Neverwinter Wiki
Level: 42
Preceded by:
Followed by: Network Repair
Given by: Irrae
Starts in: Pirates' Skyhold
Also occurs in:
Ends in: Pirates' Skyhold
Turn in to: Irrae
Rewards: 2,910 XP 12 Silver 42 Copper
Duration: {{{duration}}}


  • Collect 5 Distilled Water in Mire's Edge.


It's strange... even the most foetid swamps usually have some places to find drinkable water. Not here, though. No matter where we look, the water is horribly poisonous.

The lizardfolk have figured out how to distill drinkable water out of the swamp water. I've seen their stills out near the mire to the east. We won't last long without fresh water, so go swipe some from the lizards. With any luck, we can use it to figure out their purification technique.


  • Collect 5 Distilled Water
  • Return to Irrae


Hmm... just looking at this water, I can tell that their stills use a more powerful enchantment than I expected. However they are purifying this water, it's no easy process.

I wonder why...


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