Neverwinter Wiki
Envenomed Storyteller's Journal
Module: May be earlier than module 22
Category: Artifact of Power
Tag: Artifact of Power
Binding: Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Pickup
Quality: Uncommon
Requires class: {{{class}}}
Requires race: {{{race}}}
Requires level: {{{level}}}
Item level: 1
{{{damage}}} Damage
Set Name: set Storyteller's Journal Set
Use: Activating this artifact summons forth an enchanted tome filled with the records of your exploits within the lair of the mad dragon. When empty it will do 100 damage to all targets in a 25ft radius of the targeted area.

Tales Acquired
A Tale of Poison (0/1)
  • Adds a stackable effect that increases every time you do damage. After 15 seconds your next attack will do additional 5% weapon damage times the number of stacks.

A Tale of Awe (0/1)

  • Stuns enemies within a 25ft radius around the targeted area for 3.2 seconds.

A Tale of Madness (0/1)

  • Summons a small projection of Chartilifax that will seek out your enemies dealing 48 poison damage every second.
    After dealing damage 5 times to any number of foes or after 15 seconds, the projection explodes dealing 180

Tales of Power (0/1)

  • Increases your damage by 0.03%.

The Final Chapter (0/1)

  • Generates 0.13 AP every second for 15 seconds.
Quest: [[{{{quest}}}]]
Sell value: Cannot sell
Refinement point: Refinement Points150
Buy cost: Coins of Tales Told30
Icon Inventory Artifacts Storytellers Journal Envenomed

The Envenomed Storyteller's Journal is an artifact. Its quality varies from uncommon to mythic? with its rank.


Envenomed Storyteller's Journal
Item Level: 1
Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Pickup

Icon Inventory Artifacts Storytellers Journal Tooltip

Rank: 1 (maximum)

A journal of your exploits in the lair of the mad dragon. It pulses with power derived from the number of volumes held within.

Recharge Time: 180s

+5 Power
+5 Defense
+5 Critical Strike
+5 Combat Advantage
Use: Activating this artifact summons forth an enchanted tome filled with the records of your exploits within the lair of the mad dragon. When empty it will do 100 damage to all targets in a 25ft radius of the targeted area.

Tales Acquired
A Tale of Poison (0/1)
  • Adds a stackable effect that increases every time you do damage. After 15 seconds your next attack will do additional 5% weapon damage times the number of stacks.

A Tale of Awe (0/1)

  • Stuns enemies within a 25ft radius around the targeted area for 3.2 seconds.

A Tale of Madness (0/1)

  • Summons a small projection of Chartilifax that will seek out your enemies dealing 48 poison damage every second.
    After dealing damage 5 times to any number of foes or after 15 seconds, the projection explodes dealing 180

Tales of Power (0/1)

  • Increases your damage by 0.03%.

The Final Chapter (0/1)

  • Generates 0.13 AP every second for 15 seconds.

Part of set Storyteller's Journal Set (0/4)
Frozen Storyteller's Journal
Darkened Storyteller's Journal
Envenomed Storyteller's Journal
Flayed Storyteller's Journal
2 of Set:
Increase Power by 0 and Maximum Hit Points by 0. These value increase for every journal that is equipped.
3 of Set:
Do an additional hit for Weapon Damage on a Critical hit.

Part of set Tales Set (0/3)
Scarf of Embellishments
Darkened Storyteller's Journal
Envenomed Storyteller's Journal
2 of Set:
Increases all attributes by 1.
3 of Set:
Your powers have a chance to deal additional unresistable damage equal to 10% of your weapon damage.

Artifact of Power
No Level Requirement
Cannot sell
Refinement Points150

Storyteller's Journal Set (Item Level 300?)[]

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Icon Inventory Artifacts Storytellers Journal Envenomed
[Envenomed Storyteller's Journal] ???
Icon Inventory Artifacts Storytellers Journal Frozen
[Frozen Storyteller's Journal] ???
Icon Inventory Artifacts Storytellers Journal Vault
[Flayed Storyteller's Journal] ???
Icon Inventory Artifacts Storytellers Journal Idris
[Darkened Storyteller's Journal] ???
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total Other Bonus
Envenomed Storyteller's Journal 5 5 5 5 20
Frozen Storyteller's Journal 5 20 5 5 20
Flayed Storyteller's Journal 5 20 5 5 20
Darkened Storyteller's Journal 5 5 5 15
1 of Set:
2 of Set:
Increase Power by 0 and Maximum Hit Points by 0. These value increase for every journal that is equipped.
3 of Set:
Do an additional hit for Weapon Damage on a Critical hit.
4 of Set:

Tales Set (Item Level 980 / 300?)[]

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Icon Inventory Artifacts Neck Tales
[Scarf of Embellishments] ???
Icon Inventory Artifacts Waist Tales
[Sash of Embellishments] ???
Icon Inventory Artifacts Storytellers Journal Envenomed
[Envenomed Storyteller's Journal] ???
Icon Inventory Artifacts Storytellers Journal Frozen
[Frozen Storyteller's Journal] ???
Icon Inventory Artifacts Storytellers Journal Vault
[Flayed Storyteller's Journal] ???
Icon Inventory Artifacts Storytellers Journal Idris
[Darkened Storyteller's Journal] ???
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total Other Bonus
Scarf of Embellishments 784 37,632 1,305 1,309 1,305 14,111
Sash of Embellishments 784 37,632 1,305 1,309 1,305 14,111
Envenomed Storyteller's Journal 5 5 5 5 20
Frozen Storyteller's Journal 5 20 5 5 20
Flayed Storyteller's Journal 5 20 5 5 20
Darkened Storyteller's Journal 5 5 5 15
1 of Set:
2 of Set:
Increases all attributes by 1.
3 of Set:
Your powers have a chance to deal additional unresistable damage equal to 10% of your weapon damage.
4 of Set: