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Module: May be earlier than module 22
Category: Profession Material
Tag: Material
Binding: {{ {{{binding}}} }}
Quality: Common
profession level
Item level: {{{ilevel}}}
Sell value: Copper1
Refinement point: Refinement Points{{{valueRP}}}
Buy cost: Copper55
Crafting Resource Leather

Leather is a material used in Profession tasks. It can be crafted by task, or bought from Bolden Coarsca.



A cured animal hide.

Material, Leather
No Level Requirement
Leather +1

A cured animal hide.

Material, Leather
No Level Requirement



Level Icon Name Commission Proficiency Focus Materials Results (Tier 1-3) Morale Interval Profession XP Profession XP per Hour SilverCost per Hour
8 Pants Chain Bronze Chausses Copper92 180 136-343 2x Crafting Resource Rings Bronze[Bronze Rings], 1x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 10m Profession XP260 Profession XP1,560 Silver5.52
9 Inventory Feet Chain Professions Armorsmithing Bronze Lv10 Bronze Leg Guards Silver1 Copper3 190 145-352 1x Crafting Resource Plate Bronze[Bronze Plate], 1x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Yarn Cotton[Cotton Yarn] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 10m Profession XP324 Profession XP1,944 Silver6.18
10 Inventory Body Chain Professions Armorsmithing Bronze Lv10 Bronze Hauberk Silver1 Copper15 200 154-361 2x Crafting Resource Rings Bronze[Bronze Rings], 1x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Cloth Cotton[Cotton Cloth] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 10m Profession XP463 Profession XP2,778 Silver6.9
12 Inventory Feet Chain Professions Armorsmithing Bronze Lv15 Bronze Greaves Silver1 Copper38 220 172-379 1x Crafting Resource Rings Bronze[Bronze Rings], 1x Crafting Resource Ingot Copper[Copper Ingot], 1x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 30m Profession XP570 Profession XP1,140 Silver2.76


Level Icon Name Commission Proficiency Focus Materials Results (Tier 1-3) Morale Interval Profession XP Profession XP per Hour SilverCost per Hour
3 Inventory Primary Bow Professions Artificing Maple Lv10 Maple Bow Copper34 130 91-298 2x Crafting Resource Lumber Maple[Maple Lumber], 1x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Animalsinew[Animal Sinew] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 10m Profession XP122 Profession XP732 Silver2.04
4 Inventory Secondary Grimoire Professions Artificing Leather Leather Grimoire Copper46 140 100-307 1x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Paper Rag[Rag Paper], 1x Crafting Resource Ink Paupers[Pauper's Ink] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 10m Profession XP120 Profession XP720 Silver2.76
14 Inventory Primary Bow Professions Artificing Maple Lv15 Maple Longbow Silver1 Copper61 240 190-397 3x Crafting Resource Lumber Maple[Maple Lumber], 1x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Animalsinew[Animal Sinew] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 30m Profession XP? - Silver3.22


Level Icon Name Commission Proficiency Focus Materials Results (Tier 1-3) Morale Interval Profession XP Profession XP per Hour SilverCost per Hour
5 Inventory Secondary Dualblades Professions Weaponsmithing Bronze Lv10 Bronze Knives Copper57 150 109-316 2x Crafting Resource Ingot Bronze[Bronze Ingot], 2x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Whetstone Sandstone[Sandstone Whetstone] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 10m Profession XP135 Profession XP810 Silver3.42
6 Crafting Tool Weaponsmithing Crosspeinhammer Bronze Bronze Cross-pein Hammer Copper69 160 118-325 2x Crafting Resource Ingot Bronze[Bronze Ingot], 1x Crafting Resource Lumber Maple[Maple Lumber], 1x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 10m Profession XP198 Profession XP1,188 Silver4.14
10 Crafting Tool Leatherworking Roundknife Bronze Bronze Round Knife Silver1 Copper15 200 154-361 1x Crafting Resource Ingot Bronze[Bronze Ingot], 1x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Glue Bone[Bone Glue], 1x Crafting Resource Whetstone Sandstone[Sandstone Whetstone] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 10m Profession XP509 Profession XP3,054 Silver6.9
12 Inventory Primary Sword Professions Weaponsmithing Bronze Lv15 Bronze Longsword Silver1 Copper38 220 172-379 2x Crafting Resource Ingot Bronze[Bronze Ingot], 1x Crafting Resource Lumber Maple[Maple Lumber], 1x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Glue Bone[Bone Glue] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 30m Profession XP836 Profession XP1,672 Silver2.76
13 Inventory Secondary Dualblades Professions Weaponsmithing Bronze Lv15 Wrapped Bronze Knives Silver1 Copper49 230 181-388 2x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 1x Inventory Secondary Dualblades Professions Weaponsmithing Bronze Lv10[Bronze Knives] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 30m Profession XP673 Profession XP1,346 Silver2.98


Level Icon Name Commission Proficiency Focus Materials Results (Tier 1-3) Morale Interval Profession XP Profession XP per Hour SilverCost per Hour
1 Crafting Resource Leather Leather Copper11 110 73-280 3x Crafting Resource Lionhide[Animal Hide] Tier 1:
1x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather]
Tier 2:
5 10m Profession XP75 Profession XP450 Silver0.66
2 Inventory Head Leather Professions Leatherworking Leather Lv10 Leather Visor Copper23 120 82-289 2x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 10m Profession XP75 Profession XP450 Silver1.38
3 Inventory Feet Cloth Professions Tailoring Cotton Lv10 Leather Shoes Copper34 130 91-298 1x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Yarn Cotton[Cotton Yarn] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 10m Profession XP87 Profession XP522 Silver2.04
4 Inventory Feet Leather Professions Leatherworking Leather Lv10 Leather Boots Copper46 140 100-307 2x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Animalsinew[Animal Sinew] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 10m Profession XP? - Silver2.76
5 Inventory Waist Professions Leatherworking Belt Leather Leather Belt Copper57 100 64-271 1x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Ingot Bronze[Bronze Ingot] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 10m Profession XP? - Silver3.42
6 Pants Leather Leather Pants Copper69 160 118-325 2x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Yarn Cotton[Cotton Yarn] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 10m Profession XP? - Silver4.14
7 Inventory Arm Leather Professions Leatherworking Leather Lv10 Leather Halfgloves Copper80 170 127-334 1x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Cloth Cotton[Cotton Cloth], 1x Crafting Resource Animalsinew[Animal Sinew] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 10m Profession XP? - Silver4.8
8 Inventory Equipment Undergarb Shirt 01 Leather Shirt Copper92 180 136-343 1x Crafting Resource Cloth Cotton[Cotton Cloth], 1x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Yarn Cotton[Cotton Yarn] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 10m Profession XP? - Silver5.52
10 Inventory Body Leather Professions Leatherworking Leather Lv10 Leather Vest Silver1 Copper15 200 154-361 3x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Animalsinew[Animal Sinew] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 10m Profession XP463 Profession XP2,778 Silver6.9
11 Inventory Arm Leather Professions Leatherworking Leather Lv15 Leather Armguards Silver1 Copper26 210 163-370 2x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Cloth Cotton[Cotton Cloth], 1x Crafting Resource Ingot Bronze[Bronze Ingot] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 30m Profession XP? - Silver2.52
11 Inventory Feet Cloth Professions Tailoring Cotton Lv15 Leather Halfboots Silver1 Copper26 210 163-370 1x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Cottonboll[Cotton Boll], 1x Crafting Resource Yarn Cotton[Cotton Yarn] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 10m Profession XP478 Profession XP2,868 Silver7.56
12 Inventory Waist Professions Leatherworking Belt Hardleather Hard Leather Belt Silver1 Copper38 220 172-379 1x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Ingot Bronze[Bronze Ingot], 1x Crafting Resource Animalsinew[Animal Sinew] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 30m Profession XP570 Profession XP1,140 Silver2.76
13 Inventory Body Leather Professions Leatherworking Leather Lv15 Leather Jerkin Silver1 Copper49 230 181-388 3x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Animalsinew[Animal Sinew], 1x Crafting Resource Ingot Bronze[Bronze Ingot] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 30m Profession XP? - Silver2.98
14 Inventory Head Leather Professions Leatherworking Leather Lv15 Padded Hood Silver1 Copper61 240 190-397 1x Crafting Resource Cloth Cotton[Cotton Cloth], 1x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Animalsinew[Animal Sinew] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 30m Profession XP? - Silver3.22
15 Inventory Feet Leather Professions Leatherworking Leather Lv15 Hard Leather Boots Silver1 Copper72 250 199-406 2x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Ingot Bronze[Bronze Ingot], 1x Crafting Resource Animalsinew[Animal Sinew] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 30m Profession XP1,068 Profession XP2,136 Silver3.44


Level Icon Name Commission Proficiency Focus Materials Results (Tier 1-3) Morale Interval Profession XP Profession XP per Hour SilverCost per Hour
6 Inventory Secondary Swordknot Professions Tailoring Cotton Cotton Swordknot Copper69 160 118-325 1x Crafting Resource Yarn Cotton[Cotton Yarn], 1x Crafting Resource Rings Bronze[Bronze Rings], 1x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 10m Profession XP? - Silver4.14
8 Inventory Arm Cloth Professions Tailoring Cotton Lv10 Cotton Armwraps Copper92 180 136-343 1x Crafting Resource Cloth Cotton[Cotton Cloth], 1x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Yarn Cotton[Cotton Yarn] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 10m Profession XP? - Silver5.52
10 Inventory Body Cloth Professions Tailoring Cotton Lv10 Cotton Tunic Silver1 Copper15 200 154-361 2x Crafting Resource Cloth Cotton[Cotton Cloth], 1x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Yarn Cotton[Cotton Yarn] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 10m Profession XP463 Profession XP2,778 Silver6.9
13 Inventory Head Cloth Professions Tailoring Cotton Lv15 Cotton Petasos Silver1 Copper49 230 181-388 2x Crafting Resource Cloth Cotton[Cotton Cloth], 1x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Animalsinew[Animal Sinew] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 30m Profession XP? - Silver2.98
15 Inventory Body Cloth Professions Tailoring Cotton Lv15 Cotton Doublet Silver1 Copper72 250 199-406 3x Crafting Resource Cloth Cotton[Cotton Cloth], 2x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Yarn Cotton[Cotton Yarn] Tier 1:Tier 2: 5 30m Profession XP? - Silver3.44

Siege Defense Effort[]

Level Icon Name Commission Proficiency Focus Materials Results (Tier 1-3) Morale Interval Profession XP Profession XP per Hour SilverCost per Hour
1 Icons Inventory Event Siege Defensesupplies 01 Package Level 10 Materials Copper32 250 199-406 10x Crafting Resource Ingot Bronze[Bronze Ingot], 10x Crafting Resource Ingot Copper[Copper Ingot], 10x Crafting Resource Lumber Maple[Maple Lumber], 10x Crafting Resource Leather[Leather], 10x Crafting Resource Cloth Cotton[Cotton Cloth], 10x Crafting Resource Stilledwater[Stilled Water] Tier 1: 50 6h None Silver0.05