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Encounter powers serve as the main attacks for each class. They are generally used in situations that require more than a basic attack.

  • Skill Type 3x.

Encounter powers usually have longer cooldowns often ranging from 7 to 20 seconds. Cooldown time can be decreased primarily with the Recharge Speed rating. These powers often provide more effects than At-Will powers; such as stuns, roots, snares, and prones.

A character has 3 slots in their Action Bar reserved for Encounter Powers (default keys Q, E and R).

  • Wizards have the ability to slot an additional Encounter Power on their Tab key due to their Misc Book 01 Tome[Spell Mastery] Mechanic
  • Ranger's Tab Mechanic switches the Encounter Power tray to a second set of powers, with the first set focused on ranged combat and the second set focused on melee combat.
