Neverwinter Wiki

Hammerstone Armor (Item Level 352)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Hammerfall

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score 10.
Created by the finest smiths of the Hammerstone clan, this armor is as sturdy and unyielding as the dwarves themselves.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Dwarf Greatweapon 01
[Hammerstone Helm] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Body Dwarf Greatweapon 01
[Hammerstone Scale] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Arms Dwarf Greatweapon 01
[Hammerstone Bracers] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Feet Dwarf Greatweapon 01
[Hammerstone Greaves] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Primary Dwarf Greathammer 01
[Hammerstone Greathammer] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Secondary Dwarf Swordknot 01
[Hammerstone Sword Knot] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Name CbR MHP Pwr Acr CAB Crt CrS Dfn Awr CrA Dfl DfS Frt CtB CtR IHB OHB Total
Hammerstone Helm 317 40 92 92 264 40 845
Hammerstone Scale 317 40 92 92 264 40 845
Hammerstone Bracers 317 40 92 92 264 40 845
Hammerstone Greaves 317 40 92 92 264 40 845
Hammerstone Greathammer 317 79 185 185 79 845
Hammerstone Sword Knot 317 79 185 185 79 845


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Dwarf Devoted 01
[Hammerstone Helm] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Body Dwarf Devoted 01
[Hammerstone Armor] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Arms Dwarf Devoted 01
[Hammerstone Gauntlets] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Feet Dwarf Devoted 01
[Hammerstone Greaves] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Primary Dwarf Scepter 01
[Hammerstone Scepter] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Secondary Dwarf Icon 01
[Hammerstone Icon] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Name CbR MHP Pwr Acr CAB Crt CrS Dfn Awr CrA Dfl DfS Frt CtB CtR IHB OHB Total
Hammerstone Helm 317 92 92 40 264 40 845
Hammerstone Armor 317 92 92 40 264 40 845
Hammerstone Gauntlets 317 92 92 40 264 40 845
Hammerstone Greaves 317 92 92 40 264 40 845
Hammerstone Scepter 317 185 185 79 79 845
Hammerstone Icon 317 185 185 79 79 845

Fighter, Paladin

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Dwarf Guardian 01
[Hammerstone Helmet] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Body Dwarf Guardian 01
[Hammerstone Breastplate] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Arms Dwarf Guardian 01
[Hammerstone Gauntlets] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Feet Dwarf Guardian 01
[Hammerstone Greaves] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Primary Dwarf Hammer 01
[Hammerstone Warhammer] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Secondary Dwarf Shield 01
[Hammerstone Shield] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Name CbR MHP Pwr Acr CAB Crt CrS Dfn Awr CrA Dfl DfS Frt CtB CtR IHB OHB Total
Hammerstone Helmet 317 40 40 264 92 92 845
Hammerstone Breastplate 317 40 40 264 92 92 845
Hammerstone Gauntlets 317 40 40 264 92 92 845
Hammerstone Greaves 317 40 40 264 92 92 845
Hammerstone Warhammer 317 79 79 185 185 845
Hammerstone Shield 317 79 79 185 185 845


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Dwarf Hunter 01
[Hammerstone Hood] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Body Dwarf Hunter 01
[Hammerstone Armor] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Arms Dwarf Hunter 01
[Hammerstone Gloves] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Feet Dwarf Hunter 01
[Hammerstone Boots] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Primary Dwarf Bow 01
[Hammerstone Bow] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Secondary Dwarf Axe 01
[Hammerstone Hatchets] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Name CbR MHP Pwr Acr CAB Crt CrS Dfn Awr CrA Dfl DfS Frt CtB CtR IHB OHB Total
Hammerstone Hood 317 92 40 92 264 40 845
Hammerstone Armor 317 92 40 92 264 40 845
Hammerstone Gloves 317 92 40 92 264 40 845
Hammerstone Boots 317 92 40 92 264 40 845
Hammerstone Bow 317 185 79 185 79 845
Hammerstone Hatchets 317 185 79 185 79 845


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Dwarf Trickster 01
[Hammerstone Mask] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Body Dwarf Trickster 01
[Hammerstone Tunic] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Arms Dwarf Trickster 01
[Hammerstone Gloves] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Feet Dwarf Trickster 01
[Hammerstone Boots] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Primary Dwarf Club 01
[Hammerstone Mace] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Primary Dwarf Club 01
[Hammerstone Mace] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Name CbR MHP Pwr Acr CAB Crt CrS Dfn Awr CrA Dfl DfS Frt CtB CtR IHB OHB Total
Hammerstone Mask 317 92 39 264 40 92 844
Hammerstone Tunic 317 92 39 264 40 92 844
Hammerstone Gloves 317 92 39 264 40 92 844
Hammerstone Boots 317 92 39 264 40 92 844
Hammerstone Mace 317 185 79 79 185 845
Hammerstone Mace 282 3,379 211 211 493 493 5,069


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Dwarf Scourge 01
[Hammerstone Mask] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Body Dwarf Scourge 01
[Hammerstone Tunic] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Arms Dwarf Scourge 01
[Hammerstone Gloves] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Feet Dwarf Scourge 01
[Hammerstone Boots] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Primary Pactblade Dwarf 01
[Hammerstone Pact Blade] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Secondary Dwarf Scourge 01
[Hammerstone Grimoire] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Name CbR MHP Pwr Acr CAB Crt CrS Dfn Awr CrA Dfl DfS Frt CtB CtR IHB OHB Total
Hammerstone Mask 282 704 1,690 6,758 106 246 106 246 5,069.5
Hammerstone Tunic 282 704 1,690 6,758 106 246 106 246 5,069.5
Hammerstone Gloves 282 704 1,690 6,758 106 246 106 246 5,069.5
Hammerstone Boots 282 704 1,690 6,758 106 246 106 246 5,069.5
Hammerstone Pact Blade 282 3,379 493 211 493 211 5,069
Hammerstone Grimoire 282 3,379 493 211 493 211 5,069


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Dwarf Control 01
[Hammerstone Cowl] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Body Dwarf Control 01
[Hammerstone Robes] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Arms Dwarf Control 01
[Hammerstone Gloves] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Feet Dwarf Control 01
[Hammerstone Boots] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Primary Dwarf Orb 01
[Hammerstone Orb] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Secondary Dwarf Talisman 01
[Hammerstone Talisman] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Name CbR MHP Pwr Acr CAB Crt CrS Dfn Awr CrA Dfl DfS Frt CtB CtR IHB OHB Total
Hammerstone Cowl 282 704 1,690 6,758 246 106 246 106 5,069.5
Hammerstone Robes 282 704 1,690 6,758 246 106 246 106 5,069.5
Hammerstone Gloves 282 704 1,690 6,758 246 106 246 106 5,069.5
Hammerstone Boots 282 704 1,690 6,758 246 106 246 106 5,069.5
Hammerstone Orb 282 3,379 493 211 493 211 5,069
Hammerstone Talisman 282 3,379 493 211 493 211 5,069