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Guild Restoration Armor (Item Level 125)[]

Collection Content Foreground Strongholds Guildarmor

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score10.
The high quality design and affordable construction of this equipment is beloved by large adventuring guilds who frequently offer it as a reward to members who have made considerable contributions to their cause. Restoration armor was constructed to enhance healing techniques.

This is a set of entry level healing equipment designed to help new players who are part of a Stronghold gear up to participate in endgame PvE.

— Earn [Guild Marks] from donating to your guild's coffer.

Upgrade your stronghold marketplace to rank 2 and use the above currency to purchase this equipment from your guild armory.

Accessories (All classes)

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Neck Stronghold DevotedCleric 01
[Guild Restoration Necklace] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Ring Stronghold DevotedCleric 01
[Guild Restoration Ring] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Belt Stronghold DevotedCleric 01
[Guild Restoration Belt] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Restoration Necklace 279 419 698
Guild Restoration Ring 279 419 698
Guild Restoration Belt 419 279 698

Devoted Cleric

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Guild Restoration Coif] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Guild Restoration Surcoat] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Guild Restoration Braces] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Devotedcleric 01
[Guild Restoration Cuisses] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Restoration Coif 7,450 755 503 559 3,679.5
Guild Restoration Surcoat 14,900 783 1,174 838 6,520
Guild Restoration Braces 7,450 503 755 559 3,679.5
Guild Restoration Cuisses 7,450 755 503 559 3,679.5

Oathbound Paladin

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Restoration Armet] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Restoration Cuirass] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Restoration Couters] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Restoration Poleyns] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Restoration Armet 7,450 503 755 754 3,874.5
Guild Restoration Cuirass 14,900 1,174 783 1,132 6,814
Guild Restoration Couters 7,450 755 503 754 3,874.5
Guild Restoration Poleyns 7,450 503 755 754 3,874.5