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Elemental Elven Ward Armor (Item Level 575)[]

Collection Content Foreground Elementalevil Elvenarmor

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score10.
Crafted by infusing an already formidable set of equipment with unified elemental power, this equipment is significantly stronger than its forerunner.

This armor has undergone the process of elemental infusion, speak to Urgus Battlehammer in Caer-Konig for more details.

Note: The remark about 'Elemental Infusion' (i.e. Black Ice Shaping level 4 and level 5 crafting to turn items into 'Elemental' versions) is misleading for the accessories: these drop in T2 dungeons and cannot be crafted.

Accessories (All classes)

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Neck Woodelf Guardianfighter 01
[Elemental Elven Ward Necklace] Collection Score 2 ???
Inventory Ring Elemental Wind 03
[Elemental Elven Ward Ring] Collection Score 2 ???
Inventory Belt Woodelf Guardianfighter 01
[Elemental Elven Ward Belt] Collection Score 2 ???
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Elemental Elven Ward Necklace 460 22,080 1,380 920 8,280
Elemental Elven Ward Ring 575 4,140 2,760 7,475
Elemental Elven Ward Belt 460 22,080 1,380 920 8,280


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Woodelf Guardianfighter 01
[Elemental Elven Ward Helm] Collection Score 2 Elemental Infusion
Inventory Body Woodelf Guardianfighter 01
[Elemental Elven Ward Breastplate] Collection Score 2 Elemental Infusion
Inventory Arms Woodelf Guardianfighter 01
[Elemental Elven Ward Gauntlets] Collection Score 2 Elemental Infusion
Inventory Feet Woodelf Guardianfighter 01
[Elemental Elven Ward Sabatons] Collection Score 2 Elemental Infusion
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Elemental Elven Ward Helm 460 1,150 2,760 11,040 690 460 8,280
Elemental Elven Ward Breastplate 460 1,150 2,760 11,040 690 460 8,280
Elemental Elven Ward Gauntlets 460 1,150 2,760 11,040 460 690 8,280
Elemental Elven Ward Sabatons 460 1,150 2,760 11,040 460 690 8,280


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Woodelf Guardianfighter 01
[Elemental Elven Ward Armet] Collection Score 2 Elemental Infusion
Inventory Body Woodelf Guardianfighter 01
[Elemental Elven Ward Cuirass] Collection Score 2 Elemental Infusion
Inventory Arms Woodelf Guardianfighter 01
[Elemental Elven Ward Couters] Collection Score 2 Elemental Infusion
Inventory Feet Woodelf Guardianfighter 01
[Elemental Elven Ward Poleyns] Collection Score 2 Elemental Infusion
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Elemental Elven Ward Armet 460 1,150 2,760 11,040 460 690 8,280
Elemental Elven Ward Cuirass 460 1,150 2,760 11,040 690 460 8,280
Elemental Elven Ward Couters 460 1,150 2,760 11,040 690 460 8,280
Elemental Elven Ward Poleyns 460 1,150 2,760 11,040 690 460 8,280