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Neverwinter Wiki
Elemental Purified Black Ice Armor
Module: May be earlier than module 22
Category: Equipment
Tag: Purified Black Ice
Binding: Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Pickup
Quality: Epic
Requires class: Warlock
Requires race: {{{race}}}
Requires level: 70
Item level: 546
{{{damage}}} Damage
Set Name: {{{set}}}
Use: {{{use}}}
Quest: [[{{{quest}}}]]
Sell value: Gold1 Silver60 Copper43
Refinement point: Refinement Points180
Buy cost:
Inventory Body Blackice Purified Scourge 01

The Elemental Purified Black Ice Armor is one of Epic equipment in the Elemental Purified Black Ice Gear Collection for the Warlock.


Elemental Purified Black Ice Armor
Item Level: 546
Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Pickup

+437 Combined Rating
+1,092 Defense
+2,621 Power
+10,483 Maximum Hit Points

+548 Accuracy
+363 Combat Advantage
+181 Awareness

Defense Slot: Empty
Armor Enhancement Slot: Empty

Purified Black Ice gear is very powerful and can be further empowered with black ice. Right click on the item to open the Black Ice empowerment window.

Purified Black Ice, Armor, Leather
Requires Class: Warlock
Requires Level: 70
Gold1 Silver60 Copper43
Refinement Points180

Elemental Purified Black Ice Gear

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Blackice Purified Scourge 01
[Elemental Purified Black Ice Helm] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Inventory Body Blackice Purified Scourge 01
[Elemental Purified Black Ice Armor] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Inventory Arms Blackice Purified Scourge 01
[Elemental Purified Black Ice Bracers] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Inventory Feet Blackice Purified Scourge 01
[Elemental Purified Black Ice Boots] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Name CbR MHP Pwr Acr CAB Crt CrS Dfn Awr CrA Dfl DfS Frt CtB CtR IHB OHB Total
Elemental Purified Black Ice Helm 437 1,092 2,621 10,483 437 655 7,862.75
Elemental Purified Black Ice Armor 437 1,092 2,621 10,483 548 363 181 7,862.75
Elemental Purified Black Ice Bracers 437 1,092 2,621 10,483 437 655 7,862.75
Elemental Purified Black Ice Boots 437 1,092 2,621 10,483 437 655 416 8,278.75

Black Ice Shaping Tasks[]

Level Req. Rarity Icon Name Requires / Consumes Opt. Asset Time Produces (Tier 1-3) Prof. XP Profession XP Prof. XP per Hour
Inventory Body Blackice Purified Scourge 01 Elemental Purified Black Ice Armor Requires:Consumes: 3x Person or Tool 1d 18h Tier 1:
Inventory Body Blackice Purified Scourge 01[Elemental Purified Black Ice Armor]
Tier 2:
Inventory Body Blackice Purified Scourge 01[Elemental Purified Black Ice Armor], Black Ice1,000
Tier 3:
Inventory Body Blackice Purified Scourge 01[Elemental Purified Black Ice Armor], Black Ice1,500
None -


This armor can be crafted by a Scourge Warlock from the Black Ice Shaping Profession.
