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Fire Archon
Module: May be earlier than module 22
Category: Companion (previous)
Binding: Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Equip
Role: Striker
Sell value: hidden
Refinement point: Refinement Points{{{valueRP}}}
Buy cost: Tarmalune Trade Bars800
Companion Fire Archon

The Fire Archon is a striker companion that can be purchased (at Uncommon quality) from the Trade Bar Merchant. It can also be found in the Icon Lockbox Promotional Trove Of Elemental Evil[Trove of Elemental Evil].


Fire Archon
Item Level: 100
Striker, Rank 1
Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Equip

Hit Points:
Critical Strike:
Armor Penetration:

Active Bonus:
Increases your damage against targets with less than 50% Hit Points by +4/5/7%. Each additional active Archon increases this by .5%
Applies to you as long as this companion is active.

Expert Striker
Flame Fist
Master Striker
Resurgent Flames

Offense Slot: No Runestone
Offense Slot: No Runestone
Offense Slot: No Runestone

Item Slots: Ring, Talisman, Ring

A flaming fire archon bound by primal magic to serve any who bears its primal flame.


Icon Name Unlock Cooldown Effect
Power Icon Companion Shocksphere
Expert Striker 20 This companion is a seasoned adventurer. While summoned, your companion's Power, Critical Strike, and Armor Penetration are increased by 10%. Their defenses and attack abilities have been increased to benefit their battle style.
Power Icon Companion Recoverystrike
Flame Fist 2s Hits target foe with fire damage.
Power Icon Companion Flamingsphere
Immolate 6s Sets target foe on fire, dealing initial damage and damage over time.
Power Icon Companion Shocksphere
Master Striker 35 This companion is a true adventurer. While summoned, your companion's Power, Critical Strike, and Armor Penetration are increased by an additional 10%. The defenses and attack abilities given by Expert Striker have also been increased.
Power Icon Companion Breakthespirit
Resurgent Flames 30 The Fire Archon's Damage over Time effects deal additional damage based on how much health the target is missing when they are applied.
Icon Name Beneficiary Bonus
Companion Fire Archon
[Fire Archon] Summoner Increases your damage against targets with less than 50% Hit Points by +4/5/7%. Each additional active Archon increases this by .5%

