Neverwinter Wiki
Lathander's Dew
Module: May be earlier than module 22
Category: uncategorized
Tag: Consumable
Binding: {{ {{{binding}}} }}
Quality: Common
Requires class: {{{class}}}
Requires race: {{{race}}}
Requires level: {{{level}}}
Item level: {{{ilevel}}}
{{{damage}}} Damage
Set Name: {{{set}}}
Use: Generate 1% of your Action Points every 3 seconds for 1,800 seconds.
Quest: [[{{{quest}}}]]
Sell value: Copper50
Refinement point: Refinement Points{{{valueRP}}}
Buy cost: Crystal Dice3
Icons Inventory Event AprilFools LathandersDew

The Lathander's Dew is a reward from the Respen's Marvelous Game and Day of the Dungeon Master events.

Another source is the Inventory Summer DragonPinata[Piñata] during the Summer Festival.

The Day of the Dungeon Master event added three new versions which have the same effect, Icons Inventory Event Aprilfools Lathandersdew Red[Lathander's Dew - Code Reth], Icons Inventory Event Aprilfools Lathandersdew White[Lathander's Dew - Icewind Freeze], and Icons Inventory Event Aprilfools Lathandersdew Blue[Lathander's Dew - Moonshae Blue] which can be obtained from Respen's Game.


Lathander's Dew

Use: Generate 1% of your Action Points every 3 seconds for 1,800 seconds.

Originally advertised as dews collected from the Sword Mountains, in truth this drink is flavored and dyed effervescent water, admittedly sourced from the selfsame mountains.

Only one event food may be in effect at a time.

No Level Requirement
Lathander's Dew - Code Reth

Use: Generate 1% of your Action Points every 3 seconds for 1,800 seconds.

This cherry flavored concoction's name is likely a reference to the bloodsport popular in its namesake city. If the thought of the blood doesn't turn your stomach, perhaps the tiny scalebugs used to make the carmine dye will. But-cherry!

Only one event food may be in effect at a time.

Icons Inventory Event Aprilfools Respens Logos Codereth Tooltip

No Level Requirement
Lathander's Dew - Moonshae Blue

Use: Generate 1% of your Action Points every 3 seconds for 1,800 seconds.

Although this drink is flavored by a citrus native to the Moonshae Isles, the citrus itself is not blue. The brewers have chosen to add a tasteless dye to match the color of the isle's seas.

Only one event food may be in effect at a time.

Icons Inventory Event Aprilfools Respens Logos Moonshaeblue Tooltip

No Level Requirement
Lathander's Dew - Icewind Freeze

Use: Generate 1% of your Action Points every 3 seconds for 1,800 seconds.

This mysteriously flavored beverage is as white as the snowcaps in Icewind Dale, and best served just as cold. Do try to enjoy this drink with ice, if you can afford it.

Only one event food may be in effect at a time.

Icons Inventory Event Aprilfools Respens Logos Icewindfreeze Tooltip

No Level Requirement

