements], Astral Diamonds2,000
3x Person or Tool 1h Tier 1:Tier 2:
[Earthen Stiletto], 7x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Tier 3:
[Earthen Stiletto], 15x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Profession XP1,250 1,250
Inventory Secondary Swordknot Elemental Earth 02 Earthen Sword Knot Requires:Consumes:
50x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth], Crafting Resource Weapon Blades T4[Adamantine Weapon Blades], 2x Crafting Resource Weapon Hafts Ebony[Ebony Weapon Hafts], Icons Inventory Misc Orb Dragonling 01[Dragon Egg], Crafting Resource Elemental Unified 01[Unified Elements], Astral Diamonds2,000
3x Person or Tool 1h Tier 1:Tier 2:
[Earthen Sword Knot], 7x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Tier 3:
[Earthen Sword Knot], 15x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Profession XP1,250 1,250

Forgotten Masterwork Alchemy[]

Level Req. Rarity Icon Name Requires / Consumes Opt. Asset Time Produces (Tier 1-3) Prof. XP Profession XP Prof. XP per Hour
Noicon Masterwork Fortification Potion Requires:Consumes:
24x Crafting Component Ichor 11[Purple Vitriol], 4x Crafting Resource Alum[Alum], 4x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
2x Person or Tool 1h Tier 1:Tier 2:
24x Crafting Component Ichor 11[Purple Vitriol], 2x Crafting Resource Alum[Alum]
Tier 3:
None -
Inventory Consumables Potion T8 Green Effervescent Fortification Potion Requires:Consumes:
Crafting Resource Effervescentwater[Effervescent Water], Crafting Resource Redalderbark[Red Alder Bark], Crafting Resource Alkali[Alkali], 8x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
2x Person or Tool 1h Tier 1:
4x Crafting Resource Elemental Earth 01[Elemental Earth]
Tier 2:Tier 3:
None -