Neverwinter Wiki
Laminated Adamant Blade
Module: May be earlier than module 22
Category: Profession Material
Tag: Material
Binding: {{ {{{binding}}} }}
Quality: Epic
profession level
Item level: {{{ilevel}}}
Sell value: Copper50
Refinement point: Refinement Points{{{valueRP}}}
Buy cost: Guild Marks400, 2x Crafting Resource Adamant Bloom[Adamant Bloom], 1x Crafting Resource Molybdena[Molybdena], 1x Crafting Medarmor Resource Charcoal 01[Charcoal], 1x Crafting Resource Sal Ammoniac[Sal Ammoniac]
Crafting Resource Adamant Laminated Blade

Laminated Adamant Blade is a material used in Masterwork Profession tasks. It can be crafted by task, or bought from Bloomery.


Laminated Adamant Blade

A resource used in masterwork crafting tasks.

The adamant in this blade has been carefully layered, the edge nearly pure adamant, the spine alloyed to provide more flexibility.

Material, Metal
No Level Requirement
Laminated Adamant Blade +1

A resource used in masterwork crafting tasks.

The adamant in this blade has been carefully layered, the edge nearly pure adamant, the spine alloyed to provide more flexibility.

Material, Metal
No Level Requirement


Masterwork Artificing[]

Level Icon Name Commission Proficiency Focus Materials Results (Tier 1-3) Morale Interval Profession XP Profession XP per Hour SilverCost per Hour
70 Artifact Materials Weapon Stronghold Archer Stronghold Hunter's Armaments Gold3 1,300 810-1,200 5x Crafting Resource Lacquered Ebony[Lacquered Ebony], 3x Crafting Resource Lacquered Aberrant Leather[Lacquered Aberrant Leather], 2x Crafting Resource Adamant Laminated Blade[Laminated Adamant Blade], 2x Crafting Resource Adamant Ingot[Adamant Ingot] Tier 1: 40 3h Profession XP? - Silver100
70 Artifact Materials Weapon Stronghold Scourge Stronghold Warlock's Armaments Gold3 1,300 810-1,200 1x Crafting Resource Adamant Laminated Blade[Laminated Adamant Blade], 3x Crafting Resource Ingot Gold[Gold Ingot], 2x Crafting Resource Lacquered Aberrant Leather[Lacquered Aberrant Leather], 4x Crafting Resource Vellum[Vellum], 2x Crafting Leather Resource Residuum 01[Concentrated Residuum] Tier 1: 40 3h Profession XP? - Silver100

Masterwork Blacksmithing[]

Level Icon Name Commission Proficiency Focus Materials Results (Tier 1-3) Morale Interval Profession XP Profession XP per Hour SilverCost per Hour
70 Crafting Resource Adamant Laminated Blade Laminated Adamant Blade Gold1 1,300 810-1,200 2x Crafting Resource Adamant Bloom[Adamant Bloom], 1x Crafting Resource Molybdena[Molybdena], 1x Crafting Medarmor Resource Charcoal 01[Charcoal], 1x Crafting Resource Sal Ammoniac[Sal Ammoniac] Tier 1:
1x Crafting Resource Adamant Laminated Blade[Laminated Adamant Blade]
Tier 2:
40 3h Profession XP85,425 Profession XP28,475 Silver33.33
70 Artifact Materials Weapon Stronghold GreatWeapon Stronghold Fighter's Armaments Gold3 1,300 810-1,200 4x Crafting Resource Adamant Laminated Blade[Laminated Adamant Blade], 4x Crafting Resource Adamant Ingot[Adamant Ingot], 2x Crafting Resource Ingot Gold[Gold Ingot], 1x Crafting Resource Lacquered Ebony[Lacquered Ebony], 1x Crafting Resource Lacquered Aberrant Leather[Lacquered Aberrant Leather] Tier 1: 40 3h 1m Profession XP? - Silver99.45
70 Artifact Materials Weapon Stronghold Guardian Stronghold Guardian's Armaments Gold3 1,300 810-1,200 4x Crafting Resource Adamant Plate[Adamant Plate], 1x Crafting Resource Adamant Laminated Blade[Laminated Adamant Blade], 3x Crafting Resource Adamant Ingot[Adamant Ingot], 3x Crafting Resource Lacquered Ebony[Lacquered Ebony], 1x Crafting Resource Lacquered Aberrant Leather[Lacquered Aberrant Leather] Tier 1: 40 3h 1m Profession XP? - Silver99.45
70 Artifact Materials Weapon Stronghold Trickster Stronghold Rogue's Armaments Gold3 1,300 810-1,200 2x Crafting Resource Adamant Laminated Blade[Laminated Adamant Blade], 3x Crafting Resource Adamant Ingot[Adamant Ingot], 3x Crafting Resource Ingot Gold[Gold Ingot], 2x Crafting Resource Lacquered Ebony[Lacquered Ebony], 2x Crafting Resource Lacquered Aberrant Leather[Lacquered Aberrant Leather] Tier 1: 40 3h Profession XP? - Silver100
70 Crafting Resource Commissioned Machet Commissioned Machete Gold2 1,400 970-1,400 2x Crafting Resource Adamant Laminated Blade[Laminated Adamant Blade], 2x Crafting Resource Bronzewoodlumber[Bronzewood Lumber], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansputty[Artisan's Putty] Tier 1: 40 3h Profession XP? - Silver66.67
70 Crafting Resource Fulluredyklwahblade Fullered Yklwah Blade Gold5 1,400 970-1,400 2x Crafting Resource Adamant Laminated Blade[Laminated Adamant Blade], 4x Crafting Resource Relic Steelingot[Titansteel Ingot], 2x Crafting Resource Hardsand[Hardsand], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel], 2x Crafting Resource Coke[Coke] Tier 1: 40 3h Profession XP? - Silver166.67