Knight's Elemental Mace
The Knight's Elemental Mace can be crafted in the Weaponsmithing Profession.
Knight's Elemental Mace
Item Level: 300
Binds on Equip
993-1,214 Damage
Equip: +2,541 Power
Equip: +368 Defense
Requires Class: Oathbound Paladin
Requires Level: 61
Weaponsmithing Tasks[]
Level Req. | Rarity | Icon | Name | Requires / Consumes | Opt. Asset | Time | Produces (Tier 1-3) | Prof. XP | Prof. XP per Hour |
23 | Common | Knight's Elemental Mace | Requires:Consumes: | None | 1h | Tier 1: | 1,080 | 1,080 |