Neverwinter Wiki
Erratic Drift Globe
Module: May be earlier than module 22
Category: Artifact of Stability
Tag: Artifact of Stability
Binding: Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Equip
Quality: Mythic
Requires class: {{{class}}}
Requires race: {{{race}}}
Requires level: {{{level}}}
Item level: 450
{{{damage}}} Damage
Set Name: set Reflective Armaments
Use: Activating this artifact summons forth an erratic Drift Globe which orbits the caster rapidly for 10/10/12/12/15 seconds, blinding nearby foes.

Allies nearby gain 5,067/7,000/9,000/11,667/15,000 Deflection.
Foes nearby suffer -5,067/-7,000/-9,000/-11,667/-15,000 Critical Strike and -5,067/-7,000/-9,000/-11,667/-15,000 Deflection while the Drift Globe is active.
Quest: [[{{{quest}}}]]
Sell value: Cannot sell
Refinement point: Refinement Points150,024
Buy cost: 2,500[Coalesced Magics]
Icon Inventory Artifact Driftglobe

The Erratic Drift Globe is an artifact. Its quality varies from uncommon to mythic with its rank. It can be purchased at uncommon rank for 2,500 [Coalesced Magics] from the Undermountain Campaign store.


Erratic Drift Globe
Item Level: 450
Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Equip

Icon Inventory Artifacts Driftglobe Tooltip

Rank: 140 (maximum)

This Drift Globe behaves erratically due to experiments conducted on the artifact in the Undermountain. Rather than a soft glow to light the way, this Drift Globe will shine intensely in directions away from the user, blinding nearby foes before fading away.

Recharge Time: 60s

+1,350 Maximum Hit Points
+675 Defense
+338 Deflection
+360 Combined Rating
Use: Activating this artifact summons forth an erratic Drift Globe which orbits the caster rapidly for 10/10/12/12/15 seconds, blinding nearby foes.

Allies nearby gain 5,067/7,000/9,000/11,667/15,000 Deflection.
Foes nearby suffer -5,067/-7,000/-9,000/-11,667/-15,000 Critical Strike and -5,067/-7,000/-9,000/-11,667/-15,000 Deflection while the Drift Globe is active.

Part of set Reflective Armaments (0/3)
Reflective Collar
Mirror-Plated Belt
Erratic Drift Globe
3 of Set:
Rune of Fortification
When you use a Daily power, create a rune on the ground for 6 sec, empowering any ally who stands upon it with 5% Defense, 5% Deflection, and decreases incoming damage by 5%.
Does not stack with other Runes of Fortification.

Artifact of Stability
No Level Requirement
Cannot sell
Refinement Points150,024

Reflective Armaments Set (Item Level 980 / 300)[]

Collection Content Foreground General Driftglobe

Completing this collection will give you on additional bonus of Collection Score10.
Salvaged from shattered glass and broken armors, you might take quite a shining to these powerful artifacts.

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Icon Inventory Artifacts Neck Wyvernknives
[Reflective Collar] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10 Campaign Rewards and Store
Icon Inventory Artifacts Waist Flowerstaff
[Mirror-Plated Belt] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10 Campaign Rewards and Store
Icon Inventory Artifact Driftglobe
[Erratic Drift Globe] Collection Score 3, 6, 9, 20, 25 Campaign Rewards and Store
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total Other Bonus
Reflective Collar 882 735 735 2,352
Mirror-Plated Belt 882 979 491 2,352
Erratic Drift Globe 1,350 675 338 1,350.5
Rune of Fortification
When you use a Daily power, create a rune on the ground for 6 sec, empowering any ally who stands upon it with 5% Defense, 5% Deflection, and decreases incoming damage by 5%.
Does not stack with other Runes of Fortification.