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Forsaken Armor (Item Level 1,225)[]

Gear available at the launch of Module 19: Avernus . It is part of the Antiquities of Avernus Collection
Obtain this equipment from Avernus Treasure Maps found throughout the Avernus Campaign Zone.

Barbarian, Fighter

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head T04 Guardian 01
[Forsaken Sentinel's Helm] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
[Forsaken Soldier's Sallet] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Feet Pvp01 Guardian 01
[Forsaken Sentinel's Sabatons] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Feet Pvp01 Guardian 01
[Forsaken Soldier's Greaves] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Body Pvp01 Guardian 01
[Forsaken Sentinel's Breastplate] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Body Pvp01 Greatweapon 01
[Forsaken Soldier's Chainmail] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Arms Pvp01 Greatweapon 01
[Forsaken Sentinel's Gauntlets] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Arms Sharandar T05 Guardian 01
[Forsaken Soldier's Vambraces] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Name CbR MHP Pwr Acr CAB Crt CrS Dfn Awr CrA Dfl DfS Frt CtB CtR IHB OHB Total Other Bonus
Forsaken Sentinel's Helm 1,102 368 919 551 2,940
Forsaken Soldier's Sallet 1,102 368 551 919 2,940
Forsaken Sentinel's Sabatons 1,102 459 919 459 2,939
Forsaken Soldier's Greaves 1,102 368 551 919 2,940
Forsaken Sentinel's Breastplate 1,102 919 919 2,940
Forsaken Soldier's Chainmail 1,102 919 919 2,940
Forsaken Sentinel's Gauntlets 1,102 459 919 459 2,939
Forsaken Soldier's Vambraces 1,102 551 919 368 2,940


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Barovian Scourgewarlock
[Forsaken Mender's Coif] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Head M10 Tricksterrogue 01
[Forsaken Scout's Hood] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Feet Ceremonial Scourge 01
[Forsaken Mender's Cuisses] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Feet Dragonempire Tricksterrogue 01
[Forsaken Scout's Gaiters] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Body Pvp01 Devoted 01
[Forsaken Mender's Scalemail] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Body Pvp01 Trickster 01
[Forsaken Scout's Hide] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Arms Dwarf Devoted 01
[Forsaken Mender's Braces] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Arms Ceremonial Tricksterrogue 01
[Forsaken Scout's Bracers] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Name CbR MHP Pwr Acr CAB Crt CrS Dfn Awr CrA Dfl DfS Frt CtB CtR IHB OHB Total Other Bonus
Forsaken Mender's Coif 1,102 643 919 276 2,940
Forsaken Scout's Hood 1,102 368 551 919 2,940
Forsaken Mender's Cuisses 1,102 459 919 459 2,939
Forsaken Scout's Gaiters 1,102 368 551 919 2,940
Forsaken Mender's Scalemail 1,102 919 919 2,940
Forsaken Scout's Hide 1,102 919 919 2,940
Forsaken Mender's Braces 1,102 459 919 459 2,939
Forsaken Scout's Bracers 1,102 368 551 919 2,940


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Barovian Scourgewarlock
[Forsaken Mender's Coif] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Head T04 Guardian 01
[Forsaken Sentinel's Helm] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Feet Ceremonial Scourge 01
[Forsaken Mender's Cuisses] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Feet Pvp01 Guardian 01
[Forsaken Sentinel's Sabatons] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Body Pvp01 Devoted 01
[Forsaken Mender's Scalemail] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Body Pvp01 Guardian 01
[Forsaken Sentinel's Breastplate] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Arms Dwarf Devoted 01
[Forsaken Mender's Braces] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Arms Pvp01 Greatweapon 01
[Forsaken Sentinel's Gauntlets] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Name CbR MHP Pwr Acr CAB Crt CrS Dfn Awr CrA Dfl DfS Frt CtB CtR IHB OHB Total Other Bonus
Forsaken Mender's Coif 1,102 643 919 276 2,940
Forsaken Sentinel's Helm 1,102 368 919 551 2,940
Forsaken Mender's Cuisses 1,102 459 919 459 2,939
Forsaken Sentinel's Sabatons 1,102 459 919 459 2,939
Forsaken Mender's Scalemail 1,102 919 919 2,940
Forsaken Sentinel's Breastplate 1,102 919 919 2,940
Forsaken Mender's Braces 1,102 459 919 459 2,939
Forsaken Sentinel's Gauntlets 1,102 459 919 459 2,939

Ranger, Rogue

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head M10 Tricksterrogue 01
[Forsaken Scout's Hood] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Feet Dragonempire Tricksterrogue 01
[Forsaken Scout's Gaiters] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Body Pvp01 Trickster 01
[Forsaken Scout's Hide] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Arms Ceremonial Tricksterrogue 01
[Forsaken Scout's Bracers] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Name CbR MHP Pwr Acr CAB Crt CrS Dfn Awr CrA Dfl DfS Frt CtB CtR IHB OHB Total Other Bonus
Forsaken Scout's Hood 1,102 368 551 919 2,940
Forsaken Scout's Gaiters 1,102 368 551 919 2,940
Forsaken Scout's Hide 1,102 919 919 2,940
Forsaken Scout's Bracers 1,102 368 551 919 2,940


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Barovian Scourgewarlock
[Forsaken Mender's Coif] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Head Pvp01 Control 01
[Forsaken Caster's Cowl] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Feet Ceremonial Scourge 01
[Forsaken Mender's Cuisses] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Feet Pvp02 Control 01
[Forsaken Caster's Shoes] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Body Pvp01 Devoted 01
[Forsaken Mender's Scalemail] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Body Pvp01 Control 01
[Forsaken Caster's Robe] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Arms Dwarf Devoted 01
[Forsaken Mender's Braces] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
[Forsaken Caster's Wristguard] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Name CbR MHP Pwr Acr CAB Crt CrS Dfn Awr CrA Dfl DfS Frt CtB CtR IHB OHB Total Other Bonus
Forsaken Mender's Coif 1,102 643 919 276 2,940
Forsaken Caster's Cowl 1,102 368 551 919 2,940
Forsaken Mender's Cuisses 1,102 459 919 459 2,939
Forsaken Caster's Shoes 1,102 368 551 919 2,940
Forsaken Mender's Scalemail 1,102 919 919 2,940
Forsaken Caster's Robe 1,102 919 919 2,940
Forsaken Mender's Braces 1,102 459 919 459 2,939
Forsaken Caster's Wristguard 1,102 919 551 368 2,940
Survivor's Might
Gain 45 Power for each percent of health you are missing.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Pvp01 Control 01
[Forsaken Caster's Cowl] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Feet Pvp02 Control 01
[Forsaken Caster's Shoes] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Inventory Body Pvp01 Control 01
[Forsaken Caster's Robe] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
[Forsaken Caster's Wristguard] Collection Score 2 Avernus Adventure Zone
Name CbR MHP Pwr Acr CAB Crt CrS Dfn Awr CrA Dfl DfS Frt CtB CtR IHB OHB Total Other Bonus
Forsaken Caster's Cowl 1,102 368 551 919 2,940
Forsaken Caster's Shoes 1,102 368 551 919 2,940
Forsaken Caster's Robe 1,102 919 919 2,940
Forsaken Caster's Wristguard 1,102 919 551 368 2,940
Survivor's Might
Gain 45 Power for each percent of health you are missing.