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Golden Dragon Sword Knot
Module: May be earlier than module 22
Category: Artifact Off-hand
Tag: Sword Knot
Binding: Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Pickup
Quality: Legendary
Requires class: Great Weapon Fighter
Requires race: {{{race}}}
Requires level: 60
Item level: 360
{{{damage}}} Damage
Set Name: {{{set}}}
Use: {{{use}}}
Quest: [[{{{quest}}}]]
Sell value: Gold3 Silver20 Copper86
Refinement point: Refinement Points{{{valueRP}}}
Buy cost: Gold5 Astral Diamonds20,000 Dragon Hoard Coins50 Fallen Dragon Fang15
Inventory Secondary Swordknot Goldendragon 01

The Golden Dragon Sword Knot is an artifact off-hand for Great Weapon Fighters. Its quality varies from uncommon to legendary with its rank.

Artifact Class Features[]

  • Bravery: Bravery now increases your Run Speed by an additional 3% and your Deflection Chance by an additional 2%.
  • Destroyer: Destroyer now also increases your Run Speed by 2% for each stack of its effect.
  • Steadfast Determination: The Determination granted by Steadfast Determination is increased by 3%.
  • Weapon Master: Weapon Master now increases your Critical Chance by an additional 1% for each stack of its effect.
  • Steel Blitz: Steel Blitz now also gives you an additional 2.5% chance to instantly strike again. This is independent of the initial chance.
  • Steel Defense: Steel Defense now also increases your Damage Resistance by 10% for 5 seconds after the initial effect ends.
  • Steel Grace: Steel Grace now increases your Control Resistance by an additional 10%.
  • Ferocious Reaction: The Healing done by Ferocious Reaction is increased by 5% of your Maximum Hit Points.
  • Trample the Fallen: Trample the Fallen now increases Damage dealt to Controlled enemies by an additional 2%.
  • Enduring Warrior: The Healing done by Enduring Warrior is increased by 0.5% of your Maximum Hit Points.


Golden Dragon Sword Knot
Item Level: 360
Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Pickup

Inventory Goldendragon 01 Tooltip

Artifact Equipment
Rank: 60 (maximum)

The Golden Dragon is a fierce predator and this Sword Knot is just the thing to offset the fierce edge of a greatsword.

Artifact Class Feature: This slot will hold an enhancement to one of the 10 Class Features of your class. Select 'Manage Artifact Powers' from the item menu to select which enhancement is slotted.

Artifact Stat Increase: This slot will hold a bonus statistic chosen from a selection of the special statistics given by Epic and Legendary artifacts. Select 'Manage Artifact Powers' from the item menu to select which statistic is slotted.

Equip: +458 Power
Equip: +298 Deflection
Equip: +298 Life Steal

Offense Slot: No Enchantment
Defense Slot: No Enchantment

Part of set (0/2)
Any Golden Dragon Greatsword
Golden Dragon Sword Knot
2 of Set:
Equip: +250 Armor Penetration
Equip: +250 Deflection

Sword Knot, Off-Hand
Requires Class: Great Weapon Fighter
Requires Level: 60
Gold3 Silver20 Copper86

Golden Dragon Weapon Set

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Greatsword Goldendragon 01
[Golden Dragon's Wrath] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Inventory Primary Greatsword Goldendragon 01
[Golden Dragon's Rage] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Inventory Primary Greatsword Goldendragon 01
[Golden Dragon's Ferocity] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Inventory Secondary Swordknot Goldendragon 01
[Golden Dragon Sword Knot] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant
Inventory Primary Greatsword Goldendragon 01
[Vanguard of the Golden Dragon] Collection Score 2 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Inventory Primary Greatsword Goldendragon 01
[Golden Dragon Swordmaster] Collection Score 2 Tyranny of Dragons Campaign Tasks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total Other Bonus
Golden Dragon's Wrath 2,059 3,797 515 4,826.75 Decrease total damage resistance to the Great Weapon Fighter by -3%. Applied after each swing of Wicked Strike. Stacks up to 3 times.
Duration: 4 seconds.
Golden Dragon's Rage 3,797 515 515 4,827 Decrease damage taken by 8%

Increase Determination from damage taken by 20%
For 5 seconds after a Reaping Strike.

Golden Dragon's Ferocity 3,797 515 515 4,827 Increase damage done by the 2nd, 3rd and 4th swing of Sure Strike by 10%
Golden Dragon Sword Knot 458 298 298 1,054
Vanguard of the Golden Dragon 3,797 515 515 4,827 Increase damage done by Threatening Rush by 12%
Golden Dragon Swordmaster 3,797 515 515 4,827 Increase damage done by all attacks that follow Weapon Master's Strike by 10%
2 of Set:
Equip: +250 Armor Penetration
Equip: +250 Deflection


This off-hand gear can be bought from Harper Legion Merchant Feldon Strongbeard in Protector's Enclave.
