Neverwinter Wiki
Heart of the Blue Dragon
Module: May be earlier than module 22
Category: Artifact of Stability
Tag: Artifact of Stability
Binding: Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Equip
Quality: Mythic
Requires class: {{{class}}}
Requires race: {{{race}}}
Requires level: {{{level}}}
Item level: 150
{{{damage}}} Damage
Set Name: {{{set}}}
Use: Deals 5,216 Lightning damage (+20% if you are Dragonborn) to up to 7 enemies in a line in front of the user and causes lightning to chain off of each target up to 2 times, dealing slightly less damage with each chain.

Also grants you 2,550 Defense for 8 seconds.

This artifact has its cooldown reduced by 50% if no targets are hit.
Quest: [[{{{quest}}}]]
Sell value: Cannot sell
Refinement point: Refinement Points150,024
Buy cost: Tarmalune Trade Bars1,200
Icon Inventory Artifacts Blue Dragon Heart

The Heart of the Blue Dragon is an artifact. Its quality varies from epic to mythic with its rank.

It can be found in the Icon Lockbox Ninehells[Nine Hells Lockbox].

An Uncommon rank version is available at the Tarmalune Trade Bar Merchant.

It is also available from the Icon Lockbox Resurgence Artifactpack Epic[Glorious Resurgence Epic Artifacts Pack].

It is part of a set which includes:


Heart of the Blue Dragon
Item Level: 150
Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Equip

Icon Inventory Artifacts Blue Dragon Heart Tooltip

Rank: 140 (maximum)

This rare artifact of the lost Dragon Empire requires careful aiming, but is capable of striking many foes.

Recharge Time: 60s

+999 Critical Strike
+1,002 Accuracy
+999 Combat Advantage
Use: Deals 5,216 Lightning damage (+20% if you are Dragonborn) to up to 7 enemies in a line in front of the user and causes lightning to chain off of each target up to 2 times, dealing slightly less damage with each chain.

Also grants you 2,550 Defense for 8 seconds.

This artifact has its cooldown reduced by 50% if no targets are hit.

Part of set (0/5)
Heart of the Black Dragon
Heart of the Blue Dragon
Heart of the Green Dragon
Heart of the Red Dragon
Heart of the White Dragon
3 of Set:
Equip: Reduces recharge time by 25% for any Dragon Heart artifact.

Artifact of Stability
No Level Requirement
Cannot sell
Refinement Points150,024